Video index
Roll Call: 5 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Presentation of Retirement Proclamation to Jim Torretto.
Presentation of Retirement Proclamation to Dan Sprague.
Presentation of Retirement Proclamation to Joe Harden.
Proclamation Presentation to North Coastal Prevention Coalition for Recognition as the 2008 American Community Anti-Drug Coalition.
Council stepped down from the dias to present the proclamation to the North Coastal Preventation coalition anti-drug coalition.
Celebrating Taking April 20th Back, making it a day to celebrate drug free lifestyle choices.
Presented to the Coalition, Aaron Byzak, president of the Coalition.
Accepted the proclamation and talked about the efforts to take back april 20th which has been considered a day to smoke marijuana.
Proclamation Presentation to Gary Hill in Recognition of City Trail Volunteer Service.
Proclamation to Gary Hill in Recognition of City Trail Volunteer Services. 10 years of volunteer leadership. Helped start the trail system in Carlsbad.
Gary Hill serves as an activist and supporter of the Trail System, his efforts help improve the quality of life for all who live work and play in Carlsbad.
Gary Hill came forward to express his thanks for the proclamation.
Roll call (5 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:12:01)
Second Saturday of the Month at 8 am they work on the trail.
Liz Ketabian assists on the trails as a trail coordinator. Read a letter from Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation thanking Gary Hill for his efforts with the citywide trails program.
President of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation wrote the letter that Liz read.
Worked over 160 hours per year-that have logged.
4:30 -Mayor announced the Closed Session. and instructed the City Staff, adjourned at
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Motion to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Hall.
Vote to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:20:14)
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,668 - ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ON CAPITAL FUNDS AND SPECIAL TAXES. Making certain findings regarding the collection and expenditure of developer fees and special taxes, pursuant to Government Code Sections 50075, 66001 and 66006. Resolution No. 2008-329. ACTION:
AB #19,668
2. AB #19,669 - AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF FUNDS BETWEEN TRANSNET PROJECTS. Authorizing the transfer of excess interest earnings from TransNet Projects 9005-3, 3557-1 and 3920-1, and the remaining balance in Project 3899-1 to TransNet Project 6001-1 as per SANDAG Board Policy No. 31. Resolution No. 2008-330. ACTION:
AB #19,669
3. AB #19,670 - ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2. Ordering the annexation of the Robertson Ranch Development to Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, Zone 10, and confirming the levy of assessments. Resolution No. 2008-331. ACTION:
AB #19,670
4. AB #19,671 - AUTHORIZE REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. Authorizing a refund of an overpayment of business license tax to AE Gems. Resolution No. 2008-332. ACTION:
AB #19,671
5. AB #19,672 - AMENDMENT TO GENERAL PLAN. Approving the third amendments in 2008 to the Land Use Element and Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan consisting of two projects known as the Adams Street Subdivision, GPA 06-08, and Robertson Ranch Planning Area 14, GPA 08-01. Resolution No. 2008-333. ACTION:
AB #19,672
6. AB #19,673 - STREET VACATION AND APPROVE FINAL MAP FOR LA COSTA RIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD 2.6. Summarily vacating a portion of Melrose Drive, STV 07-02; and, approving the Final Map for La Costa Ridge Neighborhood 2.6 and authorizing the Final Map to be recorded, CT 05-13. Resolution Nos. 2008-334 and 2008-335. ACTION:
AB #19,673
7. AB #19,674 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding a contract to Valley Coast Construction, Inc., for the construction of the Event Area Expansion at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park, Project No. 45031. Resolution No. 2008-336. ACTION:
AB #19,674
8. AB #19,675 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF THE 2007 SLURRY SEAL PROJECT. Accepting the construction of the 2007 Slurry Seal Project as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion, Project No. 3667-14. Resolution No. 2008-337. ACTION:
AB #19,675
9. AB #19,676 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH-EL FUERTE STREET. Accepting the construction of Carlsbad Oaks North-El Fuerte Street as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion, Project No. CT 97-13. Resolution No. 2008-338. ACTION:
AB #19,676
10. AB #19,677 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH-FARADAY AVENUE. Accepting the construction of Carlsbad Oaks North-Faraday Avenue as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion, Project No. CT 97-13. Resolution No. 2008-339. ACTION:
AB #19,677
11. AB #19,681 - DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY. Declaring a state of local emergency resulting from the formation of a sinkhole on December 5, 2008, at 2550 Carlsbad Boulevard, Project No. 3624. Resolution No. 2008-342. ACTION:
AB #19,681
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
Chrisy Ann Kurner, new village arts. To speak about dec issue San Diego Magazine best theater in San Diego.
Best production in 2008.
Sailor Song is the name of the production. Holiday comedy is currently showing.
Have full time staff 3 ee's and 3 part time ees.
new manager
Kary Sigmond, Carlsbad, came forward to talk about NRG power plant. Is concerned about this new power plant and the increase in air pollution, concerned about I-5 corridor widening.
Concerned about additional train tracks adding air pollution. Stated that many residents didn't know about the proposal to build a new power plant.
Misunderstood that old plant will not be remove. Asked council so start a compaign to inform residence of the power plant. Need to repeat this information to residence.
Ray Pearson, Carslbad came forward to speak about CHS Chamber Orchestra, Carnegie Hall invited to play at this festival. 23 string instruments. Benefit Concert 2-11-09. Asking Council to support this trip. Mayor asked how much, 1500 per person 23 kids, are responsible to raise half that and will do fundraiser to get the rest.
Kulchin asked how to get more information. 760-331-6104 Maureen O'Hall the music director. Again, February 11th benefit concert.
Hank Ryan, small business California, difficulties of small businesses economic problems. some new loan program from SDGE 0% loan. This program is for San Diego, it's a state wide program and will be available to the City.
worked with Cynthia Haas, and person from SDGE to extent this small business loan program, energy efficiency.
Well designed prgram with socal gas and sdge.
Mayor asked him to get this information through staff first. 510-459-9683. His number for questions.
Diane Nygaard, preserve calavera, 2002 passed prop c open space and trails. Residents value open space and trails. 35 million to fund these programs.
13 million prop c, allocated to first joint responders training facilities. 5 million of the 35 mill left for open space. She asked City to buy this open space as approved by the voters and residents of Carlsbad.
Another 13 million allocated to other projects. Please allocate funds to open space.
6:34 to CMWD
Special Meeting
December 16, 2008
6:00 P.M.
Kulchin abstain from minutes
Minutes of the Joint Special Meetings held November 18, 2008.
Blackburn abstaining.
Lisa announced presentation by Pruim and Stone.
12. AB #673 - ADOPTION OF DROUGHT RESPONSE PLAN AND WATER CONSERVATION ORDINANCE. To consider adopting a Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Program and repealing Ordinance No. 35 in its entirety. Introduction of Ordinance No. 44. ACTION:
AB #673
Adoption of drought response plan and water conservation ordinance. This will replace an old ordinance. Background, imports 100% of drinking water. Colorado water basin has less water every year, CA delta also less water because of Court restrictions. Approved model ordinance in March 08. Provides enabling language.
All based their ordinance on water authority model ordinance (other agencies around the county.
This will replace the older ordinance which was generic and non specific in nature. This will be clearly defined, gives balances approach for all users, industrial, agricultural and residential.
Included enabling language, gives staff and board ability to enforce the ordinance. Does not provide a tiered rate idea, use more pay more, not apart of this ordinance.
This ordinance doesn't provide any specific allocations. Should it be required in the future, staff will come back to the board with considerations.
Held workshops in Oct and Nov. monitor what San Diego is doing, consitient with what's being done county wide.
