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all in attendance
PRESENTATION: Proclamation Presentation to the Tri-City Christian Cheerleaders.
Proclamation Presentation to Tri City High School Eagle Cheerleaders. Blackburn read the proclamation and invited Tina Blankenship team coach and team captains came forward to receive the proclamation. Squad got First place in national competition. Medium varsity Division, 2010 FCC national cheerleading championships in Florida. Allison Van Lue is other coach not present.
Blankenship came forward and thanked council for the proclamation and congratulated the cheerleaders.
Mayor announced closed session and instructed city attorney and staff on the matter.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
3. AB #20,103 - SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM. Authorizing the settlement of the Workers' Compensation claim of William Anderson. Resolution No. 2010-014. ACTION:
AB 20,103
4. AB #20,104 - REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. Authorizing a refund of business license tax to Pacific Air Resources International, Inc. Resolution No. 2010-015. ACTION:
AB 20,104
5. AB #20,105 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Awarding the contract to HPS Mechanical, Inc., for La Golondrina and El Fuerte Street Sewer Extensions, Project Nos. 3951 and 5500. Resolution No. 2010-016. ACTION:
AB 20,105
1. AB #20,101 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Mrs. Graciela Quesada for the William D. Cannon Art Gallery's Three-Part-Art education program; and, authorizing the appropriation of donated funds. Resolution No. 2010-012. ACTION:
Peter Gordon Cultural Arts Manager and Tonya Rodzach Community Coordinator. thanked donors donations to the william d cannon art gallery. Tonya presented a powerpoint presentation to review three part art. providies arts and cultural experiences to youth. expands high quality arts education opportunities to youth and adults. works in partnership with the community. last year 75 class and 4200 school age children participated.
a resource guide is developed for third an fourth grad students which gives background about and actibites related to the exhibition. part one.
part 2 teachers bring classes for onsite visit, greeted by educator, provides background info about the artist and does activites related to the art.
part 3, after visiting, the students go to the artist studio to create handson art similar to the art viewed in the gallery.
each part builds and reinforces the other parts. whole is greater than the parts. effective teaching tool.
children who participate in the program feel more comfortable with the gallery/museum setting.
Jane kasa is a retired teacher and brought her students to the 3 part art program. she said its great and wonderful, comprehensive arts experience. introduces to various types of arts, gallery edicate etc. well prepared lesson plans that support state standards.
after retiring she attended citizens' academy and then volunteered for 3 part art. she thinks it's a valuable asset to the community. Thanked council.
vote 5/0
AB 20,101
2. AB #20,102 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation for the William D. Cannon Art Gallery's Three-Part-Art education program. Resolution No. 2010-013. ACTION:
AB 20,102
6. AB #20,106 - RADIO CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT USE IN PARKS AND BEACHES. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-074, amending Section 11.32.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to regulate the hours and location of radio or remote controlled aircraft flying in parks and beaches. ACTION:
City Attorney Ron Ball titled the ordinance. no questions. 5/0
AB 20,106
Jennie Analee, Oceanside, came forward to address Council. She spoke regarding Marathon, in opposition. Because of the route she couldn't get to her Church on Sunday morning because of the road closure. She called the Mayor's home to complain. She requests this to be corrected for next time.
Glen Bernard, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. He spoke regarding 3 publications recently mailed to the community. Regarding envision Carlsbad, and planning requirements and beach character. He also spoke about community forest, and ord cs-072. Forget the concept of having a forest.
In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
7. AB #20,111 - EXPEDITED FIRE PLAN REVIEW SERVICES. To consider approving the Expedited Fire Plan Review Service, approving the agreement for expedited Fire Plan Review Services with Darrel K. James and Associates; and, establishing a fee for the Expedited Plan Review Service and adding the fee to the City's Master Fee Schedule. Resolution No. 2010-019. ACTION:
Fire Marshal James Weigand reviewed a powerpoint presentation on file in the office of the city clerk. mr. weigand said this has become necessary because of new state mandates which have lengthened the city turn around time for plan reviews. so they came up with the idea of a voluntary expedited plan review for a fee. this would be a 2 week turn around. this fee would be very well used, for those who need expedited plan reviews.
packard-do you know what the fee would cost? weigand is hourly $90. lewis-regarding economy, will this be put into effect soon? weigand said yes, lots of project improvements not necessarily new construction.
this is optional, just for those who wish to pay the fee. opened and closed hearing at 6:34. 5/0
Jason Goff, associate planner, reviewed a power point presentation, on file in the office of the city clerk. This will approve grading into sublots, office buildings and condominiums, rv storage facility. permits, gpa, zc, mpa, tentative subdivision map, and site develpment plan, mit neg dec.
