Video index
CM Packard led the pledge.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held June 26, 2012. (City Council as Successor Agency to the former Housing and Redevelopment Commission)
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 26, 2012.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held June 26, 2012.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 10, 2012.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 10, 2012.
Minutes of the Special Meetings held July 17, 2012.
Motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by .
Vote to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:05:53)
PRESENTATION: Presentation of proclamation in recognition of National Night Out 2012.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by .
Vote to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:10:26)
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #20,969 - APPROVE WEED ABATEMENT COST ASSESSMENTS. Approving the report of the Fire Department showing the cost of weed abatement against each parcel, confirming the cost, and providing for collection on the regular tax bill. Resolution No. 2012-183. ACTION:
AB #20,969
2. AB #20,970 - APPROVE REVISIONS TO THE CITY'S RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE. Approving revisions to the Records Management 2012 Record Retention Schedule. Resolution No. 2012-184. ACTION:
AB #20,970
3. AB #20,971 - APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR AS-NEEDED STREET LIGHT REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES. Approving the agreement with Republic Intelligent Transportation Services (RITS) for as- needed street light repair and maintenance services. Resolution No. 2012-185. ACTION:
AB #20,971
4. AB #20,972 - APPROVE OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL REQUEST. Approving the out-of-state travel request for Police Department staff to grant final acceptance of the completed BEARCAT armored vehicle in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, August 7 through August 9, 2012; and, authorizing the Finance Director to appropriate funds for the travel request. Resolution No. 2012-186. ACTION:
AB #20,972
5. AB #20,973 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving contract specifications for the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Street Name Sign Replacement Project; and, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids, Project No. 6035. Resolution No. 2012-187. ACTION:
AB #20,973
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
Walt Meier came forward to address council. Sstated that the city would save money by outsourcing. Addressed the RV situation - city should adopt same rules as oceanside. Appreciated the crosswalks in the city.
Katy Taylor came forward to address Council. Army/Navy Academy proposal - stated they have retreived legal counsel. Has issues with the traffic pattern down Carlsbad Boulevard - opposed to creating additional traffic and pedestrian traffic. Army/Navy does not have funding to build over street crosswalk. Stated the redesign of the field is a creative nusiance. still have concerns regarding fencing and drainage. Submitted additional photos and a letter to Council.
Chris replied that contractor specs could install live scan, yada yada, follow-up to ensure that these specifications and standards are met.
CM Blackburn parks that have 54% taken care of park outsourcet - not the parks that attrack a large number of children. Concern contractors in parks with children - consistency with no isssues with being too friendly with children. What measures cna we instill with contractors to ensure that they are screened.
Douglas BT suggesting 9 employees to do contract management for fully out-sourced model.
Chris 54% of park acerage contracted out. Do a good job - not receive a lot of complaints from public. contract staff deals with issues. Majpr parks, Poinsettia, Aviara, Stagecoach have in-house acreage maintenance. Maxton Brown, cadencia are contracted out.
cynthia stated need to ensure that mechanisms in place to ensure that issues do not arise.
Douglas to cynthia outsourcing is not new to carlsbad - heard don't do this break down the service currently we have. city already does a lot of outsourceing currently. give examples of issues.
Shelley responded did not see preserve maintenance is currently done by a vendor. Vendor provides a low cost of service.
douglas addressed all outsourcing parks maintenance - preserve is not included because
Shelley Carlsbad average days 40+ other government agencies do 38 paid days per year. Bureau of Labor Statistics has a national average of 92.6% - Carlsbad has 85.5% availablilty of days to work.
CM Packard asked Shelley addressed paid-time off - stating current employees have 43+ paid days per year. Asked for info on the private secor what is typical and how it plays into cost of services.
reviewed options ton only about park maintenance activities.(see slide)
Cynthia Haas many items in BT report require input. fee and revnue changes - items be evaluated further during regular budget process. items pertaining to meet and confer be postponed until the regular meet and confer process begins with CCEA smaller opportunites
Chris replied that a few of the elements have not been studied enough to analyze the savings. Recreation span of control could return quickly with savings, recreation contractor split, online registration software and senior transportation services
CM Blackburn asked Hazeltine asked about the savigs or could the issues be implemented before Council could compare the true costs with the outside estimates to be able to compare apples to apples.