Mark Stone, water ordinance, 4 specific levels. How do we put things we need to do in daily practice at all times. Washing down paved surfaces, washing cars with a shut of hose, only serve water in restaurants when asked, hotels only wash laundry when requested and stay on top of leaks at residential homes.. Drought watch conditions. Consumer reduction of 10% required.
Asking residents to only water during certain times of the day.
Drought response level 2 drought alert condition up to 20% required. All persons required comply with level one as well as level 2.
Examples level 2, limit res and com irrigation and landscape specified days and times per week. repair leaks within 72 hours, stop using ornamental fountains unless water is recycled. level 3 up to 40%, comply with level 1 and 2. Examples are limiting landsacape irrigations, nov-may nor more than once a week to water landscape. Only wash cars at facilities that recycle water.
level3 no new potable water service shall be provided except as noted in the ordinance, annexations to its service area. CMWD mau estab;os a water a;;pcatopm/ AMu [erspm tjat isis water om excess pf tje a;;pcatopm sja;; b sibkect tp a [ema;tu/
Level 4 drought emergency demands 40% must comply with all level restriction. stop all landscape irrigation except agriculture and nurseries. stop leaks with in 24 hours. tampering or removal of flow restrictin devicies will be shut off.
penalties get higher for repeat offenders. may be prosecutes or have water service suspended.
May apply for variance. provided in the ordinance.
outreach plan, county water authority outreach program. reach out our stakeholders, all those served by CMWD.
Staff recommends this ordinance drought response plan. Packard asked county water authroity ordinance-did it indicate what drought level will impose moritorium on new water service. STone said level 3 but descretion up to agencies.
Some have put it in early levels. some level 2, ours is level 3. Packard-are those at level 2 providing service in Carslbad, Stone said yes. 15% serviced by other water districts. olivenhain is at level 2.
Encinitas is also level 3.
Blackburn-does the city offer employee to water audit to check for leaks. Stone said yes suggest better water usage, sprinkler heads, watering schedules, info on our website. Hall asked-how do we translate that info in the bill. Stone said bill shows water usage over the year. Hall, what do we see in our bill, Stone says yearly usage last year during same month.
same month previous year. said stone. Hall said next presentation please provide a slide on how to read the bill for usage. Kulchin, Olivenhein, shows similar usage on their bill. Please also show slide of other water districts. Mayor, greatest problem, people don't believe there is a water shortage. Wet winter doesn't mean anything, need 2 or 3 wet winters to fill reservoirs back up. Pay attention to water usage. worse drought in 10 year plus.
Diamond valley lake down 50% out by Hemet.
2009 and 2010 will be worst drought years so we need to conserve now.
Mr. Ball titled the ordinance.
Returned for adoption on Jan 6, 2009.
Repealing ordinance.
vote 5-0.
adjourned at 6:56
Regular Meeting
December 16, 2008
6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held November 18, 2008.
Kulchin and Blackburn abstain.
Packard requis at 6:57
Austin Silva, Carlsbad village business associate applicant. to extend permit date and change hours of farmer's market on Saturdays.
CVBA official sponsor of the event. Kristy Johnson president of that assoc. Saturday market currently 9-1. Max number of booths 33, 23 fresh certified agricultural items, 6 non certified products, bread pasta pastries. 2 booths for arts crafts and educational basis. 1 booth rotational basis for educational purposes related to organic growing practices, water or soil conservation.. Asking for change of hours to 1-5 pm. and extend permit to match with the wed. permit.
Concern that too many arts and crafts booths. Should be a certified farmer's market as permitted. Parking counts taken. 62% utiliation rate over the 2 saturdays. configuration will not change, only the hours of operation.
Appears to be well liked by businesses and residents. many signatures collected from interested parties who want the hours for saturday changed.
Staff at least 2 cert. agr booths to 1 non cert. One letter of opposition by local business owner regarding parking lot issues.
Kristy Johnson, CVBA employee, Farmer's Market Manager. Making the point that = putting together this proposal to change hours, saturday market necessity for those who can't come to the wednesday market. Residents will go to other City's market's if no saturday market is held in carlsbda.
18 produce vendors expressed commitment to the new hours, only need 8 but have 18 cert. produce vendors.
Public hearing opened at 7:06. Scott Engle carlsbad, spoke in support of the new hours and the saturday market in general.
Andrea DeBia, vendor at market, has lots of customers who only come on saturday because they cannot come on wednesday who also shop regular businesses. Spoke in support of the new hours.
Jay corralis, board of CVBA, local business employee and resident. spoke in support of the proposed new hours.
Joyce Wise, business owner right by the farmer's market. opposed to the market because of the parking in her businesses lot. She said no other neighboring city has 2 markets. She said mayor has tried to help make the market better and she said it's still a flea market. Please use another parking lot if you want another market day. This Saturday market inconveniences her customers. Please consider another part of the village if you must have another market but the 2:1 ratio of business types will help improve the quality of the vendors.
Strings program is there because she helped raise 50K to keep program viable. asked council spend money there.
Michelle Business owner in the village. Spoke in support of the farmer's market. Never had a complaint from client about parking. incredible community affair and the enw satruday hours will make that a bigger event. had business for 6 years, and is local resident.
Allen Wanamaker, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the market.. so many people cannot come to Wednesday because of work. Increased foot traffic helps other businesses. Can only improve the market. Will bring more vendors. More vendors more customers. more veggie vendors and fresh fish vendors. The point is to bring people downtown for the downtown experience.
Rebecca May, vendor at the market, respond to the comment that the market is a flop. The Saturday market is her best market and she does other market. Attracts many tourists. Spoke in support of the market. She can only do the market every other market because of another market that morning but can do all markets if the hours change.
Walt Myer, change the hours will get more people. Spoke in support.
closed at 7:18. No questions from staff.
Kulchin says most are in accord with the change in market hours. Need to continue to help those who work in Carlsbad. Hall says he concurs. Vote 4-0-1 Packard Abstain.
Recess at 7:20.
reconvene at 7:24.
all 5 present.
13. AB #411 - VILLAGE FARMER'S MARKET MAJOR REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION. To consider approving a Major Redevelopment Permit Amendment, RP 94-05(A)x5, amending the hours of the Saturday Farmers Market, adding a condition requiring a 2:1 ratio of certified agricultural booths to non-certified product and information booths for the Wednesday and Saturday Markets, and extending the expiration date of the Redevelopment Permit to September 19, 2011 for the Saturday Farmer's Market located in the public parking lot on the east side of Roosevelt Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue. Resolution No. 461. ACTION:
AB #411
Special Meeting
December 16, 2008
6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the Special Meetings held June 10, 2008.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held June 17, 2008.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held August 12, 2008.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held September 9, 2008.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held September 16, 2008.
abstain june 10th packard all other approved, no blackburn.
Lisa introduces Carlsbad operating budget for crossings.
14.AB #38 - 2009 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET FOR THE CROSSINGS AT CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE AND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. To consider approving the 2009 Operating and Capital Budget for The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course; and, To consider approving an amendment to the Municipal Lease Agreement with Textron Financial Corporation for the purchase of golf carts. Resolution Nos. 48 and 49. ACTION:
AB #38
Owned by city, operated by Kempor sports mangement as general manager.
Highlighted accomplishments. Clubhouse of the year. Top ten new courses for 2008 by golf magazine. loyalty club, junior program, city amateur champ
34 weddings in 2008, booked 47 weddings in 2009.
Many events to attract the community so it's not just a golf course. Brunches and venue for other events.
consideration for economic recession. lower fees collected.
High level summary, course and gronds, greens fees. Food and beverage is for restaurants.
Bookings so far are an increase in revenues for food and beverages. But greens fees projected to be lower. so it's flat.
total expense is increase for food and beverage. Water rate increase built into the budget as well. 250K proposed budget. Capital reserve.
