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Closed Session Announcement.
Roll call (5 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:03:36)
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of Arbor Week.
Council Member Hall presented a Proclamation to Parks and Recreation Director Brian Albright in recognition of National Arbor Week.
Mr. Albright stated that every day is arbor day for the Parks and Recreation Department. Planting trees that will thrive in the climate in Hosp Grove. Thanked SDG&E and the Urban Corp. and Rotary Club supporting Parks and Recreation. First 200 people will get a t-shirt.
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of National Volunteer Week and Recognizing CERT Volunteers.
Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin presented a Proclamation to Sue Irey and David Harrison in recognition of National Volunteer recognition week. April 19th. 1811 volunteers donated 69535 hours to the City of Carlsbad.
April 19th through April 25th.
Sue Irey thanked the Council for recognizing the volunteers. 57% increase over year before in the number of volunteers.
David Harrison now coming to microphone. Spoke about CERT volunteers - providing emergency information and education.
Two CERT volunteers were selected to meet the Governor.
Newest volunteers introduced to Council.
See if I can get list of CERT volunteers for Minutes. Contact David Harrison.
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of DMV/Donate Life California Month.
Council Member Blackburn presented a Proclamation to a representative from Lifesharing (Donor Organization Group).
April 2009 is DMV / Donate Life California Month.
Betsy Sellers - volunteer with Lifesharing - son - had congenital heart defect - received a heart transplant.
One statistic - 26 people in Carlsbad awaiting a transplant. Presenting a certificate of thanks to the City of Carlsbad for first donate life donor drive.
Fire Batallion Chief Ed Sprague came forward to address Council.
Gave a brief overview of incident where vehicle went into the lagoon. Two officers went down into the lagoon to find survivors of car crash. Officers Cluett and Gary Marshal went into the water struggled to bring woman to the beach. Got individuals heart rate back and into the ambulance. Family members of the young woman - woman did not survive - the individual - organ donor.
Also recognition for the family member of the young lady
Lady thanked the officers for men helping - mother of young lady thanked the officers.
Mike McFadden now came forward to address the public.
Little guy, dillon was a mentor for Mr. McFadden.
Bo Christopher Segado - donor to Mr. McFadden . . . Donor families are truly heroes.
At least 26 Carlsbad constituents waiting on transplants right now.
Parks and Rec. Commissioners called forward for Arbor Day photos.
Photos of donors now.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Motion to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Hall.
Vote to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:33:54)
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,773 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS. Accepting donations of product and in-kind services in support of 2009 Teen Scene: Battle of the Bands special event. Resolution No. 2009-074. ACTION:
AB #19,773
2. AB #19,774 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation of in-kind volunteer hours and contributions from the California Coastal Rose Society at Magee Park during calendar year 2008. Resolution No. 2009-075. ACTION:
AB #19,774
3. AB #19,775 - APPROVE MODIFICATIONS TO THE CITY INVESTMENT POLICY. Approving the City Investment Policy dated April 21, 2009. Resolution No. 2009-076. ACTION:
AB #19,775
4. AB #19,776 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Accepting the construction of the traffic signal at Calle Barcelona and Paseo Avellano as complete; and, directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion, Project No. 6306. Resolution No. 2009-077. ACTION:
AB #19,776
5. AB #19,777 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PAWNBROKERS. To consider amending Section 5.08.120 (Pawnbrokers) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requiring pawn businesses to obtain a pawnbrokers license from the Chief of Police and repealing the requirement for a written permit from City Council. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-027. ACTION:
AB #19,777
Assistant City Attorney titled the Ordinance.
Motion to approve 5. AB #19,777 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PAWNBROKERS. To consider amending Section 5.08.120 (Pawnbrokers) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requiring pawn businesses to obtain a pawnbrokers license from the Chief of Police and repealing the requirement for a written permit from City Council. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-027. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Hall.
Vote to approve 5. AB #19,777 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PAWNBROKERS. To consider amending Section 5.08.120 (Pawnbrokers) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requiring pawn businesses to obtain a pawnbrokers license from the Chief of Police and repealing the requirement for a written permit from City Council. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-027. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:34:58)
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
Diane Nygaard, representing Preserve Calavera, spoke about Village H. Spoke about Prop C. City should have purchased Village H property.
Asking that new property owners does grant easements for public trails on the trails. Asking Council to listen to constituents on what they want.
City Manager Hildabrand introduced Community Development Director Sandy Holder to come forward.
Holder - Village H was purchased by private property. The owner intends to dedicate the trail. P&R Director working to obtain easement right away. The property will be developed according to Master Plan - a community type of use. The rest of the property will be retained as Open Space. May be sometime of daycare, church or someplace to have weddings.
Council Member Packard was on city website. There is a page and 1/2 on Village H property. A lot of detail available.
Kulchin - some mis-information - there will be a dedicated trail. Maybe we can have a notice on the fence.
6. AB #19,778 - WEED ABATEMENT. To hear objections and to consider directing the Fire Chief to abate nuisances by having weeds, rubbish and refuse removed from identified parcels. Resolution No. 2009-062. ACTION:
AB #19,778
Monty Kalen, Fire Prevention Officer to do brief presentation. GAve an overview of the 250 lots needing abatement. Fire Chief to take action on May 15th.
Opened PH at 6:39 p.m. Closed at 6:39 p.m.
Motion to approve 6. AB #19,778 - WEED ABATEMENT. To hear objections and to consider directing the Fire Chief to abate nuisances by having weeds, rubbish and refuse removed from identified parcels. Resolution No. 2009-062. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Hall.
Vote to approve 6. AB #19,778 - WEED ABATEMENT. To hear objections and to consider directing the Fire Chief to abate nuisances by having weeds, rubbish and refuse removed from identified parcels. Resolution No. 2009-062. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:42:18)
7. AB #19,779 - PRESENTATION OF ECONOMIC OVERVIEW. To receive a presentation from staff regarding current economic conditions and the impact on City revenues. ACTION:
AB #19,779
Economic Development Manager Cynthia Haas, Finance Director Lisa Irvine and Assistant Finance Director Kevin Branca presented the staff report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Haas - spoke about escalating unemployment rate - hit highest level in three decades (San Diego).