Reconvene 7:02
Adjournment 9:28
Christine Smith - 10 vendors were contacted, only one vendor provided a quote. Six epressed interest until they found out it was not a formal rfp process. Will probably not get the data Council is seeking without the formal RFP process.
Pam Drew replied not ready to make that commitment that an RFP was the way to go.
Cm Blackburn to Pam responsibiity of council to ensure it makes decision by having all the accurate information it can get. has an issue with waiting for an extra month to get the data that would be obtain through an RFP.
Pam Drew spoke about the speakers and their concerns, if option 4 was chosen, not at the point of choosing the other options.
Frank Jimeno read from page 65 of the BT report. addressed the one vendor issue. support for option no. 4.
Joe Pimentel spoke about an incident regarding an accident with a lady and a flipped car. Would like to see the city raise money for the golf course.
Don Christiansen spoke about the adverse economic impact if Council decided to outsource city employees.
Reconvene 8:46
Break - 8:41
Amy Jordan talked about contractors' employees "sticking with the script" doing only the job they were hired to do.
Gary Nessim spoke about "extras" in that occur in contracts. Spoke in support of managed competition with employees.
Fred Briggs addressed Council spoke in support of outsourcing staff. Focus on one area would be a mistake support a wider range assessment looking for citywide savings. Golf course, city libraries, defer decisions with major effects on parks and recreation unfil an assessment on total operations can be made.
Robert Ferris addressed spoke about how everyone knows everyone and once a decision is made to outsource it cannot be undone.
Keith Beverly addressed speculative issues and assumptions of the BT report. Ways to maintain a sustainable organization and city staff should be more prudent that money is spent. Design considerations on gymnasium and community center for Poinsettia Park - spoke about the funding spent on those designs. Gold course design - is an albatross around the city's neck. The design, re design rere design of Alga Norte Park. Purchase of the farmers building that is still vacant, purchase of pine school site at a cost of $3.6 million. Spoke in opposition to outsourcing. Employees most valuable asset.
Elise Roy library employee shared examples of how parks maintenance employees assist the police department in protecting the health and welfare of carlsbad citizens.
Steve Jantz spoke about the employees providing top-notch services even though Council imposed Article No. 8 of the MOU between the city and ccea. Talked about staff working on efficiencies that could mitigate the number between cost of services and cost of labor.Option no. 1 impacts the viabiity of the community and small businesses will no longer have that support because of our employees being laid off. Supports Option No. 4. suggested that Council get additional assessments and review and make a determination at that time.
George Tye representing the Tri-Cities Tea Party spoke in support of Option no. 1.
Patrice Smerdu spoke of her concerns regarding parks maintenance outsourcing. Requested that Council consder option no. 3 would like to understand the urgency. Suggested Council gather additional data.
Lawrence Ferris spoke about small town. Referenced letters that spoke about the other tree crew in the city that was written by residents.
Shawnetta Grandberry addressed Council. spoke about customer service.
Patricia Langan Carlsbad resident addressed that privitazation can also raise costs over the long-term. Spoke about hidden-costs. Addressed what happens during storm.
Christina Rdoriguez addressed Council as a resident concerned with long-term impact and consequences of the decision.
Connie Kessler addressed the yearly report that highlights the parks maintenance department by other government agencies and private sector companies. Asked that the staff be allowed to work the numbers together. Addressed envision carlsbad's nine core values.
Adriana Alveraz senior office specialist. Stated she takes pride in working with parks maintenance department. Addressed incidences that employees went over and beyond their duties.
Bryan Loker addressed the citizen survey.
Pam stated that perhaps the city does go for rfp that input into rfp process and award of contract city parks staff is involved. (get this)
Mayor Hall addressed a tsudy on June 2004 many of the findiings the report.City has had a study like this before.
Lisa - the only way city can go out to bid is with the concurrence of CCEA.
Chass if staff pursue outside contracting, the meet and confer pocess is initiated. Timeline is difficult for staff to determine.if after meet and confer happened the decision by council is to continue outsourcing, staff can develop and RFP and go out to bid.
CM Blackburn in order for COuncil to make a decision, Council needs to know what the total package would be from an outside company. How does city get that information accurately without triggering the meet and confer policy.
CM Douglas aksed for a timeline.
Rk stated that case law has supported that once a decision is made to outsource and retain an bid, the meeti and confer process is triggered.
