Video index
Rabbi to give invocation
Packard Pledge.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 22, 2007.
No quorum - need to hold over to next week.
Council stepped down from dais to present Proclamations.
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of Historic Preservation Week.
Mayor Lewis called Ms. Ladoceur, Mr. Christiansen and one other lady forward in recognition of Historic Preservation month.
Mayor Lewis presented Proclamation to Historic Preservation Commission.
Presentation to Third Grade Art Contest Winners.
Suzanne Smithson called Forward to give a brief overview of Art Contest.
Suzanne presented certificates to each participant: Participants also receive an art kit.
Get List of students and schools from Suzanne. Aviara Oaks Buena Vista Elementary Calavera Hills Elementary Hope Elementary Jefferson Elementary Kelly Elementary Magnolia Elementary
Pacific Rim Elementary School
Group Photo Taken by Richmond
Photos by parents now
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of Respect for Law Week.
Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to ?? of the Carlsbad Optimist Club in recognition of Respect for Law Week.
Will be offering Carlsbad Officer of the year in a couple of weeks.
Photos taken by Richmond.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Items 1 through 15 (1 pulled - Mr. Gordon called forward.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,028 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Carlsbad Friends of the Arts for various Cultural Arts Office programs. Resolution No. 2007-132. ACTION:
Arts Manager Peter Gordon expressed appreciation for donation from Calrsbad Friends of aRts. VP - Mark Kraft - on behalf of Friends announced contribution of $29,000 - for 3 part art program, and TGIF Jazz in the parks.
Timed donation to coincide with first concert at Stagecoach Park. Presented Council members with hats and visors.
Hall asked about more details for concerts. Mr. Kraft gave details of concerts scheduled this summer (gave locations)
Hall thanked Mr. Kraft.
Motion to Approve 1. AB #19,028 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Carlsbad Friends of the Arts for various Cultural Arts Office programs. Resolution No. 2007-132. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
Remainder of items except 5, 7, and 10. Approved 3/0
2. AB #19,029 - AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. Approving Amendment No. 6 to the Agreement for as-needed materials testing and inspection services with Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. dba Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. Resolution NO. 2007-133. ACTION:
3. AB #19,030 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Accepting the construction of the Hidden Canyon Park as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, Project No. 38561-A. Resolution No. 2007-134. ACTION:
4. AB #19,031 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Accepting the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard left-turn lane at Breakwater Road as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, Project No. 3947-1. Resolution No. 2007-135. ACTION:
5. AB #19,032 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the Poinsettia Sewer Lift Station Upgrade, Project No. 3875. Resolution No. 2007-136. ACTION:
Mr. Ahles gave a PowerPoint (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Gave history of pump station. Gave purpose of pump station.
Gave purpose of upgrades. - Proposed upgrades. Pumps - replace the three existing pumps with new pumps. Odor - install odor control system and noise control
Experienced some seal failures about every two years.
Bolt failure caused in 2006.
Changing type of pump - to a vertical close-coupled solds-handling pump.
Odor control upgrade - will install ventilation to wet well for employee safety - and install an odor scrubber.
Reviewed project schedule
End of presentation. Packard asked - pumps or motors have one year warranty. Per Ahles both. Packard - longer warranty available? Ahles - no - few manufacturers to select from.
Hall motion - approved 3/0
6. AB #19,033 - CALIFORNIA BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING AND LITTER REDUCTION ACT PROGRAM. Authorizing the submittal of the Funding Request Form to the Department of Conservation's Division of Recycling and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute all necessary forms for the purpose of securing payments. Resolution No. 2007-137. ACTION:
7. AB #19,034 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the construction of the Poinsettia Community Park Phase IIA Tennis Courts, Project No. 4502. Resolution No. 2007-138. ACTION:
continue to date uncertain.
8. AB #19,035 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Awarding a contract to All American Asphalt for the construction of the 2007 Pavement Overlay Project No. 3667-15/6001-12; and, approving the reimbursement agreement with Olivenhain Municipal Water District. Resolution No. 2007-139. ACTION:
9. AB #19,036 - REJECTION OF BIDS AND RE-ADVERTISEMENT. Rejecting all bids for the upgrade of the HVAC Controls at the Safety Center and approving the revised contract documents, special provisions and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to re-advertise for bids, Contract No. FAC 07-01R. Resolution No. 2007-140. ACTION:
10. AB #19,037 - AMENDMENT TO STREET LIGHT DAMAGE REPAIR SERVICES AGREEMENT. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Street Light Damage Repair Services Agreement with Republic Electric, Inc. Resolution No. 2007-141. ACTION:
Dale Schuck presented PowerPoint (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Issues have come to light regarding light fixtures - cracks.
