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Roll call (5 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:02:27)
Packard Absent.
Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to Glen Pruim in recognition of National Public Works Week. Water, streets, sewers, planning design and construction.
Not glamorous but they are important and vital to our City.
Glen Pruim accepted the proclamation and thanked council. PW works in the background. When they do there just the best, we see them the least.
Revitalize, Reinvest and Renew is the theme for this year.
170 PW employees.
Mayor-major sewer spill, mayor was impressed with their work.
City Stuff Donation, Blackburn invited Sue Irey to come forward and give the proclamation. Gave an overview of the City Stuff program. It teaches 3 graders about our City, power plant, city government. in general. City Stuff Elementary School Education Program started in 2000? Partnership with CUSD and Junior Achievement.
Generous donations from GIA, in kind services-printing. Poseidon Resources, cash-printing. Waste Management, cash-pencils. Learn about functions of City Gov't and issue that face our community.
Lori Sommers, Waste Management, rep from each group-ask sue for their names. Ask Karen if this is needed.
Sister City Committee-Edna Gibson and other Sister City Commission members. A gift from Futtso Japan.
Symbol of friendship from Futtsu
Proclamation Presentations to Gemological Institute of America, Poseidon Resources and Waste Management in Recognition of CityStuff Program Donations.
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of Public Works Week.
Sister City Committee Presentation of the Futtsu Gift to the City of Carlsbad.
Mayor stated council met in closed session, covered 3 items, responded in what they believe is the in the best interest of the City.
Concluded about 5:50. Packard absent from some one closed session tamarack lease.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,797 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from the Gemological Institute of America in support of the CityStuff Program. Resolution No. 2009-096. ACTION:
2. AB #19,798 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Waste Management in support of the CityStuff Program. Resolution No. 2009-097. ACTION:
3. AB #19,799 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Poseidon Resources Corporation in support of the CityStuff Program. Resolution No. 2009-098. ACTION:
4. AB #19,800 - FIRST AMENDMENT IN 2009 TO THE GENERAL PLAN. Approving the first amendment in 2009 to the Land Use Element and Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan, consisting of the project known as "Seascape," GPA 05-11. Resolution No. 2009-099. ACTION:
5. AB #19,801 - APPROVE REVISIONS TO THE CITYWIDE RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM . Approving revisions to the Records Management Program for the City of Carlsbad. Resolution No. 2009-100. ACTION:
6. AB #19,802 - REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. Authorizing a refund of business license tax to Grand Pacific Palisades Hotel, L.P. Resolution No. 2009-101. ACTION:
7. AB #19,803 - 2009-2010 CONSOLIDATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. Approving the submittal of the 2009-2010 Consolidated Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Program to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Resolution No. 2009-102. ACTION:
8. AB #19,804 - APPROVE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS. Approving the Reimbursement Agreement with the Carlsbad Unified School District for the construction of the Drainage Master Plan Facility BCC; and, authorizing the appropriation of funds. Resolution No. 2009-103. ACTION:
9. AB #19,805 - DESIGNATE ANGLE PARKING ON A PORTION OF GRAND AVENUE AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS. To consider appropriating funds for the cost of striping angle parking on a portion of Grand Avenue; and, To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 10.40.080 to designate angle parking on a portion of Grand Avenue. Resolution No. 2009-104. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-029. ACTION:
Bob Johnson came forward and reviewed a power point presentation.
Adding angled or diagonal parking. Section 10 of CMC. South side of Grand for angled parking, some parking on north side as well at other blocks. This issue came forward last year for study and review. Only portions of Grand are feesible for this type of parking because of raised medians, hydrants, alleys w/ inadequate sight distance. One of the 2 lanes would be taken up by the new parking. Need to make changes to the traffic flow plan to accommadate the new parking spaces, there would be 17 new parking spots.
Roosevelt and Jefferson new parking, raised medians do not allow for angled parking because of Fire Department requirements.
Jefferson to Hope is where they can do angled parking on both sides of Grand.. Discussed 2-18-09 workshop, staff directed to come back with report of costs, etc. Cost is about $8500 for restriping.
Roll call (4 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:27:50)
Blackburn, #2 lane traveling east how will traffic be moved to accomadate the change of lanes. Bob-low speed limits and lots of signage to inform drivers. Do not believe it to problematic.
Ron Ball titled the ordinance.
Motioned by ann matt second. 4/0/1
10. AB #19,806 - REVISION OF THE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-028, amending Title 18, Chapter 18.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code revising the Traffic Impact Fee. ACTION:
Adopt ordinance. Ron titled the ordinance.
Vote motion by ann second by matt.
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
no public comment.