majority of the site already graded. existing planning area is zoned planned community. near rancho carlsbad site. site plan has access off cannon road.
lot 3 which is 3.94 acre parcel, is not being developed as part of this proposal.
architecture will be spanish looking. project is using increased set backs. changes the zone use from residention to more open space and commercial, mixed land use. critical for housing, close enough for walking the community.
option parcel, 2.21 acres from residential mobile home park to something else. project is consistant with general plan standards. planning commission held public hearing where 4 members of the public spoke it was approved 7-0 by planning commission.
blackburn asked-how many rv's will fit in the rv storage. in a project like Robertson ranch do we require that they also include rv storage in the plan? Goff said it's based on square feet- about 32 spots for rv's. blackburn this is close to rancho carlsbad, what imput have they had in this? goff said they sent public notice to those residents and they haven't received any comments from those residents.
mayor asked about one way in and one way out of the area, cannon may not ever extend all the way, the FD signed off on it but what about lots 3 and 4. office spot on lot 1, lot 3 and 4, lot 4 is open space, lot 3 is going to be mobile home park. will the fire dept has enough access? goff said there is an easement with paved road that goes to the site, so there is access to the option parcel from cannon road, but not from rancho carlsbad estate. lewis is worried about cannon going through and the added traffic flow, goff said it is a traffic controlled signal intersection so circultation patterns are ok with traffic engineers.
applicant came forward-paul klukas, "planning systems" representing Brookfield homes who is the applicant. they agree with planning commission and staff and asked council to approve the project. they think it s a good high quality project and satisfies the neighbors of Rancho Carlsbad and staff and planning commission. this is going to mostly be a business office building. once was originally zoned for residential but that was rejected by council. this is the modified version of that . they investigated numerous land uses and did land use studies. Most other uses were rejected after doing those studies so this is kinda it-no tourism, industrial, residential, etc. This is a win win situation. Good concept of live work and play. Applicant is available for questions.
Packard asked-regarding option parcel discussion at planning commission. He said owner has no plans to develop that land, the owner only plans to give it rancho carlsbad. Kulchin-ROI in planning commission minutes- goff said it'll come back for rezoning of option parcel in march.
Mayor asked again about lot 3 and 4, lot ? dedicated over to rancho carlsbad, lot 4 open space. opened public hearing at 6:57. Bill arnold, rancho carlsbad, chairman of the negotiating committee. had lots of discussion of parcel 22. they spoke in support of this plan.
Bill said they plan to do nothing with that dedicated area. maybe a dog area, maybe a walk way but they don't want to do anyting with it, will leave it as a buffer.
Russ Kohl, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council and spoke in support of approving the project. PA 22 is the area they keep bringing up. BROOKDALE, not BROOKFIELD.
Socorro Anderson, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council and spoke in support of approving the project.
Ken Kablay, representing the Robertson Family Trust, came forward to address Council and spoke in support of the project. Closed the hearing at 7:02.
Blackburn said, developer was smart to get buy in from the community. Packard-took a long time to find a good resolution to this-patience by property owner is good. Hall-said this is easy all seem to be in concurrence. Kulchin, she's in. Ron Ball titled the ordinances.
Vote 5/0 for all three.
AB 20,111
8. AB #20,107 - ROBERTSON RANCH PLANNING AREA 22. To consider adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Addendum; and approving a General Plan Amendment (GPA 09-01), Zone Change (ZC 09-01), Master Plan Amendment (CT 09-01), Tentative Tract Map (CT 09-01), and Site Development Plan (SDP 09-01) on property generally located south of Cannon Road, east of El Camino Real, at the southeast corner of the intersection of Wind Trail Way and Cannon Road, within the Robertson Ranch Master Plan, Planning Area 22 and the "Option Parcel," in Local Facilities Management Zone 14 . Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-075. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-076. Resolution No. 2010-017. ACTION:
AB 20,107
7:05 to CMWD
January 26, 2010
6:00 P.M.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
9. AB #707 - AMENDMENT TO WATER PURCAHSE AGREEMENT. Adopting and ratifying the eighth amendment to the Water Purchase Agreement with Poseidon Resources. Resolution No. 1385. ACTION:
AB 707
10. AB #708 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Authorizing the advertisement for bids for water meter purchases and replacements and Automated Meter Reading (AMR) endpoint purchases and installations. Resolution No. 1386. ACTION:
AB 708
11. AB #709 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR FUNDING FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY. Authorizing the submission of an application to the San Diego County Water Authority for subsidy funding consideration under the Local Water Supply Development Program. Resolution No. 1387. ACTION:
AB 709
12. AB #20,109 - PRESENTATION OF LOCAL ECONOMIC UPDATE. To receive a presentation from Marney Cox, Chief Economist, from SANDAG and Finance Department staff regarding the local economy and the impact on the City's revenues. ACTION:
came back at 7:06.