Premature failure of light poles.
Asking to increase expenditure limits to accelerate replacement of concrete light poles. New mixture contains polymer.
Original lights were created to city standards. Newer technology available.
End of presentation.
Packard commented - was under impression that there was a design flaw.
In repsose to inquiry from Packard, light life may be more than 19 years. (listen to this.)
Motion to 10. AB #19,037 - AMENDMENT TO STREET LIGHT DAMAGE REPAIR SERVICES AGREEMENT. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Street Light Damage Repair Services Agreement with Republic Electric, Inc. Resolution No. 2007-141. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Packard, seconded by Council Member Hall.
11. AB #19,038 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Awarding a contract to Thunderworks Mobile Electronics for Police Patrol Vehicle Outfitting and Retrofit Services. Resolution No. 2007-142. ACTION:
12. AB #19,046 - CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (CTBID) ANNUAL REPORT. Approving the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Annual Report and continuing the programs and assessments for Fiscal Year 2007-08. Resolution No. 2007-147. ACTION:
13. AB #19,039 - SETTLEMENT OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM. Approving the Compromise and Release and authorizing the expenditure of funds for settlement of the Workers' Compensation Claim of Allen Vas. Resolution No. 2007-143. ACTION:
14. AB #19,047 - SETTLEMENT OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM. Approving the Compromise and Release and authorizing the expenditure of funds for settlement of the Workers' Compensation Claim of Jennifer Myers. Resolution No. 2007-148. ACTION:
15. AB #19,040 - SALARY SCHEDULE REVISION. Approving a revised Salary Schedule effective July 1, 2007, for classifications represented by the Carlsbad Police Officers' Association. Resolution No. 2007-144. ACTION:
16. AB #19,041 - EXTENSION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON INTERIM PLAN. To consider amending Chapter 11.24, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to extend the term of the Interim Plan for Agua Hedionda Lagoon until June 30, 2008 to facilitate Caulerpa taxifolia monitoring and containment device removal. Introduction of Ordinance No. NS-844. ACTION:
Ball introduced. Packard asked - anticipated able to be finished by this time? Why do we need to extend. Grim - difficult getting tarps up. Coordinating with recreational uses memorial through labor day. Craig Elliot, live (where?), Tarp removal is taking a lot more time than initially thought. - Tarps covered with layers of ? Funding exists to continue operation to end of December. Wish to have a final survey to verify that all caulerpa taxifolia is gone.
Motion to Approve 16. AB #19,041 - EXTENSION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON INTERIM PLAN. To consider amending Chapter 11.24, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to extend the term of the Interim Plan for Agua Hedionda Lagoon until June 30, 2008 to facilitate Caulerpa taxifolia monitoring and containment device removal. Introduction of Ordinance No. NS-844. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
Ball titled the Ordinance.
17. AB #19,042 - ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT. To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Section 10.44.790, to establish a Prima Face 35 mile per hour speed limit on Dove Lane from Moorhen Place to the intersection with El Camino Real. Introduction of Ordinance No. NS-845. ACTION:
City Attorney Ball titled the Ordinance.
Motion to Approve 17. AB #19,042 - ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT. To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Section 10.44.790, to establish a Prima Face 35 mile per hour speed limit on Dove Lane from Moorhen Place to the intersection with El Camino Real. Introduction of Ordinance No. NS-845. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
18. AB #19,043 - EMINENT DOMAIN IN EXISTING REDEVELOPMENT AREAS. To consider amending Title 21, Chapter 21.35, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, by the addition of Section 21.35.160, to describe the powers of eminent domain in existing Redevelopment areas and the findings required for extension of such powers by amendment of the Redevelopment Plan. Adopting Ordinance No. NS-841. ACTION:
Ball titled the Ordinance.