Cynthia Haas slarified that if Council voted for option 1 or 2, it does trigger the meet and confer proess.
Pam responded that an RFP based on the MOU would trigger the meet and confer process. Doesn't think Council is ready to move to meet and confer process. Some way to have Baker and Tilly interview potential vendors who might get a more realistic bid.
Cm Blackburn direct staff to get an RFP and see what comes in.
Pam Drew, CCEA President, agree that Council has to do due dilligence to spend the city's money wisely. main concern is the split in the possible savings. Hard to believe that there is that much of a difference. Would like to see the Council utilitze option no. 4 - continue to do additional work. Contract workers are in the smaller parks not in the larger parks. Concerned about the quality changing. Urged Council to take additional time to review the savings and allow the operational efficiencies be implemented.
Douglas - are the numbers in report jsut estimates.
Christine - just the efficiencies identified $117,000 if you assume the managemend comeptition would go to in-house staff, $300,900 savings.
Christ - contract maintenance go in nonschool hours
CM Hall - continue on with safety - regarding arrangement with most of schools in Carlsbad - [rpviding through contract
Christine - would have to do through report to add up what is considred an efficiency
CM Blackburn - talked about savings - $1. mil savings based on labor costs - what are some of the possible efficiency savings that can offset that particular number.
Shelley - other leave category contains other leave - comp tim Also icluded jury duty, FLMA, executive leave as well. e is just one of the elements, lumped it in, the overtime was work was also figured in.
CM Blackburn - slide #11 - comp time -
CM Blackburn to Cynthia options - clarified that direction will be to staff whether or not to look into whatever options Council chooses.
Mayor hall =- Break 6:56
Increase recreation span of control enhance use of technology - promote on-line registration - consistent use of Hansen work Maagement System - increase mobile computing opportunities decrease recreation instructor contract spit senior transportation services
Cynthia Haas and Chris Hazeltine Parks and Recreation Director addressed staff recommendations PPT presentation.
adjourn to CMWD
July 24, 2012
6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held June 26, 2012.
Motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by .
Vote to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:17:29)
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Motion to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by .
Vote to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:17:44)
adjourn 6:14
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
6. AB #754 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving plans and specifications for the Santa Fe II Reservoir Drainage Improvement Project; and, authorizing the District Secretary to advertise for bids, Project No. 5031. Resolution No. 1445. ACTION:
AB #754
7. AB #20,975 - ACCUMULATION PROGRAM FOR PART-TIME AND LIMITED-SERVICE EMPLOYEES. To consider approving the Accumulation Program for Part-Time and Limited-Service Employees (APPLE) Plan to provide retirement benefits for hourly part-time employees in lieu of Social Security or the existing Lincoln Financial Advisors Plan; and, authorizing the Human Resources Director to execute all necessary documents. Resolution Nos. 2012-188 and 2012-189. ACTION:
AB #20,975
CM blacburn moved adopt reso 2012-189
Motion to approve 7. AB #20,975 - ACCUMULATION PROGRAM FOR PART-TIME AND LIMITED-SERVICE EMPLOYEES. To consider approving the Accumulation Program for Part-Time and Limited-Service Employees (APPLE) Plan to provide retirement benefits for hourly part-time employees in lieu of Social Security or the existing Lincoln Financial Advisors Plan; and, authorizing the Human Resources Director to execute all necessary documents. Resolution Nos. 2012-188 and 2012-189. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Blackburn, seconded by .
Vote to approve 7. AB #20,975 - ACCUMULATION PROGRAM FOR PART-TIME AND LIMITED-SERVICE EMPLOYEES. To consider approving the Accumulation Program for Part-Time and Limited-Service Employees (APPLE) Plan to provide retirement benefits for hourly part-time employees in lieu of Social Security or the existing Lincoln Financial Advisors Plan; and, authorizing the Human Resources Director to execute all necessary documents. Resolution Nos. 2012-188 and 2012-189. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:19:23)
8. AB #20,974 - PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT REPORT. To receive the Parks and Recreation Department Operational Assessment Report and direct staff on how to proceed. ACTION:
AB #20,974
Presentation made by Deputy City Manager Cynthia Haas and representatives of Baker Tilly, Christine Smith, principal and Shelley Fulla, Senior Manager.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
Jul 24, 2012 City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
CM Packard led the pledge.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held June 26, 2012. (City Council as Successor Agency to the former Housing and Redevelopment Commission)
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 26, 2012.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held June 26, 2012.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 10, 2012.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 10, 2012.