Gave details of difference between U-3 and U-6 unemployment members . . . U-3 does not include individuals that no longer have unemployment benefits.
Gave an overview of Carlsbad Market Area Foreclosures 2007 - Current - Auctioned.
Median home price for homes in Carlsbad between 2008 to 2009 to change from 1.3% to 20.6%
Declines in new construction permits.
Commercial and Industrial Permits - 0 for the first quarter of 2009.
Direct Office vacancy is 26.4%. Industrial is 14%.
Haas - reviewed forecasts.
Kevin Branca - now reviewing the General fund revenues. Gave an overview of four larges revenue sources. Property Tax, sales tax , TOT and franchise taxes.
General Fund Revenues for the year. Actually ahead of expectations at this time.
Property taxes are up $2.6 millionor 9% ahead of last year.
Major factors in increase from prior fiscal year:
Next largest revenue source is sales tax.
Auto mall sales tax has dipped - levels were same in 1999.
Premium outlets higher than Plaza Camino Real.
TOT - down 3% compared to last year. OUtlook for remainder of the year does not look projjmising. Projected decrease of 5.5% for the fiscal year.
Development related revenues.
Branca giving comparison of development revenues for this year and last year . . . .listen to this.
Annual SDG&E payment is going to be 31% higher.
Lisa Irvine to review the 10 year forecast - spoke about the US Economy.
Nationwide GDP decrease of 6.3% - economist projecting another negative 5 to 6%
State of CA economy - $42 billion deficit - there estimates are deteriorating.
Keep an eye on State of California.
Reviewed previous Council actions
Assumes three year economic recession with slow rcovery beginning in fy 2012. Spoke of opening of new facilities are prposed to be delayed/deferred to help balance forecast.
Projecting operating deficits in next couple of years.
Next steps - continue selective hiring freeze. Innovations/efficiencies / No plan to use reserves for operating expenditures. Continue to monitor the economy.
Good News - Standard and Poor's recently upgraded the City credit rating to AAA which is the highest possible.
End of presentation.
Packard - talked about yield in investment portfolio is down? Is it down even futher than what was used in budget projections formula. Irvine - slightly down from that but still performing better in overall revised budget. Overall
Kulchin - how often does S& P rate bonds? Irvine - usually when request a rating. However, they took the initiative and reviwed our financial practicies . . ; usually 3 to 5 years.
Hall - part of conversation about budgets when will 09/10 budget ready for review. June 2nd said Irvine . .. will be public end of May - follow up on noticing for the Budget PH.
Lewis - the projected budget - like a guessing game????. Yes said Irvine - we give best estimates we can with information we have.
Lewis - any projections of what State is taking? Irvine up to 8% of Property TAx revenue - about $4 million - to be taken from reserve fund.
Lewis - what about smoothing of PERS - Irvine - we are assuming that there will be a significant bump in 2012 - built the bump between 5-10% of the rates built into 10 year forecast.
Packard - forecasts for long time - do you have information how close you have been on your forecasts for last five years. Irvine - in current year within 1%. Actual coming within last forecast.
Blackburn - talk about state borrowing money . . . they borrow and don't take and they can't take again.
Irvine - no money that they have borrowed that they plan to take back - can borrow the $$$ and have to pay back within three years and can borrow twice in a ten year period.
Thanked staff for presentation.
8. AB #19,780 - ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK AND AQUATIC CENTER OPERATING AND CONSTRUCTION OPTIONS. To consider approving operating and construction options for the Alga Norte Community Park and Aquatic Center, Project Nos. 3837 and 3925. Resolution No. 2009-079. ACTION:
AB #19,780
Special Projects Director Skip Hammann, Parks and Recreation Director Brian Albright and Finance Director Lisa Irvine to present the staff report and review a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Skip - gave location of proposed park. Gave the park development history.
Master Plan of the park elements - community park and aquatic center.
In July - staff revised cost estimates.
Gave options for Council to consider - Continue hold on project; 2 - build project as currently designed - Phase 1 - build community park and aquatic center - phase 1. 3. Rough grade sidte for future development. 4. Grade and build (look at slides).
Skip explaining what rough grade means - cost is about $5.1 million.
Advantages - could save money and take advantage of current bidding climate.
sAVE MONEY W/O GENERAL CONTRACTOR FEES. Preserve developable area. Eliminate unknown site conditions. FAcilitate addinonal phasing. Neglibible impact to operating costs.
Albright now - staff team has spent considerable time evaluating operating options. 1) City operate 2) Lease/Management Contract 3) Ground Lease 4)Public/Private Partnership
If City operates - Park and Recreation Business Model - programs operated by staff.
Total net O&M of $1.2 million.
Lease/Management Contract - City pays for costs of initial improvement.
Could be some interest in business community - would involve a significant subsidy from the city - probably not the $1.2 million that would cost the city to operate.
Ground Lease - lease ground for specific period of time. Not a realistic viable option at this time.
Public / Private / Partnership - Design modifications would be allowable.
Lease project for specific amount of time.
Provide an ongoing revenue stream for the cities.
Council would have to pass an Ordinance to allow this type of operational method. Is a viable option.
Operating Options - 1. City Operate / 2. Lease/Management - both of these construction could proceed. For last two options - first have to identify partners.
Finance Director Lisa Irvine reviewing 10 year forecast for this project. 10 year forecast is assuming slow economic recover beginning in 2012. The 10 year forecast is projecting budget deficits over
2013 First responders - Alga Norte coming on line in 2014
Given 10-year forecast - not recomending taking on additional costs until later on. Want Alga NOrte park delayed until 2013/2014
Skip - summarizing at this time. The five construction options - look at slide for these.
Skip also reviewing operating options.
Kulchin - how much do we have in reserve funds right now. Irvine - $46 million. How much in replacement - $30 to $35 million said Irvine.