Motion to Approve 18. AB #19,043 - EMINENT DOMAIN IN EXISTING REDEVELOPMENT AREAS. To consider amending Title 21, Chapter 21.35, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, by the addition of Section 21.35.160, to describe the powers of eminent domain in existing Redevelopment areas and the findings required for extension of such powers by amendment of the Redevelopment Plan. Adopting Ordinance No. NS-841. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. - a case in Carlsbad - 6 ft 2 inches - reader sat handcuffed spoke about resisting arrest.
Spoke in support of electronic monitoring on police officers - audio and video.
Mentioned he provided Council with a report (example) of someone facing mis treatment by police officers.
Lewis commented spoke about policing elements in the community.
A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports.
When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
19. AB #19,044 - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2003-01 COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD EAST. To consider continuing the Public Hearing for Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 2 to the October 2, 2007 City Council Meeting. Adopting Resolution No. 2007-145. ACTION:
Asking that this item be continued to October 2, 2007.
open ph at 6:59
Motion to Approve 19. AB #19,044 - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2003-01 COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD EAST. To consider continuing the Public Hearing for Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 2 to the October 2, 2007 City Council Meeting. Adopting Resolution No. 2007-145. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
At 6:59
hold on this - lack of quurom
Special Meeting
June 19, 2007 6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held May 22, 2007.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #636 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the Maerkle Reservoir Floating Cover Inspection, Cleaning, Repair, and Rainwater System Upgrade, Project No. 5005. Resolution No. 1299. ACTION:
Item pulled for discussion by CM. Bill Plummer reviewed a presentation (on file in the office of the city clerk)
Gave background of Maerkle Reservoir Floating cover.
Department of Health Services requires that city maintain cover.
Requires periodic cleaning of cover.
Damage to rainwater removal system. Pumps - float switch caused pumps to oeprate when no water present and frequent cycling,k result motor overheating.
Hoses - leaks due to exposure to ultaraviolet light.
Solution for Sump Pump: Remove old wells and install larger sump wells. Replace pumps with oil cooled pumps (can run longer without heat problems). Want to change float switch system.
Use Brass discharge piping and valves.
Hose Material Comparison - (review PowerPoint) PVC EPDM Heavy Duty Rubber
Cover has useful live of 10 years.
End of presentation. Packard - when have pumps and hoses been replaced? Plummer - Never have been replaced. Plummer - In Fall were budgeting for work (study).
Lewis - could you please throw this type of information into packet rather than presentation at Council. Plummer - yes.
Motion to Approve 1. AB #636 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the Maerkle Reservoir Floating Cover Inspection, Cleaning, Repair, and Rainwater System Upgrade, Project No. 5005. Resolution No. 1299. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
at 7:15 p.m.
Regular Meeting
June 19, 2007 6:00 P.M.
1. AB #403 - ROOSEVELT CENTER -RP 06-03/CDP 06-09. To consider approving a Major Redevelopment Permit (RP 06-03) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP 06-09) allowing the construction of a mixed-use development project consisting of 2,410 square feet of retail space, 1,670 square feet of restaurant space, 6,502 square feet of office space, and two apartment units on property located at 560 and 562 Carlsbad Village Drive in Land Use District 1 of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Area; and, To consider approving a Parking-In-Lieu Fee Participation Agreement with Thomas J. Hurley and Richard A. Woolsley. Resolution No. 441 and Resolution No. 442. ACTION:
Packard Conflicted. - continue to July Open PH - Close. Continue to July 10th.
at 7:16
Minutes of the Special Meeting held May 22, 2007.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #30 - GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) PURCHASE AGREEMENT. Approving a purchase agreement with UpLink, Inc. to install and service a Global Positioning System for the golf carts to be used at The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course; and, Approving a Municipal Lease and Option Agreement with Government Leasing Company, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, to provide financing for the system. Resolution No. 38. ACTION:
Mayor Lewis received phone call stating that enough money spent already. Skip Hammann came forward to address safety concerns.
A panic button, measuring distance to hole on golf course to speed up play.
Motion to Approve 1. AB #30 - GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) PURCHASE AGREEMENT. Approving a purchase agreement with UpLink, Inc. to install and service a Global Positioning System for the golf carts to be used at The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course; and, Approving a Municipal Lease and Option Agreement with Government Leasing Company, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, to provide financing for the system. Resolution No. 38. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
at 7:19 p.m.