Lisa Irvine presented the staff Power Point presentation, (On file in the office of the City Clerk.)
Encourage residents to use the trails around the golf course.
Capital improvement budget includes course drainage. Help improve the absorbtion of the grass. add steps to get from the clubhouse to the practice area.
Request is to approve the reso. and amend the municipal lease agreement.
Kulchin asked, jeff perry, drainage -156K dollars-why is that important, why not determined early on when built. Jeff said most gof courses will go through growing period . when they are developed won't know how the water will flow and how traffic will impact the way water flows, compaction issues difficult to grow grass in the soil. addind water to gtrow it, then run all those people and cart, they become high impact areas and they become impacted and the run off causes problems. Need this drainage update to keep the turf healthy and reduce compaction problems. Get the water down the soil quickly, why didn't we do it in the beginning-can't predict the pattern of run off. Can address the issue without the impact of daily play. dRive golfers regularly, can't shut down course.
courses continue to go through drainage process. normal for a new course.
Drainage projects. develop impaction issues or other turf issues. Kulchin-cost of habitat. why addition cost for habitiat? Irvine- have to reestablish and maintain and monitor new planting and habitat back to natural condition. Perry-CUP require habitat restoration to natural order. developing land causes damage that has to be repaired. Lots of monitoring costs.
kulchin monitored how many years? perry CCC 5 years agencies review. Perry doesn't know how many agencies involved. Steyart, 5 year permit, fish and game, fish and wildlife review the mitigated areas. CCC evaluated us after 5 year perios if the mitigated areas are reestablished.
Mark Tanner, Carlsbad unified school district, Carlsbad resident. His position about this course-he didn't think this was a good use of this area or money. The golf course has limited uses. Narrow usage-doesn't think it was a good decision. Expensive course. alternative uses -doesn't think it was a good use. Suggests, doesn't agree with Irvine's projections-thinks people are feeling poorer. thinks less people will be using the golf course. Suggests to look at what it is instead of what we hope it will be.
Change the fees? Or change the usage. Thinks the projections of the finance dept are wrong. Thinks we should reconsider the golf course. Hall-what is your recommendation? Tanner-change the fees or cost structure, or change the usage. Can't let it go and hope things get better-he says is a bad idea. Serves a small percent of resident.
Up the fees, change the cost, change the usage or look at selling. Tanner.
Water conservationist. at the crossings today and couple weeks ago, water conservation-black alders, require lots of trees, should be replaced with native trees and shrubs. Black alders are not drought resistant.
Mayor respond to Tanner-working on golf course for 20 years. the first didn't work because of environmental issues. 80's people voted for the golf course. Carlsbad Council is unique, futuristic approach. Tourists from hotels come to play golf. Once the building started, the costs increased, but city was doing well financially at that time. Realizes this is going to be tough, depression not recession so many out of work.. He thinks eventually it will be a blessing to Carlsbad. More hotels will come.
4000 hotels rooms. Painful process but will get better. Environmental groups increased the costs. He's sorry it's costing so much money but would vote for it again but hopefully under better circumstances. Kulchin, said we looked at the cost for playing at the crossings. comparied ourselbes to encinitas golf course. do we make it really well and build a clubhouse. Irv Rolston chair committee. Build it and the clubhouse and do it right. clubhouse has done well. Didn't hear that many people opposed to the project. HAll no comment. Packard says, at the onset and saw the numbers. Knew it would be a 5 year deficit.
cost of habitat is part of that issue. the nubmer of rounds and food services whould break even then bring in profit. Irvine says it was 5-7 deficit but economy can slow it down. Packard-flat as afar as revenue because the clubhouse revenue is matching loss of revenue from the course.
Every year making same decisions about finances with the course. He is willing to continue to support it.
It will continue to be a draw, it would be premature to walk away at this point. Need to stay in close range to their projections. Blackburn-thinks tanner's projections are not far off but he hopes they are wrong.
Best spent money on the habitat. Supports but would feel more comforted if we could find 1.6 million to build the alga norte complex. The 1.6 would maintain the alga complex-that's what we're running in deficit at the golf course.
Hall, said Carlsbad is doing well, we have the ability to see our projects through and fund them. Costs and how we have to deal with that, going to take scrutiny, they are committed to this project. Walk the trails, visit the clubhouse.
vote, 5-0
14.AB #38 - 2009 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET FOR THE CROSSINGS AT CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE AND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. To consider approving the 2009 Operating and Capital Budget for The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course; and, To consider approving an amendment to the Municipal Lease Agreement with Textron Financial Corporation for the purchase of golf carts. Resolution Nos. 48 and 49. ACTION:
7:59 adjourned to city council meeting.
15. AB #19,679 - PRESERVE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND PRESERVE MANAGER AGREEMENT. To consider accepting the Preserve Management Plan for the maintenance, management and monitoring of City owned Habitat Management Plan Preserve Lands; and, To consider approving an agreement with the Center for Natural Lands Management as Preserve Manager for the maintenance, management and monitoring of City owned Open Space properties within the Habitat Management Plan Preserve. Resolution Nos. 2008-340 and 2008-341. ACTION:
AB #19,679
Mike Grim Senior Planner gave the staff report. on file in the office of the City Clerk.
HMP habitat preserves guide management and monitoring activities on preserve. City's HMP 13 owned city properties, 600 acres. Calavera and Crossings. This habitat already set aside and doesn't require additional. Baseline studies, fences, weeds,
Preserve Manager, center for natural lands management. Monitoring preserve area, biological resources thrive. remove invasive species. You need to restore or enhance the habitat. Access control, stay on paths, outreach and education.
This company is knowledgable about other Carlsbad preserve lands. start up costs, 334K, 170k after initial start. Initial baseline studies. THey won't bill for that work.
Staff recommends adoption of reso. Hall -does anybody else have HMP? North county no-we're the lead back 15 years ago. when SANDAG looked for area. CHula and Poway, San Diego do have a plan.. Regional plan done after the HMP.
Detail is more onerouse for each jurisdiction. 1 year dollar amount, how do we take care of invasice species to ensure they don't come back? Grim, reestablish habitat and continuing to remove those that grow back.
it is an agressive effort. Will be doing invasice removal the first 3 years. contact not to exceed a 3 year term. Hall-any volunteers? Grim said they are trying-san elijo lagoon-state funded volunteers, regional basis, can get here there. Hall-preserve management plan.. costing-detail that. Grim- how much does it cost to manage a preserve?
Do analysis how much to manage each year. draw those reserves off and management that property.. Endowment is one time opportunity. Can only ask for money one time, can't go back if the estimates were wrong.
Monthly itemzied bills. HAll-costs incorporated int his? Grim says yes. not to exceed for each task. Packard-other habitat areas other organizations involved in mangaming those endowments. went belly up, . Tell us about the company? Are they solvent? Grim-
Grim CLM statewide mangement. How to tell if preserve manager is good, lists from the county. Done annual research on the company, good track record.
Packard-not questioning staff recommendation but giving public a chance to hear about the company. Mayor- question about the map. Macario Cnyn. several years ago leased from SDGE. Is this under that jurisdiction as well? Mark Steyart-yes that 92 acres south shore agua hedionda. Steyart says not the same property as that leased from SDGE.
David Mayor, dept fish and game. Represeinting fish and wildlife dept as well. Jan 2007 legislation to certify land managers. This company has been certified to hold endowments.
Diane Nygaard, came forward to spoke in support of the the HMP. This contract is three years late. This is less money than originally planned. This project is only 600 acres of the 7000 acres of open space that should be included. Annual meeting feedback has yet to come back to council. Enforcement is an issue, city and preserve managers need to hire 5 staff for enforcement. Where are those positions 5 years later. Please adopt this piece tonight but also get the report of the other 7000 acres and hire the other staff.
