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Roll call (4 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:00:47)
mayor praryer
mayor announced closed session. Council directed City Attorney and Staff on the matters.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,919 - OPT OUT OF CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Electing to be exempt from the Congestion Management Program as described in California Government Code Sections 65088 to 65089.10. Resolution No. 2009-201. ACTION:
AB #19,919
2. AB #19,920 - WEED ABATEMENT COST ASSESSMENT. Approving the report of the Fire Department showing the cost of weed abatement against each parcel, confirming the cost, and providing for collection on the regular tax bill. Resolution No. 2009-202. ACTION:
AB #19,920
3. AB #19,921 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Accept the report from the City Treasurer on the status of city investments as of June 30, 2009 ACTION:
AB #19,921
consent calendar approved. matt motionad and mark sencond.
4. AB #19,922 - BUILDING HEIGHT ZONE CODE AMENDMENT ZCA 08-01. Adopt Ordinance No. CS-045 approving a Zone Code Amendment to amend the "Building Height" definition and other related amendments to Chapter 21.04 - Definitions of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-045. ACTION:
AB #19,922
ron titled ordinance.
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
6:04 adjourned
AUGUST 4, 2009
6:00 P.M.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
5. AB #691 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding the contract to Atlas Allied, Inc. for construction of the Industrial Park Recycled Water Service Lines, Project No. 5201. Resolution No. 1367. ACTION:
AB #691
6. AB #19,923 - LOCAL ECONOMIC UPDATE PRESENTATION. To receive a presentation regarding an update of the local economy and the impact on the City of Carlsbad's revenues. ACTION:
AB #19,923
Lisa Irvine and Kevin Branca, more local update. Reviewed a power point presentation (on file in the office of the City Clerk).
GDP and foreclosure updates. GDP personal comsumptions, 4th quarter 2008 negative 6.3 % 1st quart of 2009 -5.5% 2nd quarter 2009 anticipating not such and extreme but still a drop. -1% marked improvement. Not great but good news, shows may be turning around a bit. Unemployment rate 11.6% CA SD Co 10% Carlsbad 6.7% These are all June stats.
economists expect unemployment to rise, along with foreclosures. We are doing better than our neighbors, they have more foreclosures.
Oceanside highest in north county because they have more houses. Moritorum on foreclosures in Septempber.
What's ahead? Forecasts are close to the bottom of the recession. Some think we at the end and some think we're nearing the end. Debate if it'll be long recovery or quick recovery. We'll see continued foreclosured that''ll slow economy. CA has finalized the details of the budget.
Preliminary details, closed the 26 bill def, 15 billion was thru spenditure reductions. structural budget issues still not addressed. Trouble getting thru this fiscal year and next because they haven't reduced their expected revenue or their spending. State impact: will take from carlsbad 4.5 million from our property taxes. CMWD and City. Redev agency, 1 mill, 300k for 2011. Will delay payments for gas tax and prop 42 funds. Waived prop 1a and they pay back in 3 years with interest. Securitization of that loan. authorized a jpa to issue bonds with loan payments to pay off bonds.
We'll get money back in the same fiscal year if we go along with securitizing the loans. need to watch-we may choose to participate and it's more of a sure thing.
need to look further into the details. BBB rating, may be paying huge interest in the loans. PAckard, asking us to participate in the securitazion? irvine said yes, we can choose.
lewis is the voodoo ecomonics? renewing budget again very shortly for 2010. part of prop 1a waiver hardship process. if a city is having trouble paying property tax, they can ask to be waived and declare hardship for some cities that would be seriously effected by losing those funds (public safety impacts). but the other cities would have to make up that difference.
Hall for 2013 going to be any better off to pay back those loans? Irvine says unlikely they won't be any better off to repay.
Redevelopment 1.3 rtaking that money. CA redevelopment assoc are fighting the state from taking their money. Transportation, gas tax payments, 648k, taking.
delaying paying us our portion of various tax revenue.