Marney Cox, SANDAG, Lisa Irvine and Kevin Branca, reviewed PowerPoint Presentations (we don't have Marney's presentation), others, on file in the office of the city clerk.
Recovery is uncertain as to how it will look. Jobs-weak, jobless revoery, inflation, underutuilized capacity. Effects, US employment decline at the national level. worst since wwII. much worse than other recessions of the past.
still down 5% overall in jobs lost and not recreated. unemployment is still at 10%. what's not captured by that number, length of time unemployed. about 26 weeks to get a job after you lose one. some employers are putting employees on furlough, spreads out the unemployment. not reflected in unemployment but those people are under employed. Unused capacity, car manufacturing, is a good example of something that's been put on hold while demand is low. that is starting to come back slowly.
this capacity and unemployment rate is what needs to be put back together to improve the economy. thoughts about inflation. retail sales is a major indicator of this recession.
GDP- not such a good indicator. THis is being called the "great recession". Government begins to deficit spend at the beginning of this recession. Mark asked who holds those reserves? Marney said the federal reserve.
They pay interest on those reserves. This makes it more attractive for banks to keep money instead of lending. This keeps money from being floated out to lend to businesses.
Policy responses by government-federal govt. Employement multiplier is zero-jobs creaed is offset by a job lost. govt spending moves jobs and resources away from private to public. Employemnt mutiplied by one, each dollar spend adds one dollar to GDP, govt spends on idle resources. targeted stimulus multiplie is less than 1. right sizing businessess unintended consequences.
losers creative destruction favors small businesses. winners too big to fail, favors big businesses. too big to fail takes tax dollars and gives to old businesses. it's creative destruction. loanable activity-loanable funds is far below than start of recession.
less venture capital funds.
I NEED HIS PRESENTATION 14 tril in household credit debt outstanding-loss in wealth, consumers feeling vulnerable so they pay down debt and then save more. these trends take money out of the economy. the equity is gone so people don't use it like an atm anymore. this will hurt retail sales the worst. 10% decline over the next few years.
estimating half a percent of growth in the second half of the year.
with all this consolidation in the retail sector. hurt by internet sales. turn our shopping malls into factories until we figure out how to put them to use in another way. example is auto dealerships. how do you use that land for more productive use? that hasn't been answered yet. overall the negative gdp is behind us so the recovery will be very slow. unemployement stays high and consumers repair balance sheets, wealth effect declines persist, steepening yield curve, more deficits. housing and autos will come back better than other areas. business investments, weak dollar.
Mayor has questions- in reference to unemployment. Growth in employment greater in government? marney said yes, not local but state govt and in education area. lewis large debt to chinese govt. how is that going to figure into this? He said value of a dollar-future is uncertain but on one hand to lower trade deficit-households need to save more. stop using so much credit and living above means. higher our savings the less our trade deficit will be. policies in place that keep value of the dollar down, which means many foreign countries that have money invested here have seen their assets decline. that's fear on their part. keep exports down but not so much. Lewis-federal reserve board-a number of members are foreign born? does that impact us? 7 members are appointed by president, 14 others appointed by boards of directors of large banking institutions around the country. this mix, under the chairman, sets the policies.
Lisa Irvine, and Kevin Branca respond to how Marney's information impacts Carlsbad. Carlsbad does not deficit spend, live within our means. Adjust spending to revenue. State of California Budget impact. CA economy-proposed budget closes projected 20 bil deficit using cuts, federal support and other one time fixes. structural budget issues hav not been addressed. fy 2009-2010 budget shortfall is estimated to be 6.6 billions. That money borrowed on jan 4 from state was paid back on jan 16 because of securitization approved by council.
they are in crisis mode. we have to keep eye on state legistlation. continue to analyze state legislation for city impacts monitor the actiites of league of california cities to further protect local revenue sources. new legistlation to further protect local funds to enhance prop 1a. Cbad had 548 foreclosures in 09. our unemployment is 6.9%. vacancy rates have gone up in the city pretty significant ours in 28% for commercial, indutrial is 15 and retail is 6.6% vacancy rates. home prices and sales. old homes are packard asked which zip codes correspond with city quadrants.
Branca talked about general fund revenue for first 6 months of the fy. 4 largest reveneue sources, property taxes, sales taxes, transient occupancy tax, franchise tax. prop tax down 3%. decreased property value is 1%. current taxes down direct correlation with property value. supplemental taxes are down, fewer new homes in the city.