Kulchin-read part of the letter from us fish and wildlife svs and dept fish and game. Entered into the record, the part she read.
Vote 5-0 normal motion and second.
16. AB #19,678 - CITIZEN REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF STOP SIGNS AT EL FUERTE STREET AND CHORLITO STREET. To receive a presentation from Jeff Painter regarding a request to remove the all-way stop signs at the intersection of El Fuerte Street and Chorlito Street. ACTION:
AB #19,678
Lisa Hildabrand introduced Mr. Jeff Painter.
Resident since 1983. Stop signs out of no where in the middle of nowhere. Drives back and forth 4 times a day and no one is ever at the stop sign. He called traffic management regarding the signs. Told that citizens requested the stop signs. Is it a safety issue? Staff said no. Staff recommended against the stopsign but council gave the residents the stop sign they asked for but now it is not needed.
5 min. 25 cars came by none on chorlito all on el fuerte. 300 cars/hours, stopping at stop sign when no one around. All residents stop there for no reason. He lives off Alga, there is another intersection nearby that needs the stop sign more. Doesn't need this addition. If one is needed at chorlito then one needs to be at the other intersection.
Stop sign or stop light at Alga and El Fuerte, on block later another stop sign, then .02 mile another stop sign. the other direction is a stiff grade and can't enough speed to speed.
Public Comment
Bob Latin, Carlsbad, spoke about the stop sign. based on request of 200 area residents. 1-alway stop acts traffic calming device. 2-sight distance are inadequate, stop alleviates. 3-change from vacant land to residential area-walking and bikes. 4-unauthorized truck route. Has the stop sign worked? Yes. slowed traffic and driving more carefully. Please leave the stop sign at that intersection.
Dwight Johnson, el fuerte and Chorlito. since 1983. Engineering background. His house is at the intersection. Spoke in opposition to removing the stop sign. Sight corner distance is not adequate but the stop sign fixes that. All way stop control is needed. people were driving 53, and downhill speed was reaching 70. Now it's 30 mph.
Not public comment but comment on the item.
City will be liable if stop signs removed and accidents occur because of the sight line distance.
Mary Sarnecky, 200 residents are represented. Detailed the process of establishing better safety traffic measures. Deficits still exist. El Fuerte is antiquated county road. 2 lanes, steep hills, blind curves, no sidewalks, large trucks, increasing car volume.
substandard road, and lots of pedestrian traffic.
eliminating stop sign would be unconscionable. There consensus believes, traffic survey follow up, was it implemented? What are those findings? Not done? please do so. Several accidents occured at El Fuerte, Cacachua. set the speed limit at 35 mph. up to date traffic study, 2 more stop signs and reduce speed limit.
Expressed thanks to city engineers, council and police.
Bob Wolford, Carlsbad, RCHOA, has come before council in the past regarding traffic issues. New stop signs have helped traffic issues. Spoke in opposition of removing the stop signs.
Laurel Nishogawa, Carlsbad, uses El Fuerte. Spoke in support of removing the signs. Residents use this street as a short cut. Follow advice of traffic engineers and remove the stop signs.
Mayor asked how fast she drives down that road. she said 40-45. Kulchin says leave as it is. Hall, we did many hearings and several discussions, it was about the sight distance and speed. Reduce the speed-he believes that would be a speed trap and couldn't sight anyone. Comfortable in last years decisio.
Packard-please go back and find minutes of those meetings when it was approved. To check the vote. At that time discussion was that city traffic engineer, said it didn't need to be there but extenuouting certimstances. Unamimous decision to put in the stop signs no circumstances changes. Blackburn-his goal is to improve the traffic flow. He did drive all the side streets in this area. He believes its a well placed stop sign.
Mayor-when they have something like this the council goes and check out the situation. There is a safety factor here, by the time they put the signs up people were driving unsafe speeds. He thinks they are necessary. No action.
8:47 recess
17. AB #19,680 - ANNUAL REPORT OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO. To receive the City Treasurer's Report on the Annual Investment Portfolio for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2008. ACTION:
AB #19,680
8:48 came back.
Mac McSherry gave the staff report, a power point presentation on file in the office of the city clerk. Showed a bunch of slides. Treasury slashed interested so much that one can borrow money almost for free. short term interest rates. less yield on the year and 2 year note. Benchmark for types of investments. countries were paying the us govt to hold their money.
negative interest rate negative yield for last week. On that one, bring that up to date, reduce the yield. We have a Buy and hold strategy. VS a buy and sell strategy. This last year a 1 % increase in our portfolio. Cash investments - predicting 08-09 1.8 billion in assets. increase to treasury. I amreally uncomfortable. My shoulders ache and my neck hurts and I'm hungry and BORED.
rate drops significantly in the last 6 months. little less than 5 million increase. Can we attain those goals? all analogies fall apart at some part. hurricane references. level of disasters compared to financial situations of various governments.
only felt the outer reaches at that point have more to deal with. significant reserves-levies. will they hold? we can't redirect or prevent. we can only prepare and be self sustaining. can't waiting for other govt agencies to take care of us. personal experience through depression. This guy is long winded.
Hall, many of these charts end at the end of June. interesting to get the last half of the year when the rest of the story unfolds.
State requires AA rating. we have done very well. compared to several other agencies.
Blackburn-when we invest are we doing mosly 5 yr or mostley 3 mon invested. Mac by law can only go out 5 years. Jan will be investment policy for approval. detailed when and how they invest based on cash flow at various times of year.
Total assests, all types of city owned assests. all types of property. Encumbered financially? Does it have a street on it? Elliot-only the golf course has debt outstanding. hosp grove bonds paid off last year.
obama's intent is long term projects. many years to get to the workers then time for the workers to spend the money. then we sold arms which is what pulled us out. Packard-related questiosn. City has assests 1.8 billion. large part real estate holding. encumbered? Other than the gold course? Jim Elliott has the answer.
reading the fed report. treasury rating down 1.5% which determined 30 year mortgage rate. 2.5-3% will be the new mortgage rate. fed res instutuited 16 programs to stimulate the economy not including the 700 bil bailout or stimulus check last spring. all based on canes unique new economics new deal economics 33 and 35. some is trickle down and some is bottom up.
we live in a beautiful city. tough economic times but we will go home to warm homes with full bellies. would lvoeyour input. Packard-indicated the hoped for rate of return was 3.15. Mentioned the costs of borrow funds is down 2/5. What is the cost of funds for a numicipality like us? Mac-fear of failure effects this. City and states 5.5% on their rated bonds, 6-6.5% on the bonds.
we need to be creative to come up with a plan. greed and fear need better economic models. When you think about Christmas shopping, remember those who are really suffering at this time.
Community magazine Carlsbad calendar.
Kulchin said where to get the calendar.
434-2820 to request a copy mailed to you, community calendar and guide.
Hall-SANDAG, in regards to roads being built around the county. We were prepared and stilll continue to to plan and well positioned to get funding downthe road.
projects ready to go. SB 375, storm water will be costly. coming down the road like a train. Year end, same financial questions and concerns.
Packard league of california cityis. 4 strat goals, protect funding vital services, infrastructure, support sustainable communities, state something or other. If then we will have a successfull strategy.
growing movement of fiscal reform. cities staying fiscally viable.
Blackburn. nothing.
Mayor, rate structure. forecasts for CMWD for colorado river. Picture element of state water project. Hoover dam.
Lisa, first, on behalf of staff happy holiday. congrats to Kulchin and Blackburn. Thanks and looking forward to productive 2009.
assistant clerk made announcements.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary) The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Dec 16, 2008 City Council, Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board, Housing and Redevelopment Commission and Carlsbad Public Financing Authority Board Meeting
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Full agenda
Roll Call: 5 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Presentation of Retirement Proclamation to Jim Torretto.