Blackburn - presentation - beginning in 2014 will allow the M&O for the park based on current assumptions - yes said Irvine. About $10.6 million left over for how much it will cost vs. what is set aside. Can we use the $10.6 million to pay for the m&o until the City can pay for the park. Irvine - it could it be done to bridge the gap until 2014.
Packard - how long does rough grading take? Skip - 6 to 9 months - have to go out to bid and do the advertising - 1 year to year and 1/2. Packard confirmed that phase will take at least a year and is the first order of work.
Packard - for P&R Director - spoke about two options for operating costs. Lease/Mgmt. model - the lessee will set fees - how will it be handled to have equity in fees in relation to other facilities. Albright - would be worked out as part of the agreement. We could include to have both aquatics center operated by lessee.
Packard - Desing/Build - how long would it take to develop to work through that type of model and find someone and come to terms? Albright - speculation - would have to issue an RFP and negotiate mode - close to 1 year.
Packard - how many projects on books that city want to do - but don't have funds for. Hildabrand - refer to Irvine. Irvine said approximately 12. At least 12 we have no idea how to fund.
Packard - why would we want to use $10.6 million for operating funds instead of other projects. irvine - could be used for those projects or phase 2 of alga norte - aquatics.
Hall - define terms of public facilties. Irvine - Public Faciliteis fee fund - developer generated revenue. Look at slide number 19 - Alga Norte Park Project Financing.
What is GCC - General (General Fund Money (General Capital Construction - flexible pot of money).
Lewis - on the Police and Fire Facility will be postponed until 2013 or 2014. Will postpone for almost four years. Postponed for two years based on forecast. Lewis - the 10 year forecast ~ 2014 to open and operate Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Complex per Irvine.
Lewis - if we want this private sector - ball parks will be under private partnership. Per Albright - could be an option.
Kulchin - the first responder facility has nothing to do with decision tongiht - has nothing to do with tonight - is not an either / or confirmed Kulchin with Irvine.
Hildabrand - giving Council best information we have right now.
Lewis - clarify about police/fire - if we do one others fall off.
Hildabrand - if you take the projects - if you use just staff's recommendation depending on M&O.
Lewis - we can't do both???? Between now and 2014 . . .can we operate both?
Irvine - are projecting operating deficits in 2009 - 2012. Irvine capacity cannot support both facilities in 2013.
Blackburn - we have $50.4 million set aside for Alga Norte. Also have $20.4 million set aside for the Police and Fire Training Center.
Hall - staff is proposing that in approximately 2013 can open and operate the Fire center and 2014 can open and operate the Alga NOrte park. Hildabrand - if you bring on something new you will have to cut something else. Lewis - just discussing the Alga NOrte Park. Cannot discuss Training Center.
Kulchin - if we start tomorrow Alga Norte Park Phase 1 - how long will it take to do it? Skip - estimate that within 6 months be under construction -. 2.5 to 3 years from today.
President of La Costa Youth Organization - get gentleman's name. Need ballfields - in support of Alga Norte Park.
Walt Meier - Carlsbad, 2/3 of worlds population cannot swim
Mr. Meier spoke in support of the Park - want parking lot and swim complex first.
Kulchin - don't build fields? Yes said meir no fields.
Evan Rodgers, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. We have about 100,000 residents - let's set up a citizen fund and let people contribute in water bills. In support of Alga Norte Park.
Tom Arnold, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council and Lisa Rodman also came forward. Ms. Rodman now asking for pool - please build.
Bidders for school - 35% lower. The time is now.
Hall - part of the dream - has to do with the special events - in past years you did the numbers. Is there a speaker to speak about the events. Rodman - yes, last speaker.
Lifeguard, 7263 Surfbird Circle, Leonard Ortiz, have worked Carlsbad beaches for many years. City is lacking a pool facility. Kids need to learn to swim. Own city residents cannot get swim lessons. same problem with Jr. Guard program.
Need pool.
Preston Rodman, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council - been 13 years - was 4 when Mom started. Brother swam at Monroe pool - moved up to Seniors. The Senior group has to go to La Jolla to swim because cannot. Brother is in college. Spoke in support of pool.
Dillon Larson, oldest of five kids - all play water polo. Two sisters are left handed players - a huge advantage. Pool time is late during the week. Brother Clay and me are working to play on Varsity team. Difficult on family and time together because we have commitments.
Talman Chasman, Carlsbad High Swim and Water Polo Team. However, because of religious obligations do not play on Sundays at all. Over 400 hours of lost playing time. spoke in favor of building pool.
Lori Batter, Carlsbad, spoke in favor of Alga Norte Complex. Have over 20 years experience in Aquatics industry.
Spoke about benefits to health. Swimmers have lower mortality rate.
Mike Thomas, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Speaking on behalf of old people. Designated old person. Senior population in need of swim complex.
Greg HOrman, Carlsbad, 3525Avondale , Coach Carlsbad HS and Carlsbad Water Polo Team. Club swimmers in La Jolla . . .this is just the Water Polo Team.
Spoke in support of constructing Alga Norte Park.
Lewis, have you ever approached School Board about pool on new complex? No said man.
Jamie Feaster, Seabright Place, Carlsbad, power of belief. We as coaches try to get our kids to believe in themselves. Spoke in support of pool.
Take advantage of opportunities.
Shawn Robinson, Cloverdale, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Father of three water polo kids. General Manager of Hilton HOtel in Costa Mesa. Spoke about economic benefits of pool.
Many tournaments - as a tourism professional, saw potential for hotels. 2008 Orange County Jr. Water Polo Olympics - Hilton hotels bid to obtain team.
Estimated encomic impact for hotels over $1 million
Estimate TOT for City of Carlsbad.
Will bring thousands of visitors to Carlsbad.
Robert, Rent , 3532 Camino Coronado, drive down to La Jolla - 30 minutes down and 30 minute back. Started swimming when 6. Have been hearing about Alga NOrte Park all his life. Going off to college next year - but urge the City to build the pool.
Rick Fisher, Vista, President of Carlsbad Firefighters. In full support of the swim complex. The money is set aside for the training facility and the swim complex.