Minutes of the Special Meetings held July 17, 2012.
Motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by .
Vote to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:05:53)
PRESENTATION: Presentation of proclamation in recognition of National Night Out 2012.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by .
Vote to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:10:26)
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #20,969 - APPROVE WEED ABATEMENT COST ASSESSMENTS. Approving the report of the Fire Department showing the cost of weed abatement against each parcel, confirming the cost, and providing for collection on the regular tax bill. Resolution No. 2012-183. ACTION:
AB #20,969
2. AB #20,970 - APPROVE REVISIONS TO THE CITY'S RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE. Approving revisions to the Records Management 2012 Record Retention Schedule. Resolution No. 2012-184. ACTION:
AB #20,970
3. AB #20,971 - APPROVE AGREEMENT FOR AS-NEEDED STREET LIGHT REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES. Approving the agreement with Republic Intelligent Transportation Services (RITS) for as- needed street light repair and maintenance services. Resolution No. 2012-185. ACTION:
AB #20,971
4. AB #20,972 - APPROVE OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL REQUEST. Approving the out-of-state travel request for Police Department staff to grant final acceptance of the completed BEARCAT armored vehicle in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, August 7 through August 9, 2012; and, authorizing the Finance Director to appropriate funds for the travel request. Resolution No. 2012-186. ACTION:
AB #20,972
5. AB #20,973 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving contract specifications for the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Street Name Sign Replacement Project; and, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids, Project No. 6035. Resolution No. 2012-187. ACTION:
AB #20,973
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
Walt Meier came forward to address council. Sstated that the city would save money by outsourcing. Addressed the RV situation - city should adopt same rules as oceanside. Appreciated the crosswalks in the city.
Katy Taylor came forward to address Council. Army/Navy Academy proposal - stated they have retreived legal counsel. Has issues with the traffic pattern down Carlsbad Boulevard - opposed to creating additional traffic and pedestrian traffic. Army/Navy does not have funding to build over street crosswalk. Stated the redesign of the field is a creative nusiance. still have concerns regarding fencing and drainage. Submitted additional photos and a letter to Council.
Chris replied that contractor specs could install live scan, yada yada, follow-up to ensure that these specifications and standards are met.
CM Blackburn parks that have 54% taken care of park outsourcet - not the parks that attrack a large number of children. Concern contractors in parks with children - consistency with no isssues with being too friendly with children. What measures cna we instill with contractors to ensure that they are screened.
Douglas BT suggesting 9 employees to do contract management for fully out-sourced model.
Chris 54% of park acerage contracted out. Do a good job - not receive a lot of complaints from public. contract staff deals with issues. Majpr parks, Poinsettia, Aviara, Stagecoach have in-house acreage maintenance. Maxton Brown, cadencia are contracted out.
cynthia stated need to ensure that mechanisms in place to ensure that issues do not arise.
Douglas to cynthia outsourcing is not new to carlsbad - heard don't do this break down the service currently we have. city already does a lot of outsourceing currently. give examples of issues.
Shelley responded did not see preserve maintenance is currently done by a vendor. Vendor provides a low cost of service.
douglas addressed all outsourcing parks maintenance - preserve is not included because
Shelley Carlsbad average days 40+ other government agencies do 38 paid days per year. Bureau of Labor Statistics has a national average of 92.6% - Carlsbad has 85.5% availablilty of days to work.
CM Packard asked Shelley addressed paid-time off - stating current employees have 43+ paid days per year. Asked for info on the private secor what is typical and how it plays into cost of services.
reviewed options ton only about park maintenance activities.(see slide)
Cynthia Haas many items in BT report require input. fee and revnue changes - items be evaluated further during regular budget process. items pertaining to meet and confer be postponed until the regular meet and confer process begins with CCEA smaller opportunites
Chris replied that a few of the elements have not been studied enough to analyze the savings. Recreation span of control could return quickly with savings, recreation contractor split, online registration software and senior transportation services
CM Blackburn asked Hazeltine asked about the savigs or could the issues be implemented before Council could compare the true costs with the outside estimates to be able to compare apples to apples.