It's our property taxes being so strong that is helping us weather this storm- and we spend carefully! Car country carlsbad. sales have declined since 2005 when it peaked. cash for clunkers only stabalized that decline. plaza camino real peaked in 2005 and has been declining since. premium outlets have held pretty strong during the recession. village has slow decline since last year and a half. forum, third quarter of 2009, having high marks, higher that ever before. so they have done very well during the recession.
our revenue estimates have been pretty close. our projections are pretty accurate.
revenue down another 9% for the next FY but then it'll come back slightly because of new commercial development that's expected. TOT is way down, 18%. beach terrace hotel closed down for severl months for renovations. acerage occupancy for most recent twelve months -56%. last year same time it was 61%.
TOT dropped 19%, development related revenue-plan check fees, etc. they have been down but are slightly up for 09-10 and will be up again for 10-11 FY. first 6 months of this fy we've seen increase in permitted properties so far. this upward trend is very positive for the city. franchise tax fees, drop in treasurers portfolio affecting interest income for the year. one time revenue form the sale of 2 parcels of land in the general fund.
Revenue for next year is expected to be up for next fiscal year. 9 million dollar drop from 2006 to 2011. we've done ok because of conservative spending, not filling non essential positions,etc.
Lisa, we're not asking for increased reduction of expenditures at this point.
10 year planning forecast. to slow expenditures, estimates for revenue, several assumptions are made. no change in the timing of new facilities, infrastructure replacement transfer remains at 6/5 percent tranfer of GF revenues, no slary increases until FY2013, assume some increase in retirement rates based on loss in calpers investments, annual health care growth is 10%-split 5% for ee's and 5% city. Saved $1.26 million in FY 2010. maintenance opporation growth, assumed 1% growth.
2 scenerios 1 most likely general fund revenue high in FY 2007 revenues are impacted by recession and slow recovery, no position growth until FY 2013.
2-longer economic recovery is one year longer, general fund revenue everything pushed back 1 year to 2014.
Hall asked-Marney-last summer we talked about what recession might look like, from your perspective when will we be back to 2007 highs. Growth requires job growth-creating jobs, growth in labor force-2015 or 2016 may take that long to be back to prior to the start of recession. Other revenued could get there quicker, property taxes, etc. Hall-oversight committee looked at our numbers how did they look? he said our adjustment was correct but didn't think it went far enough or didn't show enough of a decline.
Hall, asked about slide 24-retirement rate increase in 2013, Lisa said-for general ee rate would be 28.2%, then 30% in 2012, 36% in 2014. Safety in 2010 39%, then down then 42%, then 52% in 2014. What is that in money? About 15 million to about 19 million for both combined from 2010 to 2014, based on current assumption. Thiese are calcultated into our forecasts. Mayor asked about job creation. small businesses are really important. public vs private sector.Marney-one thing we've seen so far, public hasn't had as much job loss. public also doesn't see increases from growth or decreases during recession. overall lots of fluctuation in private sector, less in public sector, they don't respond to economy changes in the same way.
its likely the public sector some destress in recvnue over the next couple of years. this isn't over because of the nature of the declines.
8:11 take 5 m;inute recess.
Came back at 8:18
AB 20,109
13. AB #20,110 -REPORT ON PROPOSED POWER PLANT AND CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS. To receive a staff report on the California Energy Commission's proceedings regarding NRG's proposal to construct a new power plant. ACTION:
Municipal Projects Manager Joe Garuba, reviewed a PowerPoint Presentation, on file in the office of the city clerk. Reviewed the whole project. Used all the same old slides, blah blah blah. Doesn't not call for the demolition of the old power plant. 2 generation units put back to back. This plant is air cooled so it does not require being located close to the ocean.
This next week is very important for the City, CEC hearing are coming and it's the culmination of the fact finding phase. Evidentiary Hearings in February, preliminary decision, revised pmpd, cec decision, other agency approvals, legal challenges, plant constructions, potential online date,
Garuba outlined the upcoming hearings. Land use, redevelopment, coastal, local, socioeconomics, public comment 6-10 pm. We have issued a coastal report. local land use lors. doesn't meet our land use regulations.
This project falls under redevelopment area. Wednesday, greenhouse gases is top discussion. lots of witnesses. AB32, restriction on greenhouse gases. we are not providing any witnesses but we are cross examining witnesses. we have testimony on the project alternatives. Hearings go from Monday until Thursday. We have lots of questions regarding soil and water, there will be no public comment that last day. Project issues, land use, coastal act, fire safety, visual impacts. This is in the wrong place, doesn't comply with coastal act, concerns that there is not adequate fire access, our fire department has voiced those concerns also. Request for series of briefs. EC has laid out tentative schedule over next several weeks. Hearing officer goes and writes the preliminary decision. It'll be circulated, take comments on that, then we'll know where the commission is on this project. Then it'll go to the board for full vote. Wouldn't come online until probably 2014.