Tom McCain, Gateshead, CArlsbad, came forward to address Council. Carlsbad does not have adequate swim space. Take the kids to La Jolla and Coronado. Youngest in Vista program. This community has enough money in it. If you really put your mind to it, you can make the park a revenue source.
JIm Farley, Carlsbad, thanked Mr. Blackburn for calling to remind him to come. Speaking to accelerate the project. Spoke in support building Alga Norte Park pool.
Dr. Azarian Madigan, Escondido resident, came forward to address Council. Spoke of need of project . . . everyday in America - over 15 million kids come home to empty houses. Bored children are at risk. REsearch shows that communities who provide community based centers are a safe alternative to going home to empty houses.
Increased safety for the children. Kids with some place to go end up going places. Spoke in support.
Packard - wants the quote.
Sally Lyons, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Five P&R commissioners present tonight. All Commissioners support the Alga NOrte Park and Aquatics Center.
Project is also a goal for Council year after year.
Jim Craig, Carlsbad, P&R commissioner - spoke in support of the Alga NOrte Project.
Spoke about 71% cost recovery for the project.
Jeannie Chapman, Almonte Court, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Moved to Carlsbad in 9 years. Looked at Carlsbad and Coronado - Water Polo Programs in both cities. Turned away with child who had headed (a jr. olympic gold metal winner). 7 Years ago thought there would be a pool. Very loyal to Carlsbad. Taxpayers wanted Prop C - the pool. Spend money in Carlsbad.
Going to watch the MPSF championships - olympians from Carlsbad. Competing agains one another. Pick them up from swim practice at Carlsbad - would have to drive to La Jolla. Not enough pool space in Carlsbad.
Len Martyns, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. As member of City's P&R Commission - spoke in favor of moving forward with project. Read Julie Nygaard's letter - we have this on file in the OFfice of the City Clerk.
Letter included suggestion to put remaining $$$ in an enterprise fund so that interest on fund can help cover Operation and Maintenance costs.
Jim Toretto, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Spoke about safety and benefits of pool/aquatics. Saw first hand of down side of kids that don't know how to swim.
Need to teach kids how to swim. We do not have the pool time - there is not the time in the Monroe pool. Had to take daughters to San Marcos because couldn't get pool time in Carlsbad. 9 year old practices until 9:00 p.m. at night.
In 2006 / 2007 - had 7 drownings in the span of two months.
JOhn Strayer, CArlsbad, came forward to address Council. Giving the Council a handout (see if I can get one of these).
Spoke about being on the P&R Commissioner. In favor of constructing Alga Norte Park.
Handout shows the good things that have happened at Stagecoach Park. So far no one has spoke against the Park. Could lead to La Costa 35 Athletic Club. Ages 30 to 77.
Inviting - North County Voice Articles.
Marlaine Hubbard, P&R Commissioner came forward to address Council. Congratulations to council member Blackburn. Please build aquatic center first. Also operations 1 or 2.
Recess at 9:00 p.m. Back at 9:07 p.m.
Questions of Staff.
Packard - to Mr. Albright - Pyramid Operational Model - near the point of having it flushed out and ready to present. The pyramid represents a program that is foundational for our citizens, city takes a greater proportion of the operational costs. Then an example of what worked. Can you work with these groups with your pyramid to address the oeprational deficit.
Albright - explained that revenue projection is based on pyramid model. Calculated revenue based on minimum fee structure - can explore higher cost revenue for items higher on the pyramid.
Packard - are there legal challenges for groups to help cover the operational costs . . . is there a way City can work to get commitments. ACA - said yes - could be negotiated.
Kulchin - First of all - I'm pro Alga NOrte Park - Phase I. Reminding everyone that swing vote back in the 80's to get the Monroe pool. In this day when money can be tight - we need to have our parks available to our citizens. For Phase 1 - hope colleagues will agree to move forward.
Hall - there's a lot of analogies between these facilities. Remarks to be brief. Facility needs to built and needs to be given priority - need to be smart on how we go about building this. Golf Course was a real learning experience.
When working with multi-million projects - costs can escalate. Hall - ready to move forward - would like to see the budget. Start off with doing the grading to make sure we didn't miss anything.
Packard - Historical perspective - the Dove Library - took 8 years after it was decided to build it - it waited for operation costs.
Packard - using one time money for ongoing operational costs leads to issues/deficit. Do not want to throw away wise fiscal policy; we are holding out on programs / staff and recession.
Park is a valuable. I'm going to go along with Mr. Hall's comment - do the rough grading - and work with Mr. Albright - second option of operating model - If staff can come back with a model that will show that we can operate this cost without a negative impact on budget. Would be willing to move forward if that - we will move forward with the rough grading - give us time to come up with the operating model to warrant finishing the project.
Blackburn - impressed with all of those who came. Spoke about e-mails received. Get to communicate with the public. We need Alga Norte Park - take your children to another city for swim lessons. Also the dog park. The southeast people don't feel like their part of this committee. We have $50.4 million set aside for this park. The cost to build park has dropped to under $40 million. We could run that park for 10 years past with the money that's left over. Can start to fund in 2014. Would only need to dip into the one time $$$ for a couple of years. Project postponed for too long.
The Police and Fire Training facility has $$$ set aside - $24.5 million set aside for the project. Rather than continue to ramble on . . . time to build the park. Agressively supporting complete the park. The REsolution asks for the - in support of option 2 for construction and in favor of city operated or lease/management.
Lewis - the Christmas breakfast for Employees - maintain quality of service and keep all jobs within the City of Carlsbad.
Basic responsibility as a Council person is to rely on staff. When I hear the idea that we can provide the facilities and manpower for both.
Cannot go off on a pipe dream. In 06/07 did not know this was going to happen.
Will not support the park right now - will go with position of doing the rough grading.
MOve to adopt Reso. 2009-079 - recommending number 3 - Rough grade site for future development - Option 1 or 2 - work on one and two for operating costs (Kulchin yes, 5/0.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary) The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Announcement by L.Wood - Workshop at Safety Center between 11 and 2.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Apr 21, 2009 City Council Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Closed Session Announcement.