Branca, closed books for 2008 and audit is underway. Preliminary numbers for fiscal year. transient occupancy tax. property tax up 6.9%, current year, down a little because of delinquencies. air craft taxed delinquent taxes. supplemental taxes. sales tax revenues are the second largest revenue sources.
business top sales tax. arco ampm, aciara four seasions, jeep, vw, dodge, cheron, coach costco hoen mercedes, invitrogen, jc penney, ford, pontiac, lca costa resort and spa, etc.
automall in carlsbad. didn't drop dramitically but did drop hasn't been this low since 1999. Premium outlets earns more than plaza camino real. green, village area, they have dropped over the last voupleof years. the forum has held their own during the recession.
tot is 3rd highest revenue source. 10.7% decrease, 1.6 million. additional 400 rooms this year, losing olympic resort and gaining sheraton and hampton inn. Redevelopment fees, building permits, planning fees, etc.
development related revenues. haven't been this low since 94. originally estimates that it would be down 19% for 2008 but it was actually 50% less than last fiscal year. Residential 107 permits last year, previous year it's over 300 permits.
redevelopment issues had large impacts. real and supplemental property transer tazes.
drop in theyeield on the treasurer's portfolio affected interest income for theyear. updated costa. preliminary
expenditures. 2008 actual budgetary basis. openbudget for fiscal year was 148.2 thousand dollars. reduced budget by 5.3 mill. 19.3 million below budget. large portion carried forward for innovations, return to general fund, and something else, that i missed.
unreserved undedesignated fun balance, revenues transfers in expeditures encumbrances transfers out, other changes in reserves and designations, projected unreserved undesignated fund balance.
lewis, what we think the state will take from us. we end up with about 42 million. books closed with this extra money.
Hall said slide 24, 19 million would like workshop explanation. Blackburn asked, property tax loans interest? Gas tax is loan with interest? Lisa, we haven't heard that part yet. Probably won't pay interest on that. Interest rate on propterty tax loan up to 6 percent per year.
7. AB #19,924 - REQUEST TO SPEAK ABOUT AN OPPORTUNITY TO CREATE A BOTANICAL GARDEN. To receive a presentation from Ken Brennecke regarding the development of a Botanical Garden in Carlsbad. ACTION:
AB #19,924
Opportunity to create a botanical garden.
Ken Brennecke of Ramona, came forward to address council. Introduce some foundation and he's the secretary. Propose that city council create garden in carlsbad. showed a sales brochure of the property where he'd like to put in the garden which is a prototype garden. full canopy on the land in 15 years instead of 45, that's how long it normally takes. pacific horticultural magazine. Explains this guy who builds botanical gardens.
World class proposal in more detail found in the brochure. Carlsbad is ideal because of climatalogy. tremendous benefits. they have the expertise to make it a success. They are looking for resources complimentary to their own. the report provides what they are looking for financially speaking.
the foundation is very successful. inthe next month would like council to visit the protype at the darian home in vista. it's denser and more beautiful than most gardens. asked that staff be directed to work with them to develop ideas for making it happen.
Packard asked. What is the purpose of the garden? Trail system, or are people invited to come? used as education and recreational tool, conserve species, educate about global warming and reforestation.
second question, do you have a site in mind-packard. Ken said no. he's a newcomer and doesn't know what resources carlbad has right now. 2 restrictions. should occupy the top of a hill. has to be close to the coast because of the temp but not so close because of marine layer.
carlsbad has more open areas on border with Vista. Mayor said it's beautiful, the prototype, darian would be willing to host a tour. Lewis asked him to explain stypend for housing. Ken said if we're amenable, he'd like to employ darian for 1 year to find a suitable site and start preliminary designs. would hate loose the opportunity to work with them.
how do you envision? would we own the fawna?your org would raise the funds? asking for seed money of 100k to start. ken doesn't know what pace we can progress.
he thinks there are lots of people who'd want a project like this. any othe
8. AB #19,928 - ARTSPLASH 2009 SPECIAL EVENT GRANT REQUEST. To consider authorizing a Special Event Grant for the ArtSplash 2009 Event; and appropriating funds. Resolution No. 2009-207. ACTION:
AB #19,928
Mark Steyaert, will give the presentation. Carrillo Ranch. Mayor told those who were present to speak on the barn that although they won't make a decision tonight without Ann, they need to come forward and still comment so she can watch the tapes and then next week they will just have the report and discussion and will not allow public comment on the project at that time.
M and o costs are about 13k, will use the same staff. if the barn programming is expanded, then m and o would increase in subsequent years. Black burn said, where does the money come from? Public facilities fees and funds are available and wouldn't take money away? Mark said it would . blackburn asked again, any current plans in the works would they be postponed because they move forward with this ? Lisa came forward, cash in this fund can be built w/o affecting other projects. 13k annually for m and o. why did we push it back if it's so easy? Lisa, it was a 3 phase project, this is just one part of the phase.
lewis asked, he thought volunteers said they'd do more for the maintenance of the barn.