11. AB #19,807 - HIGHLAND JAMES SUBDIVISION. To consider approval of a Zone Change ZC 08-01, to rezone a portion of a 1.06 acre lot from R-1-10,000 to R-1-7,500, and allow for the demolition of an existing single-family residence and associated detached garage, and the subdivision of the lot into five single family residential lots on property generally located on the east side of Highland Drive, west of James Drive, and south of Tamarack Avenue. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-030. ACTION:
Consider zone change on James and Highland.
Dan Halverson gave the staff report and reviewed a powerpoint presentation on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Applicant has applied for appropriate permits, March 18 went to planning commission.
Cleans up the city's zoning map. reorganizing and rezoning of this lot. Residential Single Family homes with sq ftg of 10,000 or 7,500. THis property has split zoning, one in most and a small part was the other. Changing to make it consistent.
Project is consistent w/ city zoning planing.
Hall how do they handle drainage going from 1 lot to 5 lots. Halverson, draining easements and right's of way cleared up diring permit process. Mayor No signs erected til PC had their hearing. No signs indicating change-some residents said they didn't know aobut this change coming. Wasn't enough notice to residents. Dan Halverson missed the signage before the meetings, then they put up 2 signs to rectify the situation. Non codified policy to put up signs but they do like to do it. 2 residents didn't acknowledge receiving any notice.
3 notices w/in 600 feet of property, dates of the letters to residents, reviewed in the memo dan provided. See notes.
Before PC mtg and before this meeting
Bob Ladwig came forward to represent the applicant.
Checked the signs and 2 were up on highland and james, right after the pc mtg and they were up and checked on recently. Don't know what happened to them.
Mayor would this be a problem to continue it for 2 weeks to re-notice so that people can learn more about the meeting. He doesn't have an issue w/ the project but wants people to be aware of the project.
Bob-zone change-there was an old property line and this just realigns to match.
6:40 opened public hearing and closed at 6:40.
Mayor wants to continue next week.
Hall, did any neightbor mayor talked to want to talk about this project, one neighbor said he might want to talk about.
Hall asked if any concern was noted. Halverson-before pc mtg no complaints, just about weeds and want more info. More concern about weed abatement and one 3 calls total, no one is complaining. Mayor wants 3 new big signs and if no one wants to come.
Hold it over one week, put up new big signs
Motion to continue to May 19th. Leave public hearing open. Hearing open and not closed until next week.
Vote to continue, 4/1/0
12. AB #19,808 - GREEN DRAGON COLONIAL VILLAGE. To consider adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and approving a Conditional Use Permit CUP 08-08, and Coastal Development Permit CDP 08-13, to remodel the existing vacant Hadley's commercial building into a 21,281 square foot combination one-and-two story multi-use commercial building that will include a restaurant, museum and meeting rooms on property generally located on the west side of Paseo Del Norte and south of Palomar Airport Road. Resolution No. 2009-105. ACTION:
Requested by applicant to continue to next week. Mayor asked if anyone wants to come forward.
No staff report, anyone wishing to speak was invited to come forward.
No one.
MAY 12, 2009
6:00 P.M.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
13. AB #681 - AUTHORIZE GRANT APPLICATION. Authorizing the Executive Manager to apply for grant funding from the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for the purchase of automated meter reading water meters and leak detection equipment. Resolution No. 1354. ACTION:
14. AB #682 - DECLARE DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 2 - DROUGHT ALERT CONDITION. To consider declaring a Drought Response Level 2 - Drought Alert Condition. Resolution No. 1355. ACTION:
Mark Stone, gave a staff report and reviewed a power point presentation. Declaring level 2 drought restriction level.
Mandatory cut backs from MWD, SD WAter authority also called for mandatory cutbacks by users.
Consistent w/ water authority to declare drought level 2.
Should the board continue, staff will cont. to inform the public about droubt and restrictions.
website, bill stuffers, cable tv announcements, visiting hotels and restaurants to inform them.
Kulchin-what do we do with residents of Vallecitos and Olivenhain WD. Stone said contact their water agency and make sure they udnerstand those resrtictions. Stone all agencies are adopting some of these resitrcitinos at various levels and restrictions.
Mayor, explain how the rates come down from Metro to County Water Authority to CMWD. Rate increases start with them and continue down to us. Mark 19% rate increase from MEtro. They will immplement that rate in Sept.
Reduction in sales are pusing up that rate increase from January to SEptment.
Rate increase will about around 18%. Hall said it's 90% over 4 years.
Resolution adopting this level 2 response.
Ann, matt, 4/1/0
15. AB #19,809 - PRESENTATION FROM NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT. To receive a budget presentation from Matt Tucker from North County Transit District. ACTION:
Matt Tucker from NCTD gave a report and reviewed a power point presentation.