Roll call (5 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:03:36)
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of Arbor Week.
Council Member Hall presented a Proclamation to Parks and Recreation Director Brian Albright in recognition of National Arbor Week.
Mr. Albright stated that every day is arbor day for the Parks and Recreation Department. Planting trees that will thrive in the climate in Hosp Grove. Thanked SDG&E and the Urban Corp. and Rotary Club supporting Parks and Recreation. First 200 people will get a t-shirt.
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of National Volunteer Week and Recognizing CERT Volunteers.
Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin presented a Proclamation to Sue Irey and David Harrison in recognition of National Volunteer recognition week. April 19th. 1811 volunteers donated 69535 hours to the City of Carlsbad.
April 19th through April 25th.
Sue Irey thanked the Council for recognizing the volunteers. 57% increase over year before in the number of volunteers.
David Harrison now coming to microphone. Spoke about CERT volunteers - providing emergency information and education.
Two CERT volunteers were selected to meet the Governor.
Newest volunteers introduced to Council.
See if I can get list of CERT volunteers for Minutes. Contact David Harrison.
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of DMV/Donate Life California Month.
Council Member Blackburn presented a Proclamation to a representative from Lifesharing (Donor Organization Group).
April 2009 is DMV / Donate Life California Month.
Betsy Sellers - volunteer with Lifesharing - son - had congenital heart defect - received a heart transplant.
One statistic - 26 people in Carlsbad awaiting a transplant. Presenting a certificate of thanks to the City of Carlsbad for first donate life donor drive.
Fire Batallion Chief Ed Sprague came forward to address Council.
Gave a brief overview of incident where vehicle went into the lagoon. Two officers went down into the lagoon to find survivors of car crash. Officers Cluett and Gary Marshal went into the water struggled to bring woman to the beach. Got individuals heart rate back and into the ambulance. Family members of the young woman - woman did not survive - the individual - organ donor.
Also recognition for the family member of the young lady
Lady thanked the officers for men helping - mother of young lady thanked the officers.
Mike McFadden now came forward to address the public.
Little guy, dillon was a mentor for Mr. McFadden.
Bo Christopher Segado - donor to Mr. McFadden . . . Donor families are truly heroes.
At least 26 Carlsbad constituents waiting on transplants right now.
Parks and Rec. Commissioners called forward for Arbor Day photos.
Photos of donors now.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
Motion to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Hall.
Vote to approve CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:33:54)
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,773 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS. Accepting donations of product and in-kind services in support of 2009 Teen Scene: Battle of the Bands special event. Resolution No. 2009-074. ACTION:
AB #19,773
2. AB #19,774 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation of in-kind volunteer hours and contributions from the California Coastal Rose Society at Magee Park during calendar year 2008. Resolution No. 2009-075. ACTION:
AB #19,774
3. AB #19,775 - APPROVE MODIFICATIONS TO THE CITY INVESTMENT POLICY. Approving the City Investment Policy dated April 21, 2009. Resolution No. 2009-076. ACTION:
AB #19,775
4. AB #19,776 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION. Accepting the construction of the traffic signal at Calle Barcelona and Paseo Avellano as complete; and, directing the City Clerk to record a Notice of Completion, Project No. 6306. Resolution No. 2009-077. ACTION:
AB #19,776
5. AB #19,777 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PAWNBROKERS. To consider amending Section 5.08.120 (Pawnbrokers) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requiring pawn businesses to obtain a pawnbrokers license from the Chief of Police and repealing the requirement for a written permit from City Council. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-027. ACTION:
AB #19,777
Assistant City Attorney titled the Ordinance.
Motion to approve 5. AB #19,777 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PAWNBROKERS. To consider amending Section 5.08.120 (Pawnbrokers) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requiring pawn businesses to obtain a pawnbrokers license from the Chief of Police and repealing the requirement for a written permit from City Council. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-027. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Hall.
Vote to approve 5. AB #19,777 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PAWNBROKERS. To consider amending Section 5.08.120 (Pawnbrokers) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code requiring pawn businesses to obtain a pawnbrokers license from the Chief of Police and repealing the requirement for a written permit from City Council. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-027. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:34:58)
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
Diane Nygaard, representing Preserve Calavera, spoke about Village H. Spoke about Prop C. City should have purchased Village H property.
Asking that new property owners does grant easements for public trails on the trails. Asking Council to listen to constituents on what they want.
City Manager Hildabrand introduced Community Development Director Sandy Holder to come forward.
Holder - Village H was purchased by private property. The owner intends to dedicate the trail. P&R Director working to obtain easement right away. The property will be developed according to Master Plan - a community type of use. The rest of the property will be retained as Open Space. May be sometime of daycare, church or someplace to have weddings.
Council Member Packard was on city website. There is a page and 1/2 on Village H property. A lot of detail available.
Kulchin - some mis-information - there will be a dedicated trail. Maybe we can have a notice on the fence.
6. AB #19,778 - WEED ABATEMENT. To hear objections and to consider directing the Fire Chief to abate nuisances by having weeds, rubbish and refuse removed from identified parcels. Resolution No. 2009-062. ACTION:
AB #19,778
Monty Kalen, Fire Prevention Officer to do brief presentation. GAve an overview of the 250 lots needing abatement. Fire Chief to take action on May 15th.
Opened PH at 6:39 p.m. Closed at 6:39 p.m.
Motion to approve 6. AB #19,778 - WEED ABATEMENT. To hear objections and to consider directing the Fire Chief to abate nuisances by having weeds, rubbish and refuse removed from identified parcels. Resolution No. 2009-062. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Hall.
Vote to approve 6. AB #19,778 - WEED ABATEMENT. To hear objections and to consider directing the Fire Chief to abate nuisances by having weeds, rubbish and refuse removed from identified parcels. Resolution No. 2009-062. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:42:18)
7. AB #19,779 - PRESENTATION OF ECONOMIC OVERVIEW. To receive a presentation from staff regarding current economic conditions and the impact on City revenues. ACTION:
AB #19,779
Economic Development Manager Cynthia Haas, Finance Director Lisa Irvine and Assistant Finance Director Kevin Branca presented the staff report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Haas - spoke about escalating unemployment rate - hit highest level in three decades (San Diego).