Presentation of Retirement Proclamation to Dan Sprague.
Presentation of Retirement Proclamation to Joe Harden.
Proclamation Presentation to North Coastal Prevention Coalition for Recognition as the 2008 American Community Anti-Drug Coalition.
Council stepped down from the dias to present the proclamation to the North Coastal Preventation coalition anti-drug coalition.
Celebrating Taking April 20th Back, making it a day to celebrate drug free lifestyle choices.
Presented to the Coalition, Aaron Byzak, president of the Coalition.
Accepted the proclamation and talked about the efforts to take back april 20th which has been considered a day to smoke marijuana.
Proclamation Presentation to Gary Hill in Recognition of City Trail Volunteer Service.
Proclamation to Gary Hill in Recognition of City Trail Volunteer Services. 10 years of volunteer leadership. Helped start the trail system in Carlsbad.
Gary Hill serves as an activist and supporter of the Trail System, his efforts help improve the quality of life for all who live work and play in Carlsbad.
Gary Hill came forward to express his thanks for the proclamation.
Roll call (5 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:12:01)
Second Saturday of the Month at 8 am they work on the trail.
Liz Ketabian assists on the trails as a trail coordinator. Read a letter from Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation thanking Gary Hill for his efforts with the citywide trails program.
President of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation wrote the letter that Liz read.
Worked over 160 hours per year-that have logged.
4:30 -Mayor announced the Closed Session. and instructed the City Staff, adjourned at
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Motion to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Hall.
Vote to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:20:14)
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,668 - ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT ON CAPITAL FUNDS AND SPECIAL TAXES. Making certain findings regarding the collection and expenditure of developer fees and special taxes, pursuant to Government Code Sections 50075, 66001 and 66006. Resolution No. 2008-329. ACTION:
AB #19,668
2. AB #19,669 - AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF FUNDS BETWEEN TRANSNET PROJECTS. Authorizing the transfer of excess interest earnings from TransNet Projects 9005-3, 3557-1 and 3920-1, and the remaining balance in Project 3899-1 to TransNet Project 6001-1 as per SANDAG Board Policy No. 31. Resolution No. 2008-330. ACTION:
AB #19,669
3. AB #19,670 - ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO STREET LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPING DISTRICT NO. 2. Ordering the annexation of the Robertson Ranch Development to Street Lighting and Landscaping District No. 2, Zone 10, and confirming the levy of assessments. Resolution No. 2008-331. ACTION:
AB #19,670
4. AB #19,671 - AUTHORIZE REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. Authorizing a refund of an overpayment of business license tax to AE Gems. Resolution No. 2008-332. ACTION:
AB #19,671
5. AB #19,672 - AMENDMENT TO GENERAL PLAN. Approving the third amendments in 2008 to the Land Use Element and Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan consisting of two projects known as the Adams Street Subdivision, GPA 06-08, and Robertson Ranch Planning Area 14, GPA 08-01. Resolution No. 2008-333. ACTION:
AB #19,672
6. AB #19,673 - STREET VACATION AND APPROVE FINAL MAP FOR LA COSTA RIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD 2.6. Summarily vacating a portion of Melrose Drive, STV 07-02; and, approving the Final Map for La Costa Ridge Neighborhood 2.6 and authorizing the Final Map to be recorded, CT 05-13. Resolution Nos. 2008-334 and 2008-335. ACTION:
AB #19,673
7. AB #19,674 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding a contract to Valley Coast Construction, Inc., for the construction of the Event Area Expansion at Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park, Project No. 45031. Resolution No. 2008-336. ACTION:
AB #19,674
8. AB #19,675 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF THE 2007 SLURRY SEAL PROJECT. Accepting the construction of the 2007 Slurry Seal Project as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion, Project No. 3667-14. Resolution No. 2008-337. ACTION:
AB #19,675
9. AB #19,676 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH-EL FUERTE STREET. Accepting the construction of Carlsbad Oaks North-El Fuerte Street as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion, Project No. CT 97-13. Resolution No. 2008-338. ACTION:
AB #19,676
10. AB #19,677 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH-FARADAY AVENUE. Accepting the construction of Carlsbad Oaks North-Faraday Avenue as complete, and directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion, Project No. CT 97-13. Resolution No. 2008-339. ACTION:
AB #19,677
11. AB #19,681 - DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY. Declaring a state of local emergency resulting from the formation of a sinkhole on December 5, 2008, at 2550 Carlsbad Boulevard, Project No. 3624. Resolution No. 2008-342. ACTION:
AB #19,681
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
Chrisy Ann Kurner, new village arts. To speak about dec issue San Diego Magazine best theater in San Diego.
Best production in 2008.
Sailor Song is the name of the production. Holiday comedy is currently showing.
Have full time staff 3 ee's and 3 part time ees.
new manager
Kary Sigmond, Carlsbad, came forward to talk about NRG power plant. Is concerned about this new power plant and the increase in air pollution, concerned about I-5 corridor widening.
Concerned about additional train tracks adding air pollution. Stated that many residents didn't know about the proposal to build a new power plant.
Misunderstood that old plant will not be remove. Asked council so start a compaign to inform residence of the power plant. Need to repeat this information to residence.
Ray Pearson, Carslbad came forward to speak about CHS Chamber Orchestra, Carnegie Hall invited to play at this festival. 23 string instruments. Benefit Concert 2-11-09. Asking Council to support this trip. Mayor asked how much, 1500 per person 23 kids, are responsible to raise half that and will do fundraiser to get the rest.
Kulchin asked how to get more information. 760-331-6104 Maureen O'Hall the music director. Again, February 11th benefit concert.
Hank Ryan, small business California, difficulties of small businesses economic problems. some new loan program from SDGE 0% loan. This program is for San Diego, it's a state wide program and will be available to the City.
worked with Cynthia Haas, and person from SDGE to extent this small business loan program, energy efficiency.
Well designed prgram with socal gas and sdge.
Mayor asked him to get this information through staff first. 510-459-9683. His number for questions.
Diane Nygaard, preserve calavera, 2002 passed prop c open space and trails. Residents value open space and trails. 35 million to fund these programs.
13 million prop c, allocated to first joint responders training facilities. 5 million of the 35 mill left for open space. She asked City to buy this open space as approved by the voters and residents of Carlsbad.
Another 13 million allocated to other projects. Please allocate funds to open space.
6:34 to CMWD
Special Meeting
December 16, 2008
6:00 P.M.
Kulchin abstain from minutes
Minutes of the Joint Special Meetings held November 18, 2008.
Blackburn abstaining.
Lisa announced presentation by Pruim and Stone.
12. AB #673 - ADOPTION OF DROUGHT RESPONSE PLAN AND WATER CONSERVATION ORDINANCE. To consider adopting a Drought Response Plan and Water Conservation Program and repealing Ordinance No. 35 in its entirety. Introduction of Ordinance No. 44. ACTION:
AB #673
Adoption of drought response plan and water conservation ordinance. This will replace an old ordinance. Background, imports 100% of drinking water. Colorado water basin has less water every year, CA delta also less water because of Court restrictions. Approved model ordinance in March 08. Provides enabling language.
All based their ordinance on water authority model ordinance (other agencies around the county.
This will replace the older ordinance which was generic and non specific in nature. This will be clearly defined, gives balances approach for all users, industrial, agricultural and residential.
Included enabling language, gives staff and board ability to enforce the ordinance. Does not provide a tiered rate idea, use more pay more, not apart of this ordinance.
This ordinance doesn't provide any specific allocations. Should it be required in the future, staff will come back to the board with considerations.
Held workshops in Oct and Nov. monitor what San Diego is doing, consitient with what's being done county wide.