NCTD Budget Update. Background, why doesn't public transit make a profit, it's to offer a public service.
Advent of DDEisenhower changed privatized transit because of highway interstates? Missed that.
capital costa, operating costs. capital money is easy to derive. operating costs is difficult to acquire.
Transit Schizophrenia-highest transit ridership over last 2 years.
Now faced wi/ have to cut transit because of economic issues.
Everyone is haveing financial problems so they have a hard to get transit funding.
5 year outlook, deficit 15 m $$.
Assumes about 10.5 m from california. HEavily impacted by downturn in the economy because of funding, enough riders but need more funding from govt. it is a public agency, not a private business.
flat sales tax projections over the next several years. not episodic but structural. loss of state revenue is permanent.
lay off 263 drivers, lay off 75 maintenance to balance budget by 2013.
nctd must live with existnig public funding streams. first priority is to tdeliver trancsit services. All options are on the table to balance our budget.
How are they responding, innovating and reshaping buisness plan. financial and performance analysis of NCTD and it's business units. will explore all options to reduce costs while mitigating impacts to customers. diverifying revenue sources. exploring opportunities to increase revenue. Lessons to be learned.
one time and epsodic funding is good and may be a biable alternative but resluts in transit schizophrenia if a long term solutino is not ultimatley implemented. both the state and the federal gobt have clearly indicatred they are not interested in funding transit operating costs.
Transportation funding like our personal finances; requires a diversified fudngin and investment strategies.
NExt several months, key milestones coming, significant imput from the community, asking public for feedback about making it better.
Ann-comment, MR. Tucker, good success. The people who need the services don't have high rider ship in their area.
Mayor, the newest train from oside to exscondido, sprinter, coaster and sprinter will stll be there. How about the buses. ? cutting the routes?
Matt Tucker says they have too much invested in it. Not a high enough level of services with trains leaveing every 30 mintues. Practially speaking, going to have to reduce the cost keeping the scheduled the same, same level of service and improve service, every 15 or 20 minutes instead of 30 min. Maybe need smaller buses for lower ridership areas, circulator to contect people to train stations and high bus ridership areas.
16. AB #19,810 - OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION PROGRAM REPORT. To receive a report from the Planning Department on the City of Carlsbad's Open Space Acquisition Program. ACTION:
Open space acquistion report. Mike Grim Senior Planner gave the report and reviewed a Power Point Presentation.
On file in the office of the City Clerk.
Defined open space. Mechanisms to secure open space. Status of ongoing programs and open space.
Preservation on natural resources, managed production of resources-flower fields, outdoor recreation-parks active and passive and golf courses, aesthetic, cultural or education-parkways-landscape mediums and NAMM, areas of public health and safety. presentation focuses on open space for preseraction of open space.
Reviewed a map of open space in cArlsbad as of 2/25/09. Also contains areas to consider for acquisitions.
Current and future open spcae as of february 2009. At build out, the projection is to have 40% open space.
over 76% open space is open undeveloped land, currently.
in 86, growth management was a huge issue to the citizens of Carlsbad.
Later a committee developed a conservation reseource managment plan guide. Early 90's nccp natural communities conservation plan. Sandage multiple habitiat conservation program. MHCP. City of Carlsbad Habitat Managment Plan. City pope space mangement plan.
Too many urban threats, over watering, roaming pets, invasive species. open space management plan was developed.
prop c ad hoc committee what properties would be good to acquire. 2001 ballot measure, allowed council to spend $$ on open space and trail acquisition.
13 properties nominated and ranked. Presented to council and they established there own criteria. Asked staff to consider benefit to community and to HMP. benefit to city wide trail system, potentional land use conflicts, for mitigation credit and willing seller involved.
AFter final report, directed staff to consider 3 different areas, 11 properties, sunny creek area south auga hedionda area, state properties.
32 properties evaluated-5 sellers willing to discuss w/ council. Sherman property, calavera hills, villag h mitsuuchi properti poinsettia vernal pools, brodiaea preserve of ECR.
these properties had status change in seller interest. quarry creek willing to sell a portion of propety. sherman prop acquired by CDFG, buena vista ecological preservce, village h no longer willing seller, mitsuuchi property acqureed for BLF, brodiaea preserve acquire by CDFG, state properties potential excess property.
BLF Batquitios Lagoon Foundation.
Agua Hedionda purchased by cal trans -21 acres, someone wanted to ddevelop it-MAriners point project was rejected.
Village H was nominated tied for second ranking by open spae committee, city council soncidered benefit to HMP Trails and open space system as well as land use conflic. Master plan already secures 94% as open space and public trail will be exacted concurrent with development.
Decided to pass on that property because it already does what we would want from the open space.