Gave details of difference between U-3 and U-6 unemployment members . . . U-3 does not include individuals that no longer have unemployment benefits.
Gave an overview of Carlsbad Market Area Foreclosures 2007 - Current - Auctioned.
Median home price for homes in Carlsbad between 2008 to 2009 to change from 1.3% to 20.6%
Declines in new construction permits.
Commercial and Industrial Permits - 0 for the first quarter of 2009.
Direct Office vacancy is 26.4%. Industrial is 14%.
Haas - reviewed forecasts.
Kevin Branca - now reviewing the General fund revenues. Gave an overview of four larges revenue sources. Property Tax, sales tax , TOT and franchise taxes.
General Fund Revenues for the year. Actually ahead of expectations at this time.
Property taxes are up $2.6 millionor 9% ahead of last year.
Major factors in increase from prior fiscal year:
Next largest revenue source is sales tax.
Auto mall sales tax has dipped - levels were same in 1999.
Premium outlets higher than Plaza Camino Real.
TOT - down 3% compared to last year. OUtlook for remainder of the year does not look projjmising. Projected decrease of 5.5% for the fiscal year.
Development related revenues.
Branca giving comparison of development revenues for this year and last year . . . .listen to this.
Annual SDG&E payment is going to be 31% higher.
Lisa Irvine to review the 10 year forecast - spoke about the US Economy.
Nationwide GDP decrease of 6.3% - economist projecting another negative 5 to 6%
State of CA economy - $42 billion deficit - there estimates are deteriorating.
Keep an eye on State of California.
Reviewed previous Council actions
Assumes three year economic recession with slow rcovery beginning in fy 2012. Spoke of opening of new facilities are prposed to be delayed/deferred to help balance forecast.
Projecting operating deficits in next couple of years.
Next steps - continue selective hiring freeze. Innovations/efficiencies / No plan to use reserves for operating expenditures. Continue to monitor the economy.
Good News - Standard and Poor's recently upgraded the City credit rating to AAA which is the highest possible.
End of presentation.
Packard - talked about yield in investment portfolio is down? Is it down even futher than what was used in budget projections formula. Irvine - slightly down from that but still performing better in overall revised budget. Overall
Kulchin - how often does S& P rate bonds? Irvine - usually when request a rating. However, they took the initiative and reviwed our financial practicies . . ; usually 3 to 5 years.
Hall - part of conversation about budgets when will 09/10 budget ready for review. June 2nd said Irvine . .. will be public end of May - follow up on noticing for the Budget PH.
Lewis - the projected budget - like a guessing game????. Yes said Irvine - we give best estimates we can with information we have.
Lewis - any projections of what State is taking? Irvine up to 8% of Property TAx revenue - about $4 million - to be taken from reserve fund.
Lewis - what about smoothing of PERS - Irvine - we are assuming that there will be a significant bump in 2012 - built the bump between 5-10% of the rates built into 10 year forecast.
Packard - forecasts for long time - do you have information how close you have been on your forecasts for last five years. Irvine - in current year within 1%. Actual coming within last forecast.
Blackburn - talk about state borrowing money . . . they borrow and don't take and they can't take again.
Irvine - no money that they have borrowed that they plan to take back - can borrow the $$$ and have to pay back within three years and can borrow twice in a ten year period.
Thanked staff for presentation.
8. AB #19,780 - ALGA NORTE COMMUNITY PARK AND AQUATIC CENTER OPERATING AND CONSTRUCTION OPTIONS. To consider approving operating and construction options for the Alga Norte Community Park and Aquatic Center, Project Nos. 3837 and 3925. Resolution No. 2009-079. ACTION:
AB #19,780
Special Projects Director Skip Hammann, Parks and Recreation Director Brian Albright and Finance Director Lisa Irvine to present the staff report and review a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Skip - gave location of proposed park. Gave the park development history.
Master Plan of the park elements - community park and aquatic center.
In July - staff revised cost estimates.
Gave options for Council to consider - Continue hold on project; 2 - build project as currently designed - Phase 1 - build community park and aquatic center - phase 1. 3. Rough grade sidte for future development. 4. Grade and build (look at slides).
Skip explaining what rough grade means - cost is about $5.1 million.
Advantages - could save money and take advantage of current bidding climate.
sAVE MONEY W/O GENERAL CONTRACTOR FEES. Preserve developable area. Eliminate unknown site conditions. FAcilitate addinonal phasing. Neglibible impact to operating costs.
Albright now - staff team has spent considerable time evaluating operating options. 1) City operate 2) Lease/Management Contract 3) Ground Lease 4)Public/Private Partnership
If City operates - Park and Recreation Business Model - programs operated by staff.
Total net O&M of $1.2 million.
Lease/Management Contract - City pays for costs of initial improvement.
Could be some interest in business community - would involve a significant subsidy from the city - probably not the $1.2 million that would cost the city to operate.
Ground Lease - lease ground for specific period of time. Not a realistic viable option at this time.
Public / Private / Partnership - Design modifications would be allowable.
Lease project for specific amount of time.
Provide an ongoing revenue stream for the cities.
Council would have to pass an Ordinance to allow this type of operational method. Is a viable option.
Operating Options - 1. City Operate / 2. Lease/Management - both of these construction could proceed. For last two options - first have to identify partners.
Finance Director Lisa Irvine reviewing 10 year forecast for this project. 10 year forecast is assuming slow economic recover beginning in 2012. The 10 year forecast is projecting budget deficits over
2013 First responders - Alga Norte coming on line in 2014
Given 10-year forecast - not recomending taking on additional costs until later on. Want Alga NOrte park delayed until 2013/2014
Skip - summarizing at this time. The five construction options - look at slide for these.
Skip also reviewing operating options.
Kulchin - how much do we have in reserve funds right now. Irvine - $46 million. How much in replacement - $30 to $35 million said Irvine.