George woldridge, board of directors friends of carrillo ranch. He said they would help with maintenance of the barn. Hall tell us about the volunteers that work in your group. started 19 years ago., started with 6 on the board, allan kindle. work with council even before the park opened. they provide some things and raise funds. hands on help, escorts, tours, friday night movies. and other activities at the rancho. George expects continued interest. His prepared remarks, stabilization is completed. Work is beautifully done. ideal for theater and gathering place. it isn't air or water tight. storms cause problems, new barn will solve this issue.
willl generate revenue, thanked staff for efforts to update and push to complete the barn. allows contigencies.
urge council to put specs out to bid. more incentive to move quickly to take advantage of reduction of costs. at this time.
Kindle, came forward, Friends of Carrillo Ranch, president. 300 members, variety of programs, worked collaberatively with park staff. also do school programs, field trips, and art educator goes to classroom. ties in with california state history.
blackburn asked, 4th graders, how many go thru the facility? Kindle said 31 fieldtrips annually, oct - april, 1100 children.
once the children leave the ranch back to school, friends underwrite the art instruction. anonymous donation 5k to support school art program. target also is a sponsor.
number of coop projects. the theaters, we said we'd help run it for free. monitor the program, and do set up.
coming up on 20 years and it's a big deal for the group.
9. AB #19,925 - CARRILLO RANCH BARN/THEATER PROJECT. To consider options for the construction schedule for the Carrillo Ranch Barn/Theater project. Resolution No. 2009-203. ACTION:
AB #19,925
10. AB #19,926 - LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPOINTMENTS. To consider appointing two members to the Library Board of Trustees. Resolution Nos. 2009-204 and 2009-205. ACTION:
AB #19,926
beth hulsart and
11. AB #19,927 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Planning Commission. Resolution No. 2009-206. ACTION:
AB #19,927
both accepted.
blackburn none, packard none
7:06 adjourned.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary) The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Aug 04, 2009 City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Roll call (4 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:00:47)
mayor praryer
mayor announced closed session. Council directed City Attorney and Staff on the matters.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #19,919 - OPT OUT OF CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Electing to be exempt from the Congestion Management Program as described in California Government Code Sections 65088 to 65089.10. Resolution No. 2009-201. ACTION:
AB #19,919
2. AB #19,920 - WEED ABATEMENT COST ASSESSMENT. Approving the report of the Fire Department showing the cost of weed abatement against each parcel, confirming the cost, and providing for collection on the regular tax bill. Resolution No. 2009-202. ACTION:
AB #19,920
3. AB #19,921 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Accept the report from the City Treasurer on the status of city investments as of June 30, 2009 ACTION:
AB #19,921
consent calendar approved. matt motionad and mark sencond.
4. AB #19,922 - BUILDING HEIGHT ZONE CODE AMENDMENT ZCA 08-01. Adopt Ordinance No. CS-045 approving a Zone Code Amendment to amend the "Building Height" definition and other related amendments to Chapter 21.04 - Definitions of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-045. ACTION:
AB #19,922
ron titled ordinance.
PUBLIC COMMENT: In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
6:04 adjourned
AUGUST 4, 2009
6:00 P.M.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
5. AB #691 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding the contract to Atlas Allied, Inc. for construction of the Industrial Park Recycled Water Service Lines, Project No. 5201. Resolution No. 1367. ACTION:
AB #691
6. AB #19,923 - LOCAL ECONOMIC UPDATE PRESENTATION. To receive a presentation regarding an update of the local economy and the impact on the City of Carlsbad's revenues. ACTION:
AB #19,923
Lisa Irvine and Kevin Branca, more local update. Reviewed a power point presentation (on file in the office of the City Clerk).
GDP and foreclosure updates. GDP personal comsumptions, 4th quarter 2008 negative 6.3 % 1st quart of 2009 -5.5% 2nd quarter 2009 anticipating not such and extreme but still a drop. -1% marked improvement. Not great but good news, shows may be turning around a bit. Unemployment rate 11.6% CA SD Co 10% Carlsbad 6.7% These are all June stats.
economists expect unemployment to rise, along with foreclosures. We are doing better than our neighbors, they have more foreclosures.