20. AB #19,045 - DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT FOR THE 2005-2010 HOUSING CYCLE. To consider approving submission of the draft Housing Element for the 2005-2010 Housing Cycle to the State of California Housing and Community Development Department for initial review and comment. Resolution No. 2007-146. ACTION:
No presentation - Continue to date certain - July 17th.
Thomas Dempsey, 3641 Espenade street, came forward to address Council. Spoke about traffic congestion west of Quarry Creek - request that developer of Sherman (i think) - build a park near Mossy Nissan.
Save El Salto Water Falls.
Lewis - asked if mr dempsey participated in the process of building Wal Mart.
Mr. Dempsey would like to be notified of future meetings.
misseed this speaker. Here is a new one Michael Haslam, Simsbury Ct., came forward to address Council. Feels that Draft was a shoddy piece of work.
Find it inconsistent to accept a draft when the historic preservation has not been considered.
Shelley Caron, Maron Adobe in Carlsbad. Displayed letters received from community, county and internationally for preservation of Buena Vista Creek area.
Quarry Creek has more letters of opposition for smart growth than any other area in all 19 cities in San Diego County. Asked that document language be changed to reflect "Draft". Who will be receiving the documetn? Would like name and address of recipient.
Samuel Adams quote - does not take a majority to prevail, rather an irate tireless minority.
Diane Nygaard, representing Preserve Calavera, ask that Council request SANDAG come do their public outreach.
End of comments.
City Attorney Ron Ball commented that the Draft would be presented at July 17th meeting and then gave an overview of process to be filed (referenced Exhibit 2 of Agenda Bill).
Lewis - confirmed that individual will have access.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Packard - Thought for the night Thanked everyone for kindness for father in laws funeral.
Hall - attended a beach erosion meeting at sandag.
Lewis commented - couple water meetings this week.
We are in drought area.
Adjourned at 7:42
Jun 19, 2007 City Council Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
Rabbi to give invocation
Packard Pledge.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 22, 2007.
No quorum - need to hold over to next week.
Council stepped down from dais to present Proclamations.
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of Historic Preservation Week.
Mayor Lewis called Ms. Ladoceur, Mr. Christiansen and one other lady forward in recognition of Historic Preservation month.
Mayor Lewis presented Proclamation to Historic Preservation Commission.
Presentation to Third Grade Art Contest Winners.
Suzanne Smithson called Forward to give a brief overview of Art Contest.
Suzanne presented certificates to each participant: Participants also receive an art kit.
Get List of students and schools from Suzanne. Aviara Oaks Buena Vista Elementary Calavera Hills Elementary Hope Elementary Jefferson Elementary Kelly Elementary Magnolia Elementary
Pacific Rim Elementary School
Group Photo Taken by Richmond
Photos by parents now
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of Respect for Law Week.
Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to ?? of the Carlsbad Optimist Club in recognition of Respect for Law Week.
Will be offering Carlsbad Officer of the year in a couple of weeks.
Photos taken by Richmond.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Items 1 through 15 (1 pulled - Mr. Gordon called forward.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,028 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Carlsbad Friends of the Arts for various Cultural Arts Office programs. Resolution No. 2007-132. ACTION:
Arts Manager Peter Gordon expressed appreciation for donation from Calrsbad Friends of aRts. VP - Mark Kraft - on behalf of Friends announced contribution of $29,000 - for 3 part art program, and TGIF Jazz in the parks.
Timed donation to coincide with first concert at Stagecoach Park. Presented Council members with hats and visors.
Hall asked about more details for concerts. Mr. Kraft gave details of concerts scheduled this summer (gave locations)
Hall thanked Mr. Kraft.
Motion to Approve 1. AB #19,028 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Carlsbad Friends of the Arts for various Cultural Arts Office programs. Resolution No. 2007-132. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
Remainder of items except 5, 7, and 10. Approved 3/0
2. AB #19,029 - AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. Approving Amendment No. 6 to the Agreement for as-needed materials testing and inspection services with Bureau Veritas North America, Inc. dba Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. Resolution NO. 2007-133. ACTION:
3. AB #19,030 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Accepting the construction of the Hidden Canyon Park as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, Project No. 38561-A. Resolution No. 2007-134. ACTION:
4. AB #19,031 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Accepting the construction of the Carlsbad Boulevard left-turn lane at Breakwater Road as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, Project No. 3947-1. Resolution No. 2007-135. ACTION:
5. AB #19,032 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the Poinsettia Sewer Lift Station Upgrade, Project No. 3875. Resolution No. 2007-136. ACTION:
Mr. Ahles gave a PowerPoint (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Gave history of pump station. Gave purpose of pump station.