Blackburn - presentation - beginning in 2014 will allow the M&O for the park based on current assumptions - yes said Irvine. About $10.6 million left over for how much it will cost vs. what is set aside. Can we use the $10.6 million to pay for the m&o until the City can pay for the park. Irvine - it could it be done to bridge the gap until 2014.
Packard - how long does rough grading take? Skip - 6 to 9 months - have to go out to bid and do the advertising - 1 year to year and 1/2. Packard confirmed that phase will take at least a year and is the first order of work.
Packard - for P&R Director - spoke about two options for operating costs. Lease/Mgmt. model - the lessee will set fees - how will it be handled to have equity in fees in relation to other facilities. Albright - would be worked out as part of the agreement. We could include to have both aquatics center operated by lessee.
Packard - Desing/Build - how long would it take to develop to work through that type of model and find someone and come to terms? Albright - speculation - would have to issue an RFP and negotiate mode - close to 1 year.
Packard - how many projects on books that city want to do - but don't have funds for. Hildabrand - refer to Irvine. Irvine said approximately 12. At least 12 we have no idea how to fund.
Packard - why would we want to use $10.6 million for operating funds instead of other projects. irvine - could be used for those projects or phase 2 of alga norte - aquatics.
Hall - define terms of public facilties. Irvine - Public Faciliteis fee fund - developer generated revenue. Look at slide number 19 - Alga Norte Park Project Financing.
What is GCC - General (General Fund Money (General Capital Construction - flexible pot of money).
Lewis - on the Police and Fire Facility will be postponed until 2013 or 2014. Will postpone for almost four years. Postponed for two years based on forecast. Lewis - the 10 year forecast ~ 2014 to open and operate Alga Norte Park and Aquatic Complex per Irvine.
Lewis - if we want this private sector - ball parks will be under private partnership. Per Albright - could be an option.
Kulchin - the first responder facility has nothing to do with decision tongiht - has nothing to do with tonight - is not an either / or confirmed Kulchin with Irvine.
Hildabrand - giving Council best information we have right now.
Lewis - clarify about police/fire - if we do one others fall off.
Hildabrand - if you take the projects - if you use just staff's recommendation depending on M&O.
Lewis - we can't do both???? Between now and 2014 . . .can we operate both?
Irvine - are projecting operating deficits in 2009 - 2012. Irvine capacity cannot support both facilities in 2013.
Blackburn - we have $50.4 million set aside for Alga Norte. Also have $20.4 million set aside for the Police and Fire Training Center.
Hall - staff is proposing that in approximately 2013 can open and operate the Fire center and 2014 can open and operate the Alga NOrte park. Hildabrand - if you bring on something new you will have to cut something else. Lewis - just discussing the Alga NOrte Park. Cannot discuss Training Center.
Kulchin - if we start tomorrow Alga Norte Park Phase 1 - how long will it take to do it? Skip - estimate that within 6 months be under construction -. 2.5 to 3 years from today.
President of La Costa Youth Organization - get gentleman's name. Need ballfields - in support of Alga Norte Park.
Walt Meier - Carlsbad, 2/3 of worlds population cannot swim
Mr. Meier spoke in support of the Park - want parking lot and swim complex first.
Kulchin - don't build fields? Yes said meir no fields.
Evan Rodgers, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. We have about 100,000 residents - let's set up a citizen fund and let people contribute in water bills. In support of Alga Norte Park.
Tom Arnold, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council and Lisa Rodman also came forward. Ms. Rodman now asking for pool - please build.
Bidders for school - 35% lower. The time is now.
Hall - part of the dream - has to do with the special events - in past years you did the numbers. Is there a speaker to speak about the events. Rodman - yes, last speaker.
Lifeguard, 7263 Surfbird Circle, Leonard Ortiz, have worked Carlsbad beaches for many years. City is lacking a pool facility. Kids need to learn to swim. Own city residents cannot get swim lessons. same problem with Jr. Guard program.
Need pool.
Preston Rodman, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council - been 13 years - was 4 when Mom started. Brother swam at Monroe pool - moved up to Seniors. The Senior group has to go to La Jolla to swim because cannot. Brother is in college. Spoke in support of pool.
Dillon Larson, oldest of five kids - all play water polo. Two sisters are left handed players - a huge advantage. Pool time is late during the week. Brother Clay and me are working to play on Varsity team. Difficult on family and time together because we have commitments.
Talman Chasman, Carlsbad High Swim and Water Polo Team. However, because of religious obligations do not play on Sundays at all. Over 400 hours of lost playing time. spoke in favor of building pool.
Lori Batter, Carlsbad, spoke in favor of Alga Norte Complex. Have over 20 years experience in Aquatics industry.
Spoke about benefits to health. Swimmers have lower mortality rate.
Mike Thomas, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Speaking on behalf of old people. Designated old person. Senior population in need of swim complex.
Greg HOrman, Carlsbad, 3525Avondale , Coach Carlsbad HS and Carlsbad Water Polo Team. Club swimmers in La Jolla . . .this is just the Water Polo Team.
Spoke in support of constructing Alga Norte Park.
Lewis, have you ever approached School Board about pool on new complex? No said man.
Jamie Feaster, Seabright Place, Carlsbad, power of belief. We as coaches try to get our kids to believe in themselves. Spoke in support of pool.
Take advantage of opportunities.
Shawn Robinson, Cloverdale, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Father of three water polo kids. General Manager of Hilton HOtel in Costa Mesa. Spoke about economic benefits of pool.
Many tournaments - as a tourism professional, saw potential for hotels. 2008 Orange County Jr. Water Polo Olympics - Hilton hotels bid to obtain team.
Estimated encomic impact for hotels over $1 million
Estimate TOT for City of Carlsbad.
Will bring thousands of visitors to Carlsbad.
Robert, Rent , 3532 Camino Coronado, drive down to La Jolla - 30 minutes down and 30 minute back. Started swimming when 6. Have been hearing about Alga NOrte Park all his life. Going off to college next year - but urge the City to build the pool.
Rick Fisher, Vista, President of Carlsbad Firefighters. In full support of the swim complex. The money is set aside for the training facility and the swim complex.