They have a website for open space acquisition, etc. HMP website,
staff available to rank newly nominated property.
previous council direct to receive outside funding for open space aquisition. SEction 6 money federal funding. open space acquisiton, was received, County also got some land or money from Southeast of city.
CDFG also helps decide were that money goes. matching funds possible.
Concludes staff-blackburn-current willing seller statues, quarry creek, give detail, how much they are willing to sell.
Grim doesn't know exact area availabe, 2 large parcels, shaped like panhandle, active quarry is currently being reclaimes. western is south of bvep. near village h, between preserve and village h would provide a corridor of open space. Mcmillian is the owener and would be willing to sell portion of the property. Would section 6 funding apply blackburn asked? Grim said yes, priority #2 on the application.
application for section 6 funding.
Blackburn suggested that we move forward investigating this option. to mayor, Mayor says there is limited access to carlsba residents, more access to oceanside residents.
Are we looknig for properties out side of cbad- or acces takes them outside of cbad. Grim said only in carlbad but coordinate with neighbors.
Yet to do any trail planning in that area, volunteer trails do exist there. would work with cdfg to develop trails. Good to get people out there but the problem is sensitive habitat exposed to more of the public.
Surpsiningly enough some of the area that is open and looks undevelopable can be built on , grim told mayor in response to an inquiry. Coast commission won't allow access mayor asked. rim said we have permenat authroity, only the uphill part.
property village h. 60 acres only can develop 3 acres as zoned. mayor pointed out that it is already zoned in a way to keep it open.
victoria and CVD is the only area that can be developed, right on the corner.
Mayor quarry creek, it's just difficult to access by the public why not swap with oside since they do alot with policing and development of that are.
Public Comment
Dawn Shields, came forward to address council. Spoke in support of purchasing Village H. Easily accessed by public. Asked council to consider purchasing this land.
Jasannah Meier, came forward to address Council. Spoke in support of purchasing Village H. Spoke with new owner and they would still sell.
Fred Sanquist, on Prop C advisory committee, pres of batiquitos lagoon foundation, resident, ec3 committee as well. Spoke in Support of purchasing Village H. Make sure public aware of delicate species.
Educational component to property owners. Have to regulate how people use the property.
Partnership with non profit organizations-please follow the report. Education elem Kulchin asked are you working with Grim? Fred said not yet but they can get together.
Jacqueline Bilquest, came forward to address Council in support of acquiring Village H.
IF you can't buy the property, let the public have access to the trail. But if they don't own the property how can they grant access.
Diane Nygaard, Oceanside, Preserve Calavera. Spoke in support of purchasing Village H.
City does lots of studies, and forms committess and the highest issue in surveys but the city still doesn't purchase any land. Placed it on priority lists. Earmark a third of prop C money for pure open space. Staff doesn't have expertise in open space acquisition. City has to move quickly.
Jump on properties w/ owners willing to sell, act quickly, hold a SANDAG workshop
recognize sensitive issues of these purchases. Hold staff accountable for buying land-2 a year until the list is complete. Direct staff to make it a real priority.
Mel Vernon, Escondido, came forward to address Council. Wants City to purchase accessible land for the public.
Grim, dawn shield,s exacted pursuant to development? When someone comes to develop property we can take part of their land for the public land. Trail identified in trail program, when the development comes in , condition of permit is access to trail, and whatever improvement needed before permits approved. Kulchin-to brian albright.
Approached new land owner, temporary maintenace and endimnify of trail,, until the city can exact that trail. Trash left from construction of fence, can we ask the developer to clean that up. Hall asked does the fence interupt sight distance. Blackburn, how long wiould it take for them to put in their plans and then exact that land? Grim said haven't seen prelim design, owner doesn't know what they want to do with the property, permit process could take 6-9 months, just dno't know. Development proposal. Balckburn asked
Does the new owner want to sell it? Grim I don't know about that but we'll ask. They haven't said they want to sell. Mayor asked again-why do we want to buy the land when we can exact what we want. Mayor said we can exact then spend money on other property.
City has not acquisition above and beyond HMP any open space in 7 years? Mayor asked. Grim said is it correct
Hall asked about Qarry Creek. Blackburn and hall want to know about that property as well and asked for more infor. Mayor do we need to coordinate w/ oside? Grim said CDFG has expressed concern doesn't want major roadway thru preserve. So access is from eastside, oside. coordinate w/ them access the trail.
17. AB #19,811 - CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution No. 2009-106. ACTION:
CTBID Board nominated Nancy Naiudadu.
Motion and second 4/1/0.
Reports, nothing from council.
Karen makes announcement. library hourly employee r party
8:04 adjourned.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary) The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
May 12, 2009 City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll call (5 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:02:27)
Packard Absent.
Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to Glen Pruim in recognition of National Public Works Week. Water, streets, sewers, planning design and construction.
Not glamorous but they are important and vital to our City.
Glen Pruim accepted the proclamation and thanked council. PW works in the background. When they do there just the best, we see them the least.
Revitalize, Reinvest and Renew is the theme for this year.
170 PW employees.
Mayor-major sewer spill, mayor was impressed with their work.
City Stuff Donation, Blackburn invited Sue Irey to come forward and give the proclamation. Gave an overview of the City Stuff program. It teaches 3 graders about our City, power plant, city government. in general. City Stuff Elementary School Education Program started in 2000? Partnership with CUSD and Junior Achievement.
Generous donations from GIA, in kind services-printing. Poseidon Resources, cash-printing. Waste Management, cash-pencils. Learn about functions of City Gov't and issue that face our community.
Lori Sommers, Waste Management, rep from each group-ask sue for their names. Ask Karen if this is needed.
Sister City Committee-Edna Gibson and other Sister City Commission members. A gift from Futtso Japan.
Symbol of friendship from Futtsu
Proclamation Presentations to Gemological Institute of America, Poseidon Resources and Waste Management in Recognition of CityStuff Program Donations.
Proclamation Presentation in Recognition of Public Works Week.
Sister City Committee Presentation of the Futtsu Gift to the City of Carlsbad.
Mayor stated council met in closed session, covered 3 items, responded in what they believe is the in the best interest of the City.
Concluded about 5:50. Packard absent from some one closed session tamarack lease.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,797 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from the Gemological Institute of America in support of the CityStuff Program. Resolution No. 2009-096. ACTION:
2. AB #19,798 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Waste Management in support of the CityStuff Program. Resolution No. 2009-097. ACTION:
3. AB #19,799 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Poseidon Resources Corporation in support of the CityStuff Program. Resolution No. 2009-098. ACTION:
4. AB #19,800 - FIRST AMENDMENT IN 2009 TO THE GENERAL PLAN. Approving the first amendment in 2009 to the Land Use Element and Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan, consisting of the project known as "Seascape," GPA 05-11. Resolution No. 2009-099. ACTION:
5. AB #19,801 - APPROVE REVISIONS TO THE CITYWIDE RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM . Approving revisions to the Records Management Program for the City of Carlsbad. Resolution No. 2009-100. ACTION:
6. AB #19,802 - REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. Authorizing a refund of business license tax to Grand Pacific Palisades Hotel, L.P. Resolution No. 2009-101. ACTION:
7. AB #19,803 - 2009-2010 CONSOLIDATION ACTION PLAN FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM. Approving the submittal of the 2009-2010 Consolidated Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant Program to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Resolution No. 2009-102. ACTION:
8. AB #19,804 - APPROVE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS. Approving the Reimbursement Agreement with the Carlsbad Unified School District for the construction of the Drainage Master Plan Facility BCC; and, authorizing the appropriation of funds. Resolution No. 2009-103. ACTION:
9. AB #19,805 - DESIGNATE ANGLE PARKING ON A PORTION OF GRAND AVENUE AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS. To consider appropriating funds for the cost of striping angle parking on a portion of Grand Avenue; and, To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 10.40.080 to designate angle parking on a portion of Grand Avenue. Resolution No. 2009-104. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-029. ACTION:
Bob Johnson came forward and reviewed a power point presentation.
Adding angled or diagonal parking. Section 10 of CMC. South side of Grand for angled parking, some parking on north side as well at other blocks. This issue came forward last year for study and review. Only portions of Grand are feesible for this type of parking because of raised medians, hydrants, alleys w/ inadequate sight distance. One of the 2 lanes would be taken up by the new parking. Need to make changes to the traffic flow plan to accommadate the new parking spaces, there would be 17 new parking spots.
Roosevelt and Jefferson new parking, raised medians do not allow for angled parking because of Fire Department requirements.
Jefferson to Hope is where they can do angled parking on both sides of Grand.. Discussed 2-18-09 workshop, staff directed to come back with report of costs, etc. Cost is about $8500 for restriping.
Roll call (4 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:27:50)
Blackburn, #2 lane traveling east how will traffic be moved to accomadate the change of lanes. Bob-low speed limits and lots of signage to inform drivers. Do not believe it to problematic.
Ron Ball titled the ordinance.
Motioned by ann matt second. 4/0/1
10. AB #19,806 - REVISION OF THE TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-028, amending Title 18, Chapter 18.42 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code revising the Traffic Impact Fee. ACTION:
Adopt ordinance. Ron titled the ordinance.
Vote motion by ann second by matt.
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
no public comment.