Mark Stone, water ordinance, 4 specific levels. How do we put things we need to do in daily practice at all times. Washing down paved surfaces, washing cars with a shut of hose, only serve water in restaurants when asked, hotels only wash laundry when requested and stay on top of leaks at residential homes.. Drought watch conditions. Consumer reduction of 10% required.
Asking residents to only water during certain times of the day.
Drought response level 2 drought alert condition up to 20% required. All persons required comply with level one as well as level 2.
Examples level 2, limit res and com irrigation and landscape specified days and times per week. repair leaks within 72 hours, stop using ornamental fountains unless water is recycled. level 3 up to 40%, comply with level 1 and 2. Examples are limiting landsacape irrigations, nov-may nor more than once a week to water landscape. Only wash cars at facilities that recycle water.
level3 no new potable water service shall be provided except as noted in the ordinance, annexations to its service area. CMWD mau estab;os a water a;;pcatopm/ AMu [erspm tjat isis water om excess pf tje a;;pcatopm sja;; b sibkect tp a [ema;tu/
Level 4 drought emergency demands 40% must comply with all level restriction. stop all landscape irrigation except agriculture and nurseries. stop leaks with in 24 hours. tampering or removal of flow restrictin devicies will be shut off.
penalties get higher for repeat offenders. may be prosecutes or have water service suspended.
May apply for variance. provided in the ordinance.
outreach plan, county water authority outreach program. reach out our stakeholders, all those served by CMWD.
Staff recommends this ordinance drought response plan. Packard asked county water authroity ordinance-did it indicate what drought level will impose moritorium on new water service. STone said level 3 but descretion up to agencies.
Some have put it in early levels. some level 2, ours is level 3. Packard-are those at level 2 providing service in Carslbad, Stone said yes. 15% serviced by other water districts. olivenhain is at level 2.
Encinitas is also level 3.
Blackburn-does the city offer employee to water audit to check for leaks. Stone said yes suggest better water usage, sprinkler heads, watering schedules, info on our website. Hall asked-how do we translate that info in the bill. Stone said bill shows water usage over the year. Hall, what do we see in our bill, Stone says yearly usage last year during same month.
same month previous year. said stone. Hall said next presentation please provide a slide on how to read the bill for usage. Kulchin, Olivenhein, shows similar usage on their bill. Please also show slide of other water districts. Mayor, greatest problem, people don't believe there is a water shortage. Wet winter doesn't mean anything, need 2 or 3 wet winters to fill reservoirs back up. Pay attention to water usage. worse drought in 10 year plus.
Diamond valley lake down 50% out by Hemet.
2009 and 2010 will be worst drought years so we need to conserve now.
Mr. Ball titled the ordinance.
Returned for adoption on Jan 6, 2009.
Repealing ordinance.
vote 5-0.
adjourned at 6:56
Regular Meeting
December 16, 2008
6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held November 18, 2008.
Kulchin and Blackburn abstain.
Packard requis at 6:57
Austin Silva, Carlsbad village business associate applicant. to extend permit date and change hours of farmer's market on Saturdays.
CVBA official sponsor of the event. Kristy Johnson president of that assoc. Saturday market currently 9-1. Max number of booths 33, 23 fresh certified agricultural items, 6 non certified products, bread pasta pastries. 2 booths for arts crafts and educational basis. 1 booth rotational basis for educational purposes related to organic growing practices, water or soil conservation.. Asking for change of hours to 1-5 pm. and extend permit to match with the wed. permit.
Concern that too many arts and crafts booths. Should be a certified farmer's market as permitted. Parking counts taken. 62% utiliation rate over the 2 saturdays. configuration will not change, only the hours of operation.
Appears to be well liked by businesses and residents. many signatures collected from interested parties who want the hours for saturday changed.
Staff at least 2 cert. agr booths to 1 non cert. One letter of opposition by local business owner regarding parking lot issues.
Kristy Johnson, CVBA employee, Farmer's Market Manager. Making the point that = putting together this proposal to change hours, saturday market necessity for those who can't come to the wednesday market. Residents will go to other City's market's if no saturday market is held in carlsbda.
18 produce vendors expressed commitment to the new hours, only need 8 but have 18 cert. produce vendors.
Public hearing opened at 7:06. Scott Engle carlsbad, spoke in support of the new hours and the saturday market in general.
Andrea DeBia, vendor at market, has lots of customers who only come on saturday because they cannot come on wednesday who also shop regular businesses. Spoke in support of the new hours.
Jay corralis, board of CVBA, local business employee and resident. spoke in support of the proposed new hours.
Joyce Wise, business owner right by the farmer's market. opposed to the market because of the parking in her businesses lot. She said no other neighboring city has 2 markets. She said mayor has tried to help make the market better and she said it's still a flea market. Please use another parking lot if you want another market day. This Saturday market inconveniences her customers. Please consider another part of the village if you must have another market but the 2:1 ratio of business types will help improve the quality of the vendors.
Strings program is there because she helped raise 50K to keep program viable. asked council spend money there.
Michelle Business owner in the village. Spoke in support of the farmer's market. Never had a complaint from client about parking. incredible community affair and the enw satruday hours will make that a bigger event. had business for 6 years, and is local resident.
Allen Wanamaker, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the market.. so many people cannot come to Wednesday because of work. Increased foot traffic helps other businesses. Can only improve the market. Will bring more vendors. More vendors more customers. more veggie vendors and fresh fish vendors. The point is to bring people downtown for the downtown experience.
Rebecca May, vendor at the market, respond to the comment that the market is a flop. The Saturday market is her best market and she does other market. Attracts many tourists. Spoke in support of the market. She can only do the market every other market because of another market that morning but can do all markets if the hours change.
Walt Myer, change the hours will get more people. Spoke in support.
closed at 7:18. No questions from staff.
Kulchin says most are in accord with the change in market hours. Need to continue to help those who work in Carlsbad. Hall says he concurs. Vote 4-0-1 Packard Abstain.
Recess at 7:20.
reconvene at 7:24.
all 5 present.
13. AB #411 - VILLAGE FARMER'S MARKET MAJOR REDEVELOPMENT PERMIT AMENDMENT AND EXTENSION. To consider approving a Major Redevelopment Permit Amendment, RP 94-05(A)x5, amending the hours of the Saturday Farmers Market, adding a condition requiring a 2:1 ratio of certified agricultural booths to non-certified product and information booths for the Wednesday and Saturday Markets, and extending the expiration date of the Redevelopment Permit to September 19, 2011 for the Saturday Farmer's Market located in the public parking lot on the east side of Roosevelt Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue. Resolution No. 461. ACTION:
AB #411
Special Meeting
December 16, 2008
6:00 P.M.
Minutes of the Special Meetings held June 10, 2008.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held June 17, 2008.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held August 12, 2008.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held September 9, 2008.
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held September 16, 2008.
abstain june 10th packard all other approved, no blackburn.
Lisa introduces Carlsbad operating budget for crossings.
14.AB #38 - 2009 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET FOR THE CROSSINGS AT CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE AND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. To consider approving the 2009 Operating and Capital Budget for The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course; and, To consider approving an amendment to the Municipal Lease Agreement with Textron Financial Corporation for the purchase of golf carts. Resolution Nos. 48 and 49. ACTION:
AB #38
Owned by city, operated by Kempor sports mangement as general manager.
Highlighted accomplishments. Clubhouse of the year. Top ten new courses for 2008 by golf magazine. loyalty club, junior program, city amateur champ
34 weddings in 2008, booked 47 weddings in 2009.
Many events to attract the community so it's not just a golf course. Brunches and venue for other events.
consideration for economic recession. lower fees collected.
High level summary, course and gronds, greens fees. Food and beverage is for restaurants.