Reconvene 7:02
Adjournment 9:28
Christine Smith - 10 vendors were contacted, only one vendor provided a quote. Six epressed interest until they found out it was not a formal rfp process. Will probably not get the data Council is seeking without the formal RFP process.
Pam Drew replied not ready to make that commitment that an RFP was the way to go.
Cm Blackburn to Pam responsibiity of council to ensure it makes decision by having all the accurate information it can get. has an issue with waiting for an extra month to get the data that would be obtain through an RFP.
Pam Drew spoke about the speakers and their concerns, if option 4 was chosen, not at the point of choosing the other options.
Frank Jimeno read from page 65 of the BT report. addressed the one vendor issue. support for option no. 4.
Joe Pimentel spoke about an incident regarding an accident with a lady and a flipped car. Would like to see the city raise money for the golf course.
Don Christiansen spoke about the adverse economic impact if Council decided to outsource city employees.
Reconvene 8:46
Break - 8:41
Amy Jordan talked about contractors' employees "sticking with the script" doing only the job they were hired to do.
Gary Nessim spoke about "extras" in that occur in contracts. Spoke in support of managed competition with employees.
Fred Briggs addressed Council spoke in support of outsourcing staff. Focus on one area would be a mistake support a wider range assessment looking for citywide savings. Golf course, city libraries, defer decisions with major effects on parks and recreation unfil an assessment on total operations can be made.
Robert Ferris addressed spoke about how everyone knows everyone and once a decision is made to outsource it cannot be undone.
Keith Beverly addressed speculative issues and assumptions of the BT report. Ways to maintain a sustainable organization and city staff should be more prudent that money is spent. Design considerations on gymnasium and community center for Poinsettia Park - spoke about the funding spent on those designs. Gold course design - is an albatross around the city's neck. The design, re design rere design of Alga Norte Park. Purchase of the farmers building that is still vacant, purchase of pine school site at a cost of $3.6 million. Spoke in opposition to outsourcing. Employees most valuable asset.
Elise Roy library employee shared examples of how parks maintenance employees assist the police department in protecting the health and welfare of carlsbad citizens.
Steve Jantz spoke about the employees providing top-notch services even though Council imposed Article No. 8 of the MOU between the city and ccea. Talked about staff working on efficiencies that could mitigate the number between cost of services and cost of labor.Option no. 1 impacts the viabiity of the community and small businesses will no longer have that support because of our employees being laid off. Supports Option No. 4. suggested that Council get additional assessments and review and make a determination at that time.
George Tye representing the Tri-Cities Tea Party spoke in support of Option no. 1.
Patrice Smerdu spoke of her concerns regarding parks maintenance outsourcing. Requested that Council consder option no. 3 would like to understand the urgency. Suggested Council gather additional data.
Lawrence Ferris spoke about small town. Referenced letters that spoke about the other tree crew in the city that was written by residents.
Shawnetta Grandberry addressed Council. spoke about customer service.
Patricia Langan Carlsbad resident addressed that privitazation can also raise costs over the long-term. Spoke about hidden-costs. Addressed what happens during storm.
Christina Rdoriguez addressed Council as a resident concerned with long-term impact and consequences of the decision.
Connie Kessler addressed the yearly report that highlights the parks maintenance department by other government agencies and private sector companies. Asked that the staff be allowed to work the numbers together. Addressed envision carlsbad's nine core values.
Adriana Alveraz senior office specialist. Stated she takes pride in working with parks maintenance department. Addressed incidences that employees went over and beyond their duties.
Bryan Loker addressed the citizen survey.
Pam stated that perhaps the city does go for rfp that input into rfp process and award of contract city parks staff is involved. (get this)
Mayor Hall addressed a tsudy on June 2004 many of the findiings the report.City has had a study like this before.
Lisa - the only way city can go out to bid is with the concurrence of CCEA.
Chass if staff pursue outside contracting, the meet and confer pocess is initiated. Timeline is difficult for staff to determine.if after meet and confer happened the decision by council is to continue outsourcing, staff can develop and RFP and go out to bid.
CM Blackburn in order for COuncil to make a decision, Council needs to know what the total package would be from an outside company. How does city get that information accurately without triggering the meet and confer policy.
CM Douglas aksed for a timeline.
Rk stated that case law has supported that once a decision is made to outsource and retain an bid, the meeti and confer process is triggered.