11. AB #19,807 - HIGHLAND JAMES SUBDIVISION. To consider approval of a Zone Change ZC 08-01, to rezone a portion of a 1.06 acre lot from R-1-10,000 to R-1-7,500, and allow for the demolition of an existing single-family residence and associated detached garage, and the subdivision of the lot into five single family residential lots on property generally located on the east side of Highland Drive, west of James Drive, and south of Tamarack Avenue. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-030. ACTION:
Consider zone change on James and Highland.
Dan Halverson gave the staff report and reviewed a powerpoint presentation on file in the office of the City Clerk.
Applicant has applied for appropriate permits, March 18 went to planning commission.
Cleans up the city's zoning map. reorganizing and rezoning of this lot. Residential Single Family homes with sq ftg of 10,000 or 7,500. THis property has split zoning, one in most and a small part was the other. Changing to make it consistent.
Project is consistent w/ city zoning planing.
Hall how do they handle drainage going from 1 lot to 5 lots. Halverson, draining easements and right's of way cleared up diring permit process. Mayor No signs erected til PC had their hearing. No signs indicating change-some residents said they didn't know aobut this change coming. Wasn't enough notice to residents. Dan Halverson missed the signage before the meetings, then they put up 2 signs to rectify the situation. Non codified policy to put up signs but they do like to do it. 2 residents didn't acknowledge receiving any notice.
3 notices w/in 600 feet of property, dates of the letters to residents, reviewed in the memo dan provided. See notes.
Before PC mtg and before this meeting
Bob Ladwig came forward to represent the applicant.
Checked the signs and 2 were up on highland and james, right after the pc mtg and they were up and checked on recently. Don't know what happened to them.
Mayor would this be a problem to continue it for 2 weeks to re-notice so that people can learn more about the meeting. He doesn't have an issue w/ the project but wants people to be aware of the project.
Bob-zone change-there was an old property line and this just realigns to match.
6:40 opened public hearing and closed at 6:40.
Mayor wants to continue next week.
Hall, did any neightbor mayor talked to want to talk about this project, one neighbor said he might want to talk about.
Hall asked if any concern was noted. Halverson-before pc mtg no complaints, just about weeds and want more info. More concern about weed abatement and one 3 calls total, no one is complaining. Mayor wants 3 new big signs and if no one wants to come.
Hold it over one week, put up new big signs
Motion to continue to May 19th. Leave public hearing open. Hearing open and not closed until next week.
Vote to continue, 4/1/0
12. AB #19,808 - GREEN DRAGON COLONIAL VILLAGE. To consider adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and approving a Conditional Use Permit CUP 08-08, and Coastal Development Permit CDP 08-13, to remodel the existing vacant Hadley's commercial building into a 21,281 square foot combination one-and-two story multi-use commercial building that will include a restaurant, museum and meeting rooms on property generally located on the west side of Paseo Del Norte and south of Palomar Airport Road. Resolution No. 2009-105. ACTION:
Requested by applicant to continue to next week. Mayor asked if anyone wants to come forward.
No staff report, anyone wishing to speak was invited to come forward.
No one.
MAY 12, 2009
6:00 P.M.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
13. AB #681 - AUTHORIZE GRANT APPLICATION. Authorizing the Executive Manager to apply for grant funding from the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation for the purchase of automated meter reading water meters and leak detection equipment. Resolution No. 1354. ACTION:
14. AB #682 - DECLARE DROUGHT RESPONSE LEVEL 2 - DROUGHT ALERT CONDITION. To consider declaring a Drought Response Level 2 - Drought Alert Condition. Resolution No. 1355. ACTION:
Mark Stone, gave a staff report and reviewed a power point presentation. Declaring level 2 drought restriction level.
Mandatory cut backs from MWD, SD WAter authority also called for mandatory cutbacks by users.
Consistent w/ water authority to declare drought level 2.
Should the board continue, staff will cont. to inform the public about droubt and restrictions.
website, bill stuffers, cable tv announcements, visiting hotels and restaurants to inform them.
Kulchin-what do we do with residents of Vallecitos and Olivenhain WD. Stone said contact their water agency and make sure they udnerstand those resrtictions. Stone all agencies are adopting some of these resitrcitinos at various levels and restrictions.
Mayor, explain how the rates come down from Metro to County Water Authority to CMWD. Rate increases start with them and continue down to us. Mark 19% rate increase from MEtro. They will immplement that rate in Sept.
Reduction in sales are pusing up that rate increase from January to SEptment.
Rate increase will about around 18%. Hall said it's 90% over 4 years.
Resolution adopting this level 2 response.
Ann, matt, 4/1/0
15. AB #19,809 - PRESENTATION FROM NORTH COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT. To receive a budget presentation from Matt Tucker from North County Transit District. ACTION:
Matt Tucker from NCTD gave a report and reviewed a power point presentation.