Oceanside highest in north county because they have more houses. Moritorum on foreclosures in Septempber.
What's ahead? Forecasts are close to the bottom of the recession. Some think we at the end and some think we're nearing the end. Debate if it'll be long recovery or quick recovery. We'll see continued foreclosured that''ll slow economy. CA has finalized the details of the budget.
Preliminary details, closed the 26 bill def, 15 billion was thru spenditure reductions. structural budget issues still not addressed. Trouble getting thru this fiscal year and next because they haven't reduced their expected revenue or their spending. State impact: will take from carlsbad 4.5 million from our property taxes. CMWD and City. Redev agency, 1 mill, 300k for 2011. Will delay payments for gas tax and prop 42 funds. Waived prop 1a and they pay back in 3 years with interest. Securitization of that loan. authorized a jpa to issue bonds with loan payments to pay off bonds.
We'll get money back in the same fiscal year if we go along with securitizing the loans. need to watch-we may choose to participate and it's more of a sure thing.
need to look further into the details. BBB rating, may be paying huge interest in the loans. PAckard, asking us to participate in the securitazion? irvine said yes, we can choose.
lewis is the voodoo ecomonics? renewing budget again very shortly for 2010. part of prop 1a waiver hardship process. if a city is having trouble paying property tax, they can ask to be waived and declare hardship for some cities that would be seriously effected by losing those funds (public safety impacts). but the other cities would have to make up that difference.
Hall for 2013 going to be any better off to pay back those loans? Irvine says unlikely they won't be any better off to repay.
Redevelopment 1.3 rtaking that money. CA redevelopment assoc are fighting the state from taking their money. Transportation, gas tax payments, 648k, taking.
delaying paying us our portion of various tax revenue.
Branca, closed books for 2008 and audit is underway. Preliminary numbers for fiscal year. transient occupancy tax. property tax up 6.9%, current year, down a little because of delinquencies. air craft taxed delinquent taxes. supplemental taxes. sales tax revenues are the second largest revenue sources.
business top sales tax. arco ampm, aciara four seasions, jeep, vw, dodge, cheron, coach costco hoen mercedes, invitrogen, jc penney, ford, pontiac, lca costa resort and spa, etc.
automall in carlsbad. didn't drop dramitically but did drop hasn't been this low since 1999. Premium outlets earns more than plaza camino real. green, village area, they have dropped over the last voupleof years. the forum has held their own during the recession.
tot is 3rd highest revenue source. 10.7% decrease, 1.6 million. additional 400 rooms this year, losing olympic resort and gaining sheraton and hampton inn. Redevelopment fees, building permits, planning fees, etc.
development related revenues. haven't been this low since 94. originally estimates that it would be down 19% for 2008 but it was actually 50% less than last fiscal year. Residential 107 permits last year, previous year it's over 300 permits.
redevelopment issues had large impacts. real and supplemental property transer tazes.
drop in theyeield on the treasurer's portfolio affected interest income for theyear. updated costa. preliminary
expenditures. 2008 actual budgetary basis. openbudget for fiscal year was 148.2 thousand dollars. reduced budget by 5.3 mill. 19.3 million below budget. large portion carried forward for innovations, return to general fund, and something else, that i missed.
unreserved undedesignated fun balance, revenues transfers in expeditures encumbrances transfers out, other changes in reserves and designations, projected unreserved undesignated fund balance.
lewis, what we think the state will take from us. we end up with about 42 million. books closed with this extra money.
Hall said slide 24, 19 million would like workshop explanation. Blackburn asked, property tax loans interest? Gas tax is loan with interest? Lisa, we haven't heard that part yet. Probably won't pay interest on that. Interest rate on propterty tax loan up to 6 percent per year.
7. AB #19,924 - REQUEST TO SPEAK ABOUT AN OPPORTUNITY TO CREATE A BOTANICAL GARDEN. To receive a presentation from Ken Brennecke regarding the development of a Botanical Garden in Carlsbad. ACTION:
AB #19,924
Opportunity to create a botanical garden.
Ken Brennecke of Ramona, came forward to address council. Introduce some foundation and he's the secretary. Propose that city council create garden in carlsbad. showed a sales brochure of the property where he'd like to put in the garden which is a prototype garden. full canopy on the land in 15 years instead of 45, that's how long it normally takes. pacific horticultural magazine. Explains this guy who builds botanical gardens.