Tom McCain, Gateshead, CArlsbad, came forward to address Council. Carlsbad does not have adequate swim space. Take the kids to La Jolla and Coronado. Youngest in Vista program. This community has enough money in it. If you really put your mind to it, you can make the park a revenue source.
JIm Farley, Carlsbad, thanked Mr. Blackburn for calling to remind him to come. Speaking to accelerate the project. Spoke in support building Alga Norte Park pool.
Dr. Azarian Madigan, Escondido resident, came forward to address Council. Spoke of need of project . . . everyday in America - over 15 million kids come home to empty houses. Bored children are at risk. REsearch shows that communities who provide community based centers are a safe alternative to going home to empty houses.
Increased safety for the children. Kids with some place to go end up going places. Spoke in support.
Packard - wants the quote.
Sally Lyons, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Five P&R commissioners present tonight. All Commissioners support the Alga NOrte Park and Aquatics Center.
Project is also a goal for Council year after year.
Jim Craig, Carlsbad, P&R commissioner - spoke in support of the Alga NOrte Project.
Spoke about 71% cost recovery for the project.
Jeannie Chapman, Almonte Court, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Moved to Carlsbad in 9 years. Looked at Carlsbad and Coronado - Water Polo Programs in both cities. Turned away with child who had headed (a jr. olympic gold metal winner). 7 Years ago thought there would be a pool. Very loyal to Carlsbad. Taxpayers wanted Prop C - the pool. Spend money in Carlsbad.
Going to watch the MPSF championships - olympians from Carlsbad. Competing agains one another. Pick them up from swim practice at Carlsbad - would have to drive to La Jolla. Not enough pool space in Carlsbad.
Len Martyns, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. As member of City's P&R Commission - spoke in favor of moving forward with project. Read Julie Nygaard's letter - we have this on file in the OFfice of the City Clerk.
Letter included suggestion to put remaining $$$ in an enterprise fund so that interest on fund can help cover Operation and Maintenance costs.
Jim Toretto, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. Spoke about safety and benefits of pool/aquatics. Saw first hand of down side of kids that don't know how to swim.
Need to teach kids how to swim. We do not have the pool time - there is not the time in the Monroe pool. Had to take daughters to San Marcos because couldn't get pool time in Carlsbad. 9 year old practices until 9:00 p.m. at night.
In 2006 / 2007 - had 7 drownings in the span of two months.
JOhn Strayer, CArlsbad, came forward to address Council. Giving the Council a handout (see if I can get one of these).
Spoke about being on the P&R Commissioner. In favor of constructing Alga Norte Park.
Handout shows the good things that have happened at Stagecoach Park. So far no one has spoke against the Park. Could lead to La Costa 35 Athletic Club. Ages 30 to 77.
Inviting - North County Voice Articles.
Marlaine Hubbard, P&R Commissioner came forward to address Council. Congratulations to council member Blackburn. Please build aquatic center first. Also operations 1 or 2.
Recess at 9:00 p.m. Back at 9:07 p.m.
Questions of Staff.
Packard - to Mr. Albright - Pyramid Operational Model - near the point of having it flushed out and ready to present. The pyramid represents a program that is foundational for our citizens, city takes a greater proportion of the operational costs. Then an example of what worked. Can you work with these groups with your pyramid to address the oeprational deficit.
Albright - explained that revenue projection is based on pyramid model. Calculated revenue based on minimum fee structure - can explore higher cost revenue for items higher on the pyramid.
Packard - are there legal challenges for groups to help cover the operational costs . . . is there a way City can work to get commitments. ACA - said yes - could be negotiated.
Kulchin - First of all - I'm pro Alga NOrte Park - Phase I. Reminding everyone that swing vote back in the 80's to get the Monroe pool. In this day when money can be tight - we need to have our parks available to our citizens. For Phase 1 - hope colleagues will agree to move forward.
Hall - there's a lot of analogies between these facilities. Remarks to be brief. Facility needs to built and needs to be given priority - need to be smart on how we go about building this. Golf Course was a real learning experience.
When working with multi-million projects - costs can escalate. Hall - ready to move forward - would like to see the budget. Start off with doing the grading to make sure we didn't miss anything.
Packard - Historical perspective - the Dove Library - took 8 years after it was decided to build it - it waited for operation costs.
Packard - using one time money for ongoing operational costs leads to issues/deficit. Do not want to throw away wise fiscal policy; we are holding out on programs / staff and recession.
Park is a valuable. I'm going to go along with Mr. Hall's comment - do the rough grading - and work with Mr. Albright - second option of operating model - If staff can come back with a model that will show that we can operate this cost without a negative impact on budget. Would be willing to move forward if that - we will move forward with the rough grading - give us time to come up with the operating model to warrant finishing the project.
Blackburn - impressed with all of those who came. Spoke about e-mails received. Get to communicate with the public. We need Alga Norte Park - take your children to another city for swim lessons. Also the dog park. The southeast people don't feel like their part of this committee. We have $50.4 million set aside for this park. The cost to build park has dropped to under $40 million. We could run that park for 10 years past with the money that's left over. Can start to fund in 2014. Would only need to dip into the one time $$$ for a couple of years. Project postponed for too long.
The Police and Fire Training facility has $$$ set aside - $24.5 million set aside for the project. Rather than continue to ramble on . . . time to build the park. Agressively supporting complete the park. The REsolution asks for the - in support of option 2 for construction and in favor of city operated or lease/management.
Lewis - the Christmas breakfast for Employees - maintain quality of service and keep all jobs within the City of Carlsbad.
Basic responsibility as a Council person is to rely on staff. When I hear the idea that we can provide the facilities and manpower for both.
Cannot go off on a pipe dream. In 06/07 did not know this was going to happen.
Will not support the park right now - will go with position of doing the rough grading.
MOve to adopt Reso. 2009-079 - recommending number 3 - Rough grade site for future development - Option 1 or 2 - work on one and two for operating costs (Kulchin yes, 5/0.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary) The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Announcement by L.Wood - Workshop at Safety Center between 11 and 2.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
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