NCTD Budget Update. Background, why doesn't public transit make a profit, it's to offer a public service.
Advent of DDEisenhower changed privatized transit because of highway interstates? Missed that.
capital costa, operating costs. capital money is easy to derive. operating costs is difficult to acquire.
Transit Schizophrenia-highest transit ridership over last 2 years.
Now faced wi/ have to cut transit because of economic issues.
Everyone is haveing financial problems so they have a hard to get transit funding.
5 year outlook, deficit 15 m $$.
Assumes about 10.5 m from california. HEavily impacted by downturn in the economy because of funding, enough riders but need more funding from govt. it is a public agency, not a private business.
flat sales tax projections over the next several years. not episodic but structural. loss of state revenue is permanent.
lay off 263 drivers, lay off 75 maintenance to balance budget by 2013.
nctd must live with existnig public funding streams. first priority is to tdeliver trancsit services. All options are on the table to balance our budget.
How are they responding, innovating and reshaping buisness plan. financial and performance analysis of NCTD and it's business units. will explore all options to reduce costs while mitigating impacts to customers. diverifying revenue sources. exploring opportunities to increase revenue. Lessons to be learned.
one time and epsodic funding is good and may be a biable alternative but resluts in transit schizophrenia if a long term solutino is not ultimatley implemented. both the state and the federal gobt have clearly indicatred they are not interested in funding transit operating costs.
Transportation funding like our personal finances; requires a diversified fudngin and investment strategies.
NExt several months, key milestones coming, significant imput from the community, asking public for feedback about making it better.
Ann-comment, MR. Tucker, good success. The people who need the services don't have high rider ship in their area.
Mayor, the newest train from oside to exscondido, sprinter, coaster and sprinter will stll be there. How about the buses. ? cutting the routes?
Matt Tucker says they have too much invested in it. Not a high enough level of services with trains leaveing every 30 mintues. Practially speaking, going to have to reduce the cost keeping the scheduled the same, same level of service and improve service, every 15 or 20 minutes instead of 30 min. Maybe need smaller buses for lower ridership areas, circulator to contect people to train stations and high bus ridership areas.
16. AB #19,810 - OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION PROGRAM REPORT. To receive a report from the Planning Department on the City of Carlsbad's Open Space Acquisition Program. ACTION:
Open space acquistion report. Mike Grim Senior Planner gave the report and reviewed a Power Point Presentation.
On file in the office of the City Clerk.
Defined open space. Mechanisms to secure open space. Status of ongoing programs and open space.
Preservation on natural resources, managed production of resources-flower fields, outdoor recreation-parks active and passive and golf courses, aesthetic, cultural or education-parkways-landscape mediums and NAMM, areas of public health and safety. presentation focuses on open space for preseraction of open space.
Reviewed a map of open space in cArlsbad as of 2/25/09. Also contains areas to consider for acquisitions.
Current and future open spcae as of february 2009. At build out, the projection is to have 40% open space.
over 76% open space is open undeveloped land, currently.
in 86, growth management was a huge issue to the citizens of Carlsbad.
Later a committee developed a conservation reseource managment plan guide. Early 90's nccp natural communities conservation plan. Sandage multiple habitiat conservation program. MHCP. City of Carlsbad Habitat Managment Plan. City pope space mangement plan.
Too many urban threats, over watering, roaming pets, invasive species. open space management plan was developed.
prop c ad hoc committee what properties would be good to acquire. 2001 ballot measure, allowed council to spend $$ on open space and trail acquisition.
13 properties nominated and ranked. Presented to council and they established there own criteria. Asked staff to consider benefit to community and to HMP. benefit to city wide trail system, potentional land use conflicts, for mitigation credit and willing seller involved.
AFter final report, directed staff to consider 3 different areas, 11 properties, sunny creek area south auga hedionda area, state properties.
32 properties evaluated-5 sellers willing to discuss w/ council. Sherman property, calavera hills, villag h mitsuuchi properti poinsettia vernal pools, brodiaea preserve of ECR.
these properties had status change in seller interest. quarry creek willing to sell a portion of propety. sherman prop acquired by CDFG, buena vista ecological preservce, village h no longer willing seller, mitsuuchi property acqureed for BLF, brodiaea preserve acquire by CDFG, state properties potential excess property.
BLF Batquitios Lagoon Foundation.
Agua Hedionda purchased by cal trans -21 acres, someone wanted to ddevelop it-MAriners point project was rejected.
Village H was nominated tied for second ranking by open spae committee, city council soncidered benefit to HMP Trails and open space system as well as land use conflic. Master plan already secures 94% as open space and public trail will be exacted concurrent with development.
Decided to pass on that property because it already does what we would want from the open space.