Kulchin, asked on TV? Joe said it won't be televised, it's the EC's hearing, there will be a transcript but not televised. Kulchin, same commissioners as before? He said no, one is different one is the same.
Kulchin-how are the commissioners are chosen? Joe, appointed by governor but approved by senate, legal, electrical, etc background.
no other questions.
AB 20,110
14. AB #20,108 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. To consider awarding the contract to US Lighting Tech, Inc., for the purchase of energy efficient inductive streetlights. Resolution No. 2010-018. ACTION:
Julie Baker Power of Vision, thanked Council for leadership and vision.
Kerry Siekman, Carlsbad, Power of Vision, came forward to address Council. Asked for public to attend the hearing and make it known that they don't want this power plant.
Now on with item 14.
Dale Schuck, and Thomas Moore reviewed a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). 7000 streetlights, developed lighting specifications, set minimum vendor qualifications, developed 2 part best value eval, solicited and evaluated bids.
7 years producing municipal lighting, delivery of 1500 units in USA, manufacturer or authorized distributor of the lights, specs. specs, high effiecency inductive lamp, cast aluminum, fixture, full cut off style lens speare access to lamp and ballast, no tools ruired to access compartments.
US lighting Tech, met with purchasing officer for approval
total costs are lower than anticipated costs originally approved by council. these lights will also reduce energy usage and increase cost savings.
Blackburn, what happens to the old lights we take down, dale, part of bid specs, the contractor takes possession of them and if there is any value they recycle. kulchin, asked for maintenance demo. dale and thomas demonstrated the tool-less entry features. anticipate less maintenance than current types of lights. lewis-each unit costs? about $250-400 depending on size and wattage.
No further questions. 5/0
Council members reported on some groups of which they are members of.
AB 20,108
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
The remainder of the categories is for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Jan 26, 2010 City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
all in attendance
PRESENTATION: Proclamation Presentation to the Tri-City Christian Cheerleaders.
Proclamation Presentation to Tri City High School Eagle Cheerleaders. Blackburn read the proclamation and invited Tina Blankenship team coach and team captains came forward to receive the proclamation. Squad got First place in national competition. Medium varsity Division, 2010 FCC national cheerleading championships in Florida. Allison Van Lue is other coach not present.
Blankenship came forward and thanked council for the proclamation and congratulated the cheerleaders.
Mayor announced closed session and instructed city attorney and staff on the matter.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
3. AB #20,103 - SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM. Authorizing the settlement of the Workers' Compensation claim of William Anderson. Resolution No. 2010-014. ACTION:
AB 20,103
4. AB #20,104 - REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. Authorizing a refund of business license tax to Pacific Air Resources International, Inc. Resolution No. 2010-015. ACTION:
AB 20,104
5. AB #20,105 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Awarding the contract to HPS Mechanical, Inc., for La Golondrina and El Fuerte Street Sewer Extensions, Project Nos. 3951 and 5500. Resolution No. 2010-016. ACTION:
AB 20,105
1. AB #20,101 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from Mrs. Graciela Quesada for the William D. Cannon Art Gallery's Three-Part-Art education program; and, authorizing the appropriation of donated funds. Resolution No. 2010-012. ACTION:
Peter Gordon Cultural Arts Manager and Tonya Rodzach Community Coordinator. thanked donors donations to the william d cannon art gallery. Tonya presented a powerpoint presentation to review three part art. providies arts and cultural experiences to youth. expands high quality arts education opportunities to youth and adults. works in partnership with the community. last year 75 class and 4200 school age children participated.
a resource guide is developed for third an fourth grad students which gives background about and actibites related to the exhibition. part one.
part 2 teachers bring classes for onsite visit, greeted by educator, provides background info about the artist and does activites related to the art.
part 3, after visiting, the students go to the artist studio to create handson art similar to the art viewed in the gallery.
each part builds and reinforces the other parts. whole is greater than the parts. effective teaching tool.
children who participate in the program feel more comfortable with the gallery/museum setting.