Bookings so far are an increase in revenues for food and beverages. But greens fees projected to be lower. so it's flat.
total expense is increase for food and beverage. Water rate increase built into the budget as well. 250K proposed budget. Capital reserve.
Lisa Irvine presented the staff Power Point presentation, (On file in the office of the City Clerk.)
Encourage residents to use the trails around the golf course.
Capital improvement budget includes course drainage. Help improve the absorbtion of the grass. add steps to get from the clubhouse to the practice area.
Request is to approve the reso. and amend the municipal lease agreement.
Kulchin asked, jeff perry, drainage -156K dollars-why is that important, why not determined early on when built. Jeff said most gof courses will go through growing period . when they are developed won't know how the water will flow and how traffic will impact the way water flows, compaction issues difficult to grow grass in the soil. addind water to gtrow it, then run all those people and cart, they become high impact areas and they become impacted and the run off causes problems. Need this drainage update to keep the turf healthy and reduce compaction problems. Get the water down the soil quickly, why didn't we do it in the beginning-can't predict the pattern of run off. Can address the issue without the impact of daily play. dRive golfers regularly, can't shut down course.
courses continue to go through drainage process. normal for a new course.
Drainage projects. develop impaction issues or other turf issues. Kulchin-cost of habitat. why addition cost for habitiat? Irvine- have to reestablish and maintain and monitor new planting and habitat back to natural condition. Perry-CUP require habitat restoration to natural order. developing land causes damage that has to be repaired. Lots of monitoring costs.
kulchin monitored how many years? perry CCC 5 years agencies review. Perry doesn't know how many agencies involved. Steyart, 5 year permit, fish and game, fish and wildlife review the mitigated areas. CCC evaluated us after 5 year perios if the mitigated areas are reestablished.
Mark Tanner, Carlsbad unified school district, Carlsbad resident. His position about this course-he didn't think this was a good use of this area or money. The golf course has limited uses. Narrow usage-doesn't think it was a good decision. Expensive course. alternative uses -doesn't think it was a good use. Suggests, doesn't agree with Irvine's projections-thinks people are feeling poorer. thinks less people will be using the golf course. Suggests to look at what it is instead of what we hope it will be.
Change the fees? Or change the usage. Thinks the projections of the finance dept are wrong. Thinks we should reconsider the golf course. Hall-what is your recommendation? Tanner-change the fees or cost structure, or change the usage. Can't let it go and hope things get better-he says is a bad idea. Serves a small percent of resident.
Up the fees, change the cost, change the usage or look at selling. Tanner.
Water conservationist. at the crossings today and couple weeks ago, water conservation-black alders, require lots of trees, should be replaced with native trees and shrubs. Black alders are not drought resistant.
Mayor respond to Tanner-working on golf course for 20 years. the first didn't work because of environmental issues. 80's people voted for the golf course. Carlsbad Council is unique, futuristic approach. Tourists from hotels come to play golf. Once the building started, the costs increased, but city was doing well financially at that time. Realizes this is going to be tough, depression not recession so many out of work.. He thinks eventually it will be a blessing to Carlsbad. More hotels will come.
4000 hotels rooms. Painful process but will get better. Environmental groups increased the costs. He's sorry it's costing so much money but would vote for it again but hopefully under better circumstances. Kulchin, said we looked at the cost for playing at the crossings. comparied ourselbes to encinitas golf course. do we make it really well and build a clubhouse. Irv Rolston chair committee. Build it and the clubhouse and do it right. clubhouse has done well. Didn't hear that many people opposed to the project. HAll no comment. Packard says, at the onset and saw the numbers. Knew it would be a 5 year deficit.
cost of habitat is part of that issue. the nubmer of rounds and food services whould break even then bring in profit. Irvine says it was 5-7 deficit but economy can slow it down. Packard-flat as afar as revenue because the clubhouse revenue is matching loss of revenue from the course.
Every year making same decisions about finances with the course. He is willing to continue to support it.
It will continue to be a draw, it would be premature to walk away at this point. Need to stay in close range to their projections. Blackburn-thinks tanner's projections are not far off but he hopes they are wrong.
Best spent money on the habitat. Supports but would feel more comforted if we could find 1.6 million to build the alga norte complex. The 1.6 would maintain the alga complex-that's what we're running in deficit at the golf course.
Hall, said Carlsbad is doing well, we have the ability to see our projects through and fund them. Costs and how we have to deal with that, going to take scrutiny, they are committed to this project. Walk the trails, visit the clubhouse.
vote, 5-0
14.AB #38 - 2009 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET FOR THE CROSSINGS AT CARLSBAD GOLF COURSE AND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT. To consider approving the 2009 Operating and Capital Budget for The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course; and, To consider approving an amendment to the Municipal Lease Agreement with Textron Financial Corporation for the purchase of golf carts. Resolution Nos. 48 and 49. ACTION:
7:59 adjourned to city council meeting.
15. AB #19,679 - PRESERVE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND PRESERVE MANAGER AGREEMENT. To consider accepting the Preserve Management Plan for the maintenance, management and monitoring of City owned Habitat Management Plan Preserve Lands; and, To consider approving an agreement with the Center for Natural Lands Management as Preserve Manager for the maintenance, management and monitoring of City owned Open Space properties within the Habitat Management Plan Preserve. Resolution Nos. 2008-340 and 2008-341. ACTION:
AB #19,679
Mike Grim Senior Planner gave the staff report. on file in the office of the City Clerk.
HMP habitat preserves guide management and monitoring activities on preserve. City's HMP 13 owned city properties, 600 acres. Calavera and Crossings. This habitat already set aside and doesn't require additional. Baseline studies, fences, weeds,
Preserve Manager, center for natural lands management. Monitoring preserve area, biological resources thrive. remove invasive species. You need to restore or enhance the habitat. Access control, stay on paths, outreach and education.
This company is knowledgable about other Carlsbad preserve lands. start up costs, 334K, 170k after initial start. Initial baseline studies. THey won't bill for that work.
Staff recommends adoption of reso. Hall -does anybody else have HMP? North county no-we're the lead back 15 years ago. when SANDAG looked for area. CHula and Poway, San Diego do have a plan.. Regional plan done after the HMP.
Detail is more onerouse for each jurisdiction. 1 year dollar amount, how do we take care of invasice species to ensure they don't come back? Grim, reestablish habitat and continuing to remove those that grow back.
it is an agressive effort. Will be doing invasice removal the first 3 years. contact not to exceed a 3 year term. Hall-any volunteers? Grim said they are trying-san elijo lagoon-state funded volunteers, regional basis, can get here there. Hall-preserve management plan.. costing-detail that. Grim- how much does it cost to manage a preserve?
Do analysis how much to manage each year. draw those reserves off and management that property.. Endowment is one time opportunity. Can only ask for money one time, can't go back if the estimates were wrong.
Monthly itemzied bills. HAll-costs incorporated int his? Grim says yes. not to exceed for each task. Packard-other habitat areas other organizations involved in mangaming those endowments. went belly up, . Tell us about the company? Are they solvent? Grim-
Grim CLM statewide mangement. How to tell if preserve manager is good, lists from the county. Done annual research on the company, good track record.
Packard-not questioning staff recommendation but giving public a chance to hear about the company. Mayor- question about the map. Macario Cnyn. several years ago leased from SDGE. Is this under that jurisdiction as well? Mark Steyart-yes that 92 acres south shore agua hedionda. Steyart says not the same property as that leased from SDGE.
David Mayor, dept fish and game. Represeinting fish and wildlife dept as well. Jan 2007 legislation to certify land managers. This company has been certified to hold endowments.
Diane Nygaard, came forward to spoke in support of the the HMP. This contract is three years late. This is less money than originally planned. This project is only 600 acres of the 7000 acres of open space that should be included. Annual meeting feedback has yet to come back to council. Enforcement is an issue, city and preserve managers need to hire 5 staff for enforcement. Where are those positions 5 years later. Please adopt this piece tonight but also get the report of the other 7000 acres and hire the other staff.