World class proposal in more detail found in the brochure. Carlsbad is ideal because of climatalogy. tremendous benefits. they have the expertise to make it a success. They are looking for resources complimentary to their own. the report provides what they are looking for financially speaking.
the foundation is very successful. inthe next month would like council to visit the protype at the darian home in vista. it's denser and more beautiful than most gardens. asked that staff be directed to work with them to develop ideas for making it happen.
Packard asked. What is the purpose of the garden? Trail system, or are people invited to come? used as education and recreational tool, conserve species, educate about global warming and reforestation.
second question, do you have a site in mind-packard. Ken said no. he's a newcomer and doesn't know what resources carlbad has right now. 2 restrictions. should occupy the top of a hill. has to be close to the coast because of the temp but not so close because of marine layer.
carlsbad has more open areas on border with Vista. Mayor said it's beautiful, the prototype, darian would be willing to host a tour. Lewis asked him to explain stypend for housing. Ken said if we're amenable, he'd like to employ darian for 1 year to find a suitable site and start preliminary designs. would hate loose the opportunity to work with them.
how do you envision? would we own the fawna?your org would raise the funds? asking for seed money of 100k to start. ken doesn't know what pace we can progress.
he thinks there are lots of people who'd want a project like this. any othe
8. AB #19,928 - ARTSPLASH 2009 SPECIAL EVENT GRANT REQUEST. To consider authorizing a Special Event Grant for the ArtSplash 2009 Event; and appropriating funds. Resolution No. 2009-207. ACTION:
AB #19,928
Mark Steyaert, will give the presentation. Carrillo Ranch. Mayor told those who were present to speak on the barn that although they won't make a decision tonight without Ann, they need to come forward and still comment so she can watch the tapes and then next week they will just have the report and discussion and will not allow public comment on the project at that time.
M and o costs are about 13k, will use the same staff. if the barn programming is expanded, then m and o would increase in subsequent years. Black burn said, where does the money come from? Public facilities fees and funds are available and wouldn't take money away? Mark said it would . blackburn asked again, any current plans in the works would they be postponed because they move forward with this ? Lisa came forward, cash in this fund can be built w/o affecting other projects. 13k annually for m and o. why did we push it back if it's so easy? Lisa, it was a 3 phase project, this is just one part of the phase.
lewis asked, he thought volunteers said they'd do more for the maintenance of the barn.
George woldridge, board of directors friends of carrillo ranch. He said they would help with maintenance of the barn. Hall tell us about the volunteers that work in your group. started 19 years ago., started with 6 on the board, allan kindle. work with council even before the park opened. they provide some things and raise funds. hands on help, escorts, tours, friday night movies. and other activities at the rancho. George expects continued interest. His prepared remarks, stabilization is completed. Work is beautifully done. ideal for theater and gathering place. it isn't air or water tight. storms cause problems, new barn will solve this issue.
willl generate revenue, thanked staff for efforts to update and push to complete the barn. allows contigencies.
urge council to put specs out to bid. more incentive to move quickly to take advantage of reduction of costs. at this time.
Kindle, came forward, Friends of Carrillo Ranch, president. 300 members, variety of programs, worked collaberatively with park staff. also do school programs, field trips, and art educator goes to classroom. ties in with california state history.
blackburn asked, 4th graders, how many go thru the facility? Kindle said 31 fieldtrips annually, oct - april, 1100 children.
once the children leave the ranch back to school, friends underwrite the art instruction. anonymous donation 5k to support school art program. target also is a sponsor.
number of coop projects. the theaters, we said we'd help run it for free. monitor the program, and do set up.
coming up on 20 years and it's a big deal for the group.
9. AB #19,925 - CARRILLO RANCH BARN/THEATER PROJECT. To consider options for the construction schedule for the Carrillo Ranch Barn/Theater project. Resolution No. 2009-203. ACTION:
AB #19,925
10. AB #19,926 - LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPOINTMENTS. To consider appointing two members to the Library Board of Trustees. Resolution Nos. 2009-204 and 2009-205. ACTION:
AB #19,926
beth hulsart and
11. AB #19,927 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Planning Commission. Resolution No. 2009-206. ACTION:
AB #19,927
both accepted.
blackburn none, packard none
7:06 adjourned.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary) The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
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