Gave purpose of upgrades. - Proposed upgrades. Pumps - replace the three existing pumps with new pumps. Odor - install odor control system and noise control
Experienced some seal failures about every two years.
Bolt failure caused in 2006.
Changing type of pump - to a vertical close-coupled solds-handling pump.
Odor control upgrade - will install ventilation to wet well for employee safety - and install an odor scrubber.
Reviewed project schedule
End of presentation. Packard asked - pumps or motors have one year warranty. Per Ahles both. Packard - longer warranty available? Ahles - no - few manufacturers to select from.
Hall motion - approved 3/0
6. AB #19,033 - CALIFORNIA BEVERAGE CONTAINER RECYCLING AND LITTER REDUCTION ACT PROGRAM. Authorizing the submittal of the Funding Request Form to the Department of Conservation's Division of Recycling and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute all necessary forms for the purpose of securing payments. Resolution No. 2007-137. ACTION:
7. AB #19,034 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the construction of the Poinsettia Community Park Phase IIA Tennis Courts, Project No. 4502. Resolution No. 2007-138. ACTION:
continue to date uncertain.
8. AB #19,035 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Awarding a contract to All American Asphalt for the construction of the 2007 Pavement Overlay Project No. 3667-15/6001-12; and, approving the reimbursement agreement with Olivenhain Municipal Water District. Resolution No. 2007-139. ACTION:
9. AB #19,036 - REJECTION OF BIDS AND RE-ADVERTISEMENT. Rejecting all bids for the upgrade of the HVAC Controls at the Safety Center and approving the revised contract documents, special provisions and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to re-advertise for bids, Contract No. FAC 07-01R. Resolution No. 2007-140. ACTION:
10. AB #19,037 - AMENDMENT TO STREET LIGHT DAMAGE REPAIR SERVICES AGREEMENT. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Street Light Damage Repair Services Agreement with Republic Electric, Inc. Resolution No. 2007-141. ACTION:
Dale Schuck presented PowerPoint (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Issues have come to light regarding light fixtures - cracks.
Premature failure of light poles.
Asking to increase expenditure limits to accelerate replacement of concrete light poles. New mixture contains polymer.
Original lights were created to city standards. Newer technology available.
End of presentation.
Packard commented - was under impression that there was a design flaw.
In repsose to inquiry from Packard, light life may be more than 19 years. (listen to this.)
Motion to 10. AB #19,037 - AMENDMENT TO STREET LIGHT DAMAGE REPAIR SERVICES AGREEMENT. Authorizing the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Street Light Damage Repair Services Agreement with Republic Electric, Inc. Resolution No. 2007-141. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Packard, seconded by Council Member Hall.
11. AB #19,038 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Awarding a contract to Thunderworks Mobile Electronics for Police Patrol Vehicle Outfitting and Retrofit Services. Resolution No. 2007-142. ACTION:
12. AB #19,046 - CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (CTBID) ANNUAL REPORT. Approving the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Annual Report and continuing the programs and assessments for Fiscal Year 2007-08. Resolution No. 2007-147. ACTION:
13. AB #19,039 - SETTLEMENT OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM. Approving the Compromise and Release and authorizing the expenditure of funds for settlement of the Workers' Compensation Claim of Allen Vas. Resolution No. 2007-143. ACTION:
14. AB #19,047 - SETTLEMENT OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM. Approving the Compromise and Release and authorizing the expenditure of funds for settlement of the Workers' Compensation Claim of Jennifer Myers. Resolution No. 2007-148. ACTION:
15. AB #19,040 - SALARY SCHEDULE REVISION. Approving a revised Salary Schedule effective July 1, 2007, for classifications represented by the Carlsbad Police Officers' Association. Resolution No. 2007-144. ACTION:
16. AB #19,041 - EXTENSION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON INTERIM PLAN. To consider amending Chapter 11.24, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to extend the term of the Interim Plan for Agua Hedionda Lagoon until June 30, 2008 to facilitate Caulerpa taxifolia monitoring and containment device removal. Introduction of Ordinance No. NS-844. ACTION:
Ball introduced. Packard asked - anticipated able to be finished by this time? Why do we need to extend. Grim - difficult getting tarps up. Coordinating with recreational uses memorial through labor day. Craig Elliot, live (where?), Tarp removal is taking a lot more time than initially thought. - Tarps covered with layers of ? Funding exists to continue operation to end of December. Wish to have a final survey to verify that all caulerpa taxifolia is gone.