Jane kasa is a retired teacher and brought her students to the 3 part art program. she said its great and wonderful, comprehensive arts experience. introduces to various types of arts, gallery edicate etc. well prepared lesson plans that support state standards.
after retiring she attended citizens' academy and then volunteered for 3 part art. she thinks it's a valuable asset to the community. Thanked council.
vote 5/0
AB 20,101
2. AB #20,102 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation for the William D. Cannon Art Gallery's Three-Part-Art education program. Resolution No. 2010-013. ACTION:
AB 20,102
6. AB #20,106 - RADIO CONTROLLED AIRCRAFT USE IN PARKS AND BEACHES. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-074, amending Section 11.32.030 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code to regulate the hours and location of radio or remote controlled aircraft flying in parks and beaches. ACTION:
City Attorney Ron Ball titled the ordinance. no questions. 5/0
AB 20,106
Jennie Analee, Oceanside, came forward to address Council. She spoke regarding Marathon, in opposition. Because of the route she couldn't get to her Church on Sunday morning because of the road closure. She called the Mayor's home to complain. She requests this to be corrected for next time.
Glen Bernard, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council. He spoke regarding 3 publications recently mailed to the community. Regarding envision Carlsbad, and planning requirements and beach character. He also spoke about community forest, and ord cs-072. Forget the concept of having a forest.
In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
7. AB #20,111 - EXPEDITED FIRE PLAN REVIEW SERVICES. To consider approving the Expedited Fire Plan Review Service, approving the agreement for expedited Fire Plan Review Services with Darrel K. James and Associates; and, establishing a fee for the Expedited Plan Review Service and adding the fee to the City's Master Fee Schedule. Resolution No. 2010-019. ACTION:
Fire Marshal James Weigand reviewed a powerpoint presentation on file in the office of the city clerk. mr. weigand said this has become necessary because of new state mandates which have lengthened the city turn around time for plan reviews. so they came up with the idea of a voluntary expedited plan review for a fee. this would be a 2 week turn around. this fee would be very well used, for those who need expedited plan reviews.
packard-do you know what the fee would cost? weigand is hourly $90. lewis-regarding economy, will this be put into effect soon? weigand said yes, lots of project improvements not necessarily new construction.
this is optional, just for those who wish to pay the fee. opened and closed hearing at 6:34. 5/0
Jason Goff, associate planner, reviewed a power point presentation, on file in the office of the city clerk. This will approve grading into sublots, office buildings and condominiums, rv storage facility. permits, gpa, zc, mpa, tentative subdivision map, and site develpment plan, mit neg dec.
majority of the site already graded. existing planning area is zoned planned community. near rancho carlsbad site. site plan has access off cannon road.
lot 3 which is 3.94 acre parcel, is not being developed as part of this proposal.
architecture will be spanish looking. project is using increased set backs. changes the zone use from residention to more open space and commercial, mixed land use. critical for housing, close enough for walking the community.
option parcel, 2.21 acres from residential mobile home park to something else. project is consistant with general plan standards. planning commission held public hearing where 4 members of the public spoke it was approved 7-0 by planning commission.
blackburn asked-how many rv's will fit in the rv storage. in a project like Robertson ranch do we require that they also include rv storage in the plan? Goff said it's based on square feet- about 32 spots for rv's. blackburn this is close to rancho carlsbad, what imput have they had in this? goff said they sent public notice to those residents and they haven't received any comments from those residents.
mayor asked about one way in and one way out of the area, cannon may not ever extend all the way, the FD signed off on it but what about lots 3 and 4. office spot on lot 1, lot 3 and 4, lot 4 is open space, lot 3 is going to be mobile home park. will the fire dept has enough access? goff said there is an easement with paved road that goes to the site, so there is access to the option parcel from cannon road, but not from rancho carlsbad estate. lewis is worried about cannon going through and the added traffic flow, goff said it is a traffic controlled signal intersection so circultation patterns are ok with traffic engineers.
applicant came forward-paul klukas, "planning systems" representing Brookfield homes who is the applicant. they agree with planning commission and staff and asked council to approve the project. they think it s a good high quality project and satisfies the neighbors of Rancho Carlsbad and staff and planning commission. this is going to mostly be a business office building. once was originally zoned for residential but that was rejected by council. this is the modified version of that . they investigated numerous land uses and did land use studies. Most other uses were rejected after doing those studies so this is kinda it-no tourism, industrial, residential, etc. This is a win win situation. Good concept of live work and play. Applicant is available for questions.
Packard asked-regarding option parcel discussion at planning commission. He said owner has no plans to develop that land, the owner only plans to give it rancho carlsbad. Kulchin-ROI in planning commission minutes- goff said it'll come back for rezoning of option parcel in march.
Mayor asked again about lot 3 and 4, lot ? dedicated over to rancho carlsbad, lot 4 open space. opened public hearing at 6:57. Bill arnold, rancho carlsbad, chairman of the negotiating committee. had lots of discussion of parcel 22. they spoke in support of this plan.
Bill said they plan to do nothing with that dedicated area. maybe a dog area, maybe a walk way but they don't want to do anyting with it, will leave it as a buffer.