Kulchin-read part of the letter from us fish and wildlife svs and dept fish and game. Entered into the record, the part she read.
Vote 5-0 normal motion and second.
16. AB #19,678 - CITIZEN REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF STOP SIGNS AT EL FUERTE STREET AND CHORLITO STREET. To receive a presentation from Jeff Painter regarding a request to remove the all-way stop signs at the intersection of El Fuerte Street and Chorlito Street. ACTION:
AB #19,678
Lisa Hildabrand introduced Mr. Jeff Painter.
Resident since 1983. Stop signs out of no where in the middle of nowhere. Drives back and forth 4 times a day and no one is ever at the stop sign. He called traffic management regarding the signs. Told that citizens requested the stop signs. Is it a safety issue? Staff said no. Staff recommended against the stopsign but council gave the residents the stop sign they asked for but now it is not needed.
5 min. 25 cars came by none on chorlito all on el fuerte. 300 cars/hours, stopping at stop sign when no one around. All residents stop there for no reason. He lives off Alga, there is another intersection nearby that needs the stop sign more. Doesn't need this addition. If one is needed at chorlito then one needs to be at the other intersection.
Stop sign or stop light at Alga and El Fuerte, on block later another stop sign, then .02 mile another stop sign. the other direction is a stiff grade and can't enough speed to speed.
Public Comment
Bob Latin, Carlsbad, spoke about the stop sign. based on request of 200 area residents. 1-alway stop acts traffic calming device. 2-sight distance are inadequate, stop alleviates. 3-change from vacant land to residential area-walking and bikes. 4-unauthorized truck route. Has the stop sign worked? Yes. slowed traffic and driving more carefully. Please leave the stop sign at that intersection.
Dwight Johnson, el fuerte and Chorlito. since 1983. Engineering background. His house is at the intersection. Spoke in opposition to removing the stop sign. Sight corner distance is not adequate but the stop sign fixes that. All way stop control is needed. people were driving 53, and downhill speed was reaching 70. Now it's 30 mph.
Not public comment but comment on the item.
City will be liable if stop signs removed and accidents occur because of the sight line distance.
Mary Sarnecky, 200 residents are represented. Detailed the process of establishing better safety traffic measures. Deficits still exist. El Fuerte is antiquated county road. 2 lanes, steep hills, blind curves, no sidewalks, large trucks, increasing car volume.
substandard road, and lots of pedestrian traffic.
eliminating stop sign would be unconscionable. There consensus believes, traffic survey follow up, was it implemented? What are those findings? Not done? please do so. Several accidents occured at El Fuerte, Cacachua. set the speed limit at 35 mph. up to date traffic study, 2 more stop signs and reduce speed limit.
Expressed thanks to city engineers, council and police.
Bob Wolford, Carlsbad, RCHOA, has come before council in the past regarding traffic issues. New stop signs have helped traffic issues. Spoke in opposition of removing the stop signs.
Laurel Nishogawa, Carlsbad, uses El Fuerte. Spoke in support of removing the signs. Residents use this street as a short cut. Follow advice of traffic engineers and remove the stop signs.
Mayor asked how fast she drives down that road. she said 40-45. Kulchin says leave as it is. Hall, we did many hearings and several discussions, it was about the sight distance and speed. Reduce the speed-he believes that would be a speed trap and couldn't sight anyone. Comfortable in last years decisio.
Packard-please go back and find minutes of those meetings when it was approved. To check the vote. At that time discussion was that city traffic engineer, said it didn't need to be there but extenuouting certimstances. Unamimous decision to put in the stop signs no circumstances changes. Blackburn-his goal is to improve the traffic flow. He did drive all the side streets in this area. He believes its a well placed stop sign.
Mayor-when they have something like this the council goes and check out the situation. There is a safety factor here, by the time they put the signs up people were driving unsafe speeds. He thinks they are necessary. No action.
8:47 recess
17. AB #19,680 - ANNUAL REPORT OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO. To receive the City Treasurer's Report on the Annual Investment Portfolio for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2008. ACTION:
AB #19,680
8:48 came back.
Mac McSherry gave the staff report, a power point presentation on file in the office of the city clerk. Showed a bunch of slides. Treasury slashed interested so much that one can borrow money almost for free. short term interest rates. less yield on the year and 2 year note. Benchmark for types of investments. countries were paying the us govt to hold their money.
negative interest rate negative yield for last week. On that one, bring that up to date, reduce the yield. We have a Buy and hold strategy. VS a buy and sell strategy. This last year a 1 % increase in our portfolio. Cash investments - predicting 08-09 1.8 billion in assets. increase to treasury. I amreally uncomfortable. My shoulders ache and my neck hurts and I'm hungry and BORED.
rate drops significantly in the last 6 months. little less than 5 million increase. Can we attain those goals? all analogies fall apart at some part. hurricane references. level of disasters compared to financial situations of various governments.
only felt the outer reaches at that point have more to deal with. significant reserves-levies. will they hold? we can't redirect or prevent. we can only prepare and be self sustaining. can't waiting for other govt agencies to take care of us. personal experience through depression. This guy is long winded.
Hall, many of these charts end at the end of June. interesting to get the last half of the year when the rest of the story unfolds.
State requires AA rating. we have done very well. compared to several other agencies.
Blackburn-when we invest are we doing mosly 5 yr or mostley 3 mon invested. Mac by law can only go out 5 years. Jan will be investment policy for approval. detailed when and how they invest based on cash flow at various times of year.
Total assests, all types of city owned assests. all types of property. Encumbered financially? Does it have a street on it? Elliot-only the golf course has debt outstanding. hosp grove bonds paid off last year.
obama's intent is long term projects. many years to get to the workers then time for the workers to spend the money. then we sold arms which is what pulled us out. Packard-related questiosn. City has assests 1.8 billion. large part real estate holding. encumbered? Other than the gold course? Jim Elliott has the answer.
reading the fed report. treasury rating down 1.5% which determined 30 year mortgage rate. 2.5-3% will be the new mortgage rate. fed res instutuited 16 programs to stimulate the economy not including the 700 bil bailout or stimulus check last spring. all based on canes unique new economics new deal economics 33 and 35. some is trickle down and some is bottom up.
we live in a beautiful city. tough economic times but we will go home to warm homes with full bellies. would lvoeyour input. Packard-indicated the hoped for rate of return was 3.15. Mentioned the costs of borrow funds is down 2/5. What is the cost of funds for a numicipality like us? Mac-fear of failure effects this. City and states 5.5% on their rated bonds, 6-6.5% on the bonds.
we need to be creative to come up with a plan. greed and fear need better economic models. When you think about Christmas shopping, remember those who are really suffering at this time.
Community magazine Carlsbad calendar.
Kulchin said where to get the calendar.
434-2820 to request a copy mailed to you, community calendar and guide.
Hall-SANDAG, in regards to roads being built around the county. We were prepared and stilll continue to to plan and well positioned to get funding downthe road.
projects ready to go. SB 375, storm water will be costly. coming down the road like a train. Year end, same financial questions and concerns.
Packard league of california cityis. 4 strat goals, protect funding vital services, infrastructure, support sustainable communities, state something or other. If then we will have a successfull strategy.
growing movement of fiscal reform. cities staying fiscally viable.
Blackburn. nothing.
Mayor, rate structure. forecasts for CMWD for colorado river. Picture element of state water project. Hoover dam.
Lisa, first, on behalf of staff happy holiday. congrats to Kulchin and Blackburn. Thanks and looking forward to productive 2009.
assistant clerk made announcements.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary) The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
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