Motion to Approve 16. AB #19,041 - EXTENSION OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON INTERIM PLAN. To consider amending Chapter 11.24, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, to extend the term of the Interim Plan for Agua Hedionda Lagoon until June 30, 2008 to facilitate Caulerpa taxifolia monitoring and containment device removal. Introduction of Ordinance No. NS-844. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
Ball titled the Ordinance.
17. AB #19,042 - ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT. To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Section 10.44.790, to establish a Prima Face 35 mile per hour speed limit on Dove Lane from Moorhen Place to the intersection with El Camino Real. Introduction of Ordinance No. NS-845. ACTION:
City Attorney Ball titled the Ordinance.
Motion to Approve 17. AB #19,042 - ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT. To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the addition of Section 10.44.790, to establish a Prima Face 35 mile per hour speed limit on Dove Lane from Moorhen Place to the intersection with El Camino Real. Introduction of Ordinance No. NS-845. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
18. AB #19,043 - EMINENT DOMAIN IN EXISTING REDEVELOPMENT AREAS. To consider amending Title 21, Chapter 21.35, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, by the addition of Section 21.35.160, to describe the powers of eminent domain in existing Redevelopment areas and the findings required for extension of such powers by amendment of the Redevelopment Plan. Adopting Ordinance No. NS-841. ACTION:
Ball titled the Ordinance.
Motion to Approve 18. AB #19,043 - EMINENT DOMAIN IN EXISTING REDEVELOPMENT AREAS. To consider amending Title 21, Chapter 21.35, of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, by the addition of Section 21.35.160, to describe the powers of eminent domain in existing Redevelopment areas and the findings required for extension of such powers by amendment of the Redevelopment Plan. Adopting Ordinance No. NS-841. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. - a case in Carlsbad - 6 ft 2 inches - reader sat handcuffed spoke about resisting arrest.
Spoke in support of electronic monitoring on police officers - audio and video.
Mentioned he provided Council with a report (example) of someone facing mis treatment by police officers.
Lewis commented spoke about policing elements in the community.
A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports.
When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
19. AB #19,044 - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2003-01 COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD EAST. To consider continuing the Public Hearing for Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 2 to the October 2, 2007 City Council Meeting. Adopting Resolution No. 2007-145. ACTION:
Asking that this item be continued to October 2, 2007.
open ph at 6:59
Motion to Approve 19. AB #19,044 - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 2003-01 COLLEGE BOULEVARD AND CANNON ROAD EAST. To consider continuing the Public Hearing for Assessment District No. 2003-01 (College Boulevard and Cannon Road East) Benefit Area No. 2 to the October 2, 2007 City Council Meeting. Adopting Resolution No. 2007-145. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
At 6:59
hold on this - lack of quurom
Special Meeting
June 19, 2007 6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held May 22, 2007.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #636 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the Maerkle Reservoir Floating Cover Inspection, Cleaning, Repair, and Rainwater System Upgrade, Project No. 5005. Resolution No. 1299. ACTION:
Item pulled for discussion by CM. Bill Plummer reviewed a presentation (on file in the office of the city clerk)
Gave background of Maerkle Reservoir Floating cover.
Department of Health Services requires that city maintain cover.
Requires periodic cleaning of cover.
Damage to rainwater removal system. Pumps - float switch caused pumps to oeprate when no water present and frequent cycling,k result motor overheating.
Hoses - leaks due to exposure to ultaraviolet light.
Solution for Sump Pump: Remove old wells and install larger sump wells. Replace pumps with oil cooled pumps (can run longer without heat problems). Want to change float switch system.