Russ Kohl, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council and spoke in support of approving the project. PA 22 is the area they keep bringing up. BROOKDALE, not BROOKFIELD.
Socorro Anderson, Carlsbad, came forward to address Council and spoke in support of approving the project.
Ken Kablay, representing the Robertson Family Trust, came forward to address Council and spoke in support of the project. Closed the hearing at 7:02.
Blackburn said, developer was smart to get buy in from the community. Packard-took a long time to find a good resolution to this-patience by property owner is good. Hall-said this is easy all seem to be in concurrence. Kulchin, she's in. Ron Ball titled the ordinances.
Vote 5/0 for all three.
AB 20,111
8. AB #20,107 - ROBERTSON RANCH PLANNING AREA 22. To consider adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and Addendum; and approving a General Plan Amendment (GPA 09-01), Zone Change (ZC 09-01), Master Plan Amendment (CT 09-01), Tentative Tract Map (CT 09-01), and Site Development Plan (SDP 09-01) on property generally located south of Cannon Road, east of El Camino Real, at the southeast corner of the intersection of Wind Trail Way and Cannon Road, within the Robertson Ranch Master Plan, Planning Area 22 and the "Option Parcel," in Local Facilities Management Zone 14 . Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-075. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-076. Resolution No. 2010-017. ACTION:
AB 20,107
7:05 to CMWD
January 26, 2010
6:00 P.M.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
9. AB #707 - AMENDMENT TO WATER PURCAHSE AGREEMENT. Adopting and ratifying the eighth amendment to the Water Purchase Agreement with Poseidon Resources. Resolution No. 1385. ACTION:
AB 707
10. AB #708 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS. Authorizing the advertisement for bids for water meter purchases and replacements and Automated Meter Reading (AMR) endpoint purchases and installations. Resolution No. 1386. ACTION:
AB 708
11. AB #709 - AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY FOR FUNDING FROM THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY. Authorizing the submission of an application to the San Diego County Water Authority for subsidy funding consideration under the Local Water Supply Development Program. Resolution No. 1387. ACTION:
AB 709
12. AB #20,109 - PRESENTATION OF LOCAL ECONOMIC UPDATE. To receive a presentation from Marney Cox, Chief Economist, from SANDAG and Finance Department staff regarding the local economy and the impact on the City's revenues. ACTION:
came back at 7:06.
Marney Cox, SANDAG, Lisa Irvine and Kevin Branca, reviewed PowerPoint Presentations (we don't have Marney's presentation), others, on file in the office of the city clerk.
Recovery is uncertain as to how it will look. Jobs-weak, jobless revoery, inflation, underutuilized capacity. Effects, US employment decline at the national level. worst since wwII. much worse than other recessions of the past.
still down 5% overall in jobs lost and not recreated. unemployment is still at 10%. what's not captured by that number, length of time unemployed. about 26 weeks to get a job after you lose one. some employers are putting employees on furlough, spreads out the unemployment. not reflected in unemployment but those people are under employed. Unused capacity, car manufacturing, is a good example of something that's been put on hold while demand is low. that is starting to come back slowly.
this capacity and unemployment rate is what needs to be put back together to improve the economy. thoughts about inflation. retail sales is a major indicator of this recession.
GDP- not such a good indicator. THis is being called the "great recession". Government begins to deficit spend at the beginning of this recession. Mark asked who holds those reserves? Marney said the federal reserve.
They pay interest on those reserves. This makes it more attractive for banks to keep money instead of lending. This keeps money from being floated out to lend to businesses.
Policy responses by government-federal govt. Employement multiplier is zero-jobs creaed is offset by a job lost. govt spending moves jobs and resources away from private to public. Employemnt mutiplied by one, each dollar spend adds one dollar to GDP, govt spends on idle resources. targeted stimulus multiplie is less than 1. right sizing businessess unintended consequences.
losers creative destruction favors small businesses. winners too big to fail, favors big businesses. too big to fail takes tax dollars and gives to old businesses. it's creative destruction. loanable activity-loanable funds is far below than start of recession.
less venture capital funds.
I NEED HIS PRESENTATION 14 tril in household credit debt outstanding-loss in wealth, consumers feeling vulnerable so they pay down debt and then save more. these trends take money out of the economy. the equity is gone so people don't use it like an atm anymore. this will hurt retail sales the worst. 10% decline over the next few years.
estimating half a percent of growth in the second half of the year.
with all this consolidation in the retail sector. hurt by internet sales. turn our shopping malls into factories until we figure out how to put them to use in another way. example is auto dealerships. how do you use that land for more productive use? that hasn't been answered yet. overall the negative gdp is behind us so the recovery will be very slow. unemployement stays high and consumers repair balance sheets, wealth effect declines persist, steepening yield curve, more deficits. housing and autos will come back better than other areas. business investments, weak dollar.