They have a website for open space acquisition, etc. HMP website,
staff available to rank newly nominated property.
previous council direct to receive outside funding for open space aquisition. SEction 6 money federal funding. open space acquisiton, was received, County also got some land or money from Southeast of city.
CDFG also helps decide were that money goes. matching funds possible.
Concludes staff-blackburn-current willing seller statues, quarry creek, give detail, how much they are willing to sell.
Grim doesn't know exact area availabe, 2 large parcels, shaped like panhandle, active quarry is currently being reclaimes. western is south of bvep. near village h, between preserve and village h would provide a corridor of open space. Mcmillian is the owener and would be willing to sell portion of the property. Would section 6 funding apply blackburn asked? Grim said yes, priority #2 on the application.
application for section 6 funding.
Blackburn suggested that we move forward investigating this option. to mayor, Mayor says there is limited access to carlsba residents, more access to oceanside residents.
Are we looknig for properties out side of cbad- or acces takes them outside of cbad. Grim said only in carlbad but coordinate with neighbors.
Yet to do any trail planning in that area, volunteer trails do exist there. would work with cdfg to develop trails. Good to get people out there but the problem is sensitive habitat exposed to more of the public.
Surpsiningly enough some of the area that is open and looks undevelopable can be built on , grim told mayor in response to an inquiry. Coast commission won't allow access mayor asked. rim said we have permenat authroity, only the uphill part.
property village h. 60 acres only can develop 3 acres as zoned. mayor pointed out that it is already zoned in a way to keep it open.
victoria and CVD is the only area that can be developed, right on the corner.
Mayor quarry creek, it's just difficult to access by the public why not swap with oside since they do alot with policing and development of that are.
Public Comment
Dawn Shields, came forward to address council. Spoke in support of purchasing Village H. Easily accessed by public. Asked council to consider purchasing this land.
Jasannah Meier, came forward to address Council. Spoke in support of purchasing Village H. Spoke with new owner and they would still sell.
Fred Sanquist, on Prop C advisory committee, pres of batiquitos lagoon foundation, resident, ec3 committee as well. Spoke in Support of purchasing Village H. Make sure public aware of delicate species.
Educational component to property owners. Have to regulate how people use the property.
Partnership with non profit organizations-please follow the report. Education elem Kulchin asked are you working with Grim? Fred said not yet but they can get together.
Jacqueline Bilquest, came forward to address Council in support of acquiring Village H.
IF you can't buy the property, let the public have access to the trail. But if they don't own the property how can they grant access.
Diane Nygaard, Oceanside, Preserve Calavera. Spoke in support of purchasing Village H.
City does lots of studies, and forms committess and the highest issue in surveys but the city still doesn't purchase any land. Placed it on priority lists. Earmark a third of prop C money for pure open space. Staff doesn't have expertise in open space acquisition. City has to move quickly.
Jump on properties w/ owners willing to sell, act quickly, hold a SANDAG workshop
recognize sensitive issues of these purchases. Hold staff accountable for buying land-2 a year until the list is complete. Direct staff to make it a real priority.
Mel Vernon, Escondido, came forward to address Council. Wants City to purchase accessible land for the public.
Grim, dawn shield,s exacted pursuant to development? When someone comes to develop property we can take part of their land for the public land. Trail identified in trail program, when the development comes in , condition of permit is access to trail, and whatever improvement needed before permits approved. Kulchin-to brian albright.
Approached new land owner, temporary maintenace and endimnify of trail,, until the city can exact that trail. Trash left from construction of fence, can we ask the developer to clean that up. Hall asked does the fence interupt sight distance. Blackburn, how long wiould it take for them to put in their plans and then exact that land? Grim said haven't seen prelim design, owner doesn't know what they want to do with the property, permit process could take 6-9 months, just dno't know. Development proposal. Balckburn asked
Does the new owner want to sell it? Grim I don't know about that but we'll ask. They haven't said they want to sell. Mayor asked again-why do we want to buy the land when we can exact what we want. Mayor said we can exact then spend money on other property.
City has not acquisition above and beyond HMP any open space in 7 years? Mayor asked. Grim said is it correct
Hall asked about Qarry Creek. Blackburn and hall want to know about that property as well and asked for more infor. Mayor do we need to coordinate w/ oside? Grim said CDFG has expressed concern doesn't want major roadway thru preserve. So access is from eastside, oside. coordinate w/ them access the trail.
17. AB #19,811 - CARLSBAD TOURISM BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOARD APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution No. 2009-106. ACTION:
CTBID Board nominated Nancy Naiudadu.
Motion and second 4/1/0.
Reports, nothing from council.
Karen makes announcement. library hourly employee r party
8:04 adjourned.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary) The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
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