Cynthia Haas slarified that if Council voted for option 1 or 2, it does trigger the meet and confer proess.
Pam responded that an RFP based on the MOU would trigger the meet and confer process. Doesn't think Council is ready to move to meet and confer process. Some way to have Baker and Tilly interview potential vendors who might get a more realistic bid.
Cm Blackburn direct staff to get an RFP and see what comes in.
Pam Drew, CCEA President, agree that Council has to do due dilligence to spend the city's money wisely. main concern is the split in the possible savings. Hard to believe that there is that much of a difference. Would like to see the Council utilitze option no. 4 - continue to do additional work. Contract workers are in the smaller parks not in the larger parks. Concerned about the quality changing. Urged Council to take additional time to review the savings and allow the operational efficiencies be implemented.
Douglas - are the numbers in report jsut estimates.
Christine - just the efficiencies identified $117,000 if you assume the managemend comeptition would go to in-house staff, $300,900 savings.
Christ - contract maintenance go in nonschool hours
CM Hall - continue on with safety - regarding arrangement with most of schools in Carlsbad - [rpviding through contract
Christine - would have to do through report to add up what is considred an efficiency
CM Blackburn - talked about savings - $1. mil savings based on labor costs - what are some of the possible efficiency savings that can offset that particular number.
Shelley - other leave category contains other leave - comp tim Also icluded jury duty, FLMA, executive leave as well. e is just one of the elements, lumped it in, the overtime was work was also figured in.
CM Blackburn - slide #11 - comp time -
CM Blackburn to Cynthia options - clarified that direction will be to staff whether or not to look into whatever options Council chooses.
Mayor hall =- Break 6:56
Increase recreation span of control enhance use of technology - promote on-line registration - consistent use of Hansen work Maagement System - increase mobile computing opportunities decrease recreation instructor contract spit senior transportation services
Cynthia Haas and Chris Hazeltine Parks and Recreation Director addressed staff recommendations PPT presentation.
adjourn to CMWD
July 24, 2012
6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held June 26, 2012.
Motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by .
Vote to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:17:29)
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Motion to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by .
Vote to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:17:44)
adjourn 6:14
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
6. AB #754 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving plans and specifications for the Santa Fe II Reservoir Drainage Improvement Project; and, authorizing the District Secretary to advertise for bids, Project No. 5031. Resolution No. 1445. ACTION:
AB #754
7. AB #20,975 - ACCUMULATION PROGRAM FOR PART-TIME AND LIMITED-SERVICE EMPLOYEES. To consider approving the Accumulation Program for Part-Time and Limited-Service Employees (APPLE) Plan to provide retirement benefits for hourly part-time employees in lieu of Social Security or the existing Lincoln Financial Advisors Plan; and, authorizing the Human Resources Director to execute all necessary documents. Resolution Nos. 2012-188 and 2012-189. ACTION:
AB #20,975
CM blacburn moved adopt reso 2012-189
Motion to approve 7. AB #20,975 - ACCUMULATION PROGRAM FOR PART-TIME AND LIMITED-SERVICE EMPLOYEES. To consider approving the Accumulation Program for Part-Time and Limited-Service Employees (APPLE) Plan to provide retirement benefits for hourly part-time employees in lieu of Social Security or the existing Lincoln Financial Advisors Plan; and, authorizing the Human Resources Director to execute all necessary documents. Resolution Nos. 2012-188 and 2012-189. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Blackburn, seconded by .
Vote to approve 7. AB #20,975 - ACCUMULATION PROGRAM FOR PART-TIME AND LIMITED-SERVICE EMPLOYEES. To consider approving the Accumulation Program for Part-Time and Limited-Service Employees (APPLE) Plan to provide retirement benefits for hourly part-time employees in lieu of Social Security or the existing Lincoln Financial Advisors Plan; and, authorizing the Human Resources Director to execute all necessary documents. Resolution Nos. 2012-188 and 2012-189. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:19:23)
8. AB #20,974 - PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT REPORT. To receive the Parks and Recreation Department Operational Assessment Report and direct staff on how to proceed. ACTION:
AB #20,974
Presentation made by Deputy City Manager Cynthia Haas and representatives of Baker Tilly, Christine Smith, principal and Shelley Fulla, Senior Manager.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
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