Use Brass discharge piping and valves.
Hose Material Comparison - (review PowerPoint) PVC EPDM Heavy Duty Rubber
Cover has useful live of 10 years.
End of presentation. Packard - when have pumps and hoses been replaced? Plummer - Never have been replaced. Plummer - In Fall were budgeting for work (study).
Lewis - could you please throw this type of information into packet rather than presentation at Council. Plummer - yes.
Motion to Approve 1. AB #636 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the Maerkle Reservoir Floating Cover Inspection, Cleaning, Repair, and Rainwater System Upgrade, Project No. 5005. Resolution No. 1299. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
at 7:15 p.m.
Regular Meeting
June 19, 2007 6:00 P.M.
1. AB #403 - ROOSEVELT CENTER -RP 06-03/CDP 06-09. To consider approving a Major Redevelopment Permit (RP 06-03) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP 06-09) allowing the construction of a mixed-use development project consisting of 2,410 square feet of retail space, 1,670 square feet of restaurant space, 6,502 square feet of office space, and two apartment units on property located at 560 and 562 Carlsbad Village Drive in Land Use District 1 of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Area; and, To consider approving a Parking-In-Lieu Fee Participation Agreement with Thomas J. Hurley and Richard A. Woolsley. Resolution No. 441 and Resolution No. 442. ACTION:
Packard Conflicted. - continue to July Open PH - Close. Continue to July 10th.
at 7:16
Minutes of the Special Meeting held May 22, 2007.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #30 - GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) PURCHASE AGREEMENT. Approving a purchase agreement with UpLink, Inc. to install and service a Global Positioning System for the golf carts to be used at The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course; and, Approving a Municipal Lease and Option Agreement with Government Leasing Company, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, to provide financing for the system. Resolution No. 38. ACTION:
Mayor Lewis received phone call stating that enough money spent already. Skip Hammann came forward to address safety concerns.
A panic button, measuring distance to hole on golf course to speed up play.
Motion to Approve 1. AB #30 - GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) PURCHASE AGREEMENT. Approving a purchase agreement with UpLink, Inc. to install and service a Global Positioning System for the golf carts to be used at The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course; and, Approving a Municipal Lease and Option Agreement with Government Leasing Company, subject to the approval of the City Attorney, to provide financing for the system. Resolution No. 38. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Hall, seconded by Council Member Packard.
at 7:19 p.m.
20. AB #19,045 - DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT FOR THE 2005-2010 HOUSING CYCLE. To consider approving submission of the draft Housing Element for the 2005-2010 Housing Cycle to the State of California Housing and Community Development Department for initial review and comment. Resolution No. 2007-146. ACTION:
No presentation - Continue to date certain - July 17th.
Thomas Dempsey, 3641 Espenade street, came forward to address Council. Spoke about traffic congestion west of Quarry Creek - request that developer of Sherman (i think) - build a park near Mossy Nissan.
Save El Salto Water Falls.
Lewis - asked if mr dempsey participated in the process of building Wal Mart.
Mr. Dempsey would like to be notified of future meetings.
misseed this speaker. Here is a new one Michael Haslam, Simsbury Ct., came forward to address Council. Feels that Draft was a shoddy piece of work.
Find it inconsistent to accept a draft when the historic preservation has not been considered.
Shelley Caron, Maron Adobe in Carlsbad. Displayed letters received from community, county and internationally for preservation of Buena Vista Creek area.
Quarry Creek has more letters of opposition for smart growth than any other area in all 19 cities in San Diego County. Asked that document language be changed to reflect "Draft". Who will be receiving the documetn? Would like name and address of recipient.
Samuel Adams quote - does not take a majority to prevail, rather an irate tireless minority.
Diane Nygaard, representing Preserve Calavera, ask that Council request SANDAG come do their public outreach.
End of comments.
City Attorney Ron Ball commented that the Draft would be presented at July 17th meeting and then gave an overview of process to be filed (referenced Exhibit 2 of Agenda Bill).
Lewis - confirmed that individual will have access.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Packard - Thought for the night Thanked everyone for kindness for father in laws funeral.
Hall - attended a beach erosion meeting at sandag.
Lewis commented - couple water meetings this week.
We are in drought area.
Adjourned at 7:42
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