Mayor has questions- in reference to unemployment. Growth in employment greater in government? marney said yes, not local but state govt and in education area. lewis large debt to chinese govt. how is that going to figure into this? He said value of a dollar-future is uncertain but on one hand to lower trade deficit-households need to save more. stop using so much credit and living above means. higher our savings the less our trade deficit will be. policies in place that keep value of the dollar down, which means many foreign countries that have money invested here have seen their assets decline. that's fear on their part. keep exports down but not so much. Lewis-federal reserve board-a number of members are foreign born? does that impact us? 7 members are appointed by president, 14 others appointed by boards of directors of large banking institutions around the country. this mix, under the chairman, sets the policies.
Lisa Irvine, and Kevin Branca respond to how Marney's information impacts Carlsbad. Carlsbad does not deficit spend, live within our means. Adjust spending to revenue. State of California Budget impact. CA economy-proposed budget closes projected 20 bil deficit using cuts, federal support and other one time fixes. structural budget issues hav not been addressed. fy 2009-2010 budget shortfall is estimated to be 6.6 billions. That money borrowed on jan 4 from state was paid back on jan 16 because of securitization approved by council.
they are in crisis mode. we have to keep eye on state legistlation. continue to analyze state legislation for city impacts monitor the actiites of league of california cities to further protect local revenue sources. new legistlation to further protect local funds to enhance prop 1a. Cbad had 548 foreclosures in 09. our unemployment is 6.9%. vacancy rates have gone up in the city pretty significant ours in 28% for commercial, indutrial is 15 and retail is 6.6% vacancy rates. home prices and sales. old homes are packard asked which zip codes correspond with city quadrants.
Branca talked about general fund revenue for first 6 months of the fy. 4 largest reveneue sources, property taxes, sales taxes, transient occupancy tax, franchise tax. prop tax down 3%. decreased property value is 1%. current taxes down direct correlation with property value. supplemental taxes are down, fewer new homes in the city.
It's our property taxes being so strong that is helping us weather this storm- and we spend carefully! Car country carlsbad. sales have declined since 2005 when it peaked. cash for clunkers only stabalized that decline. plaza camino real peaked in 2005 and has been declining since. premium outlets have held pretty strong during the recession. village has slow decline since last year and a half. forum, third quarter of 2009, having high marks, higher that ever before. so they have done very well during the recession.
our revenue estimates have been pretty close. our projections are pretty accurate.
revenue down another 9% for the next FY but then it'll come back slightly because of new commercial development that's expected. TOT is way down, 18%. beach terrace hotel closed down for severl months for renovations. acerage occupancy for most recent twelve months -56%. last year same time it was 61%.
TOT dropped 19%, development related revenue-plan check fees, etc. they have been down but are slightly up for 09-10 and will be up again for 10-11 FY. first 6 months of this fy we've seen increase in permitted properties so far. this upward trend is very positive for the city. franchise tax fees, drop in treasurers portfolio affecting interest income for the year. one time revenue form the sale of 2 parcels of land in the general fund.
Revenue for next year is expected to be up for next fiscal year. 9 million dollar drop from 2006 to 2011. we've done ok because of conservative spending, not filling non essential positions,etc.
Lisa, we're not asking for increased reduction of expenditures at this point.
10 year planning forecast. to slow expenditures, estimates for revenue, several assumptions are made. no change in the timing of new facilities, infrastructure replacement transfer remains at 6/5 percent tranfer of GF revenues, no slary increases until FY2013, assume some increase in retirement rates based on loss in calpers investments, annual health care growth is 10%-split 5% for ee's and 5% city. Saved $1.26 million in FY 2010. maintenance opporation growth, assumed 1% growth.
2 scenerios 1 most likely general fund revenue high in FY 2007 revenues are impacted by recession and slow recovery, no position growth until FY 2013.
2-longer economic recovery is one year longer, general fund revenue everything pushed back 1 year to 2014.
Hall asked-Marney-last summer we talked about what recession might look like, from your perspective when will we be back to 2007 highs. Growth requires job growth-creating jobs, growth in labor force-2015 or 2016 may take that long to be back to prior to the start of recession. Other revenued could get there quicker, property taxes, etc. Hall-oversight committee looked at our numbers how did they look? he said our adjustment was correct but didn't think it went far enough or didn't show enough of a decline.
Hall, asked about slide 24-retirement rate increase in 2013, Lisa said-for general ee rate would be 28.2%, then 30% in 2012, 36% in 2014. Safety in 2010 39%, then down then 42%, then 52% in 2014. What is that in money? About 15 million to about 19 million for both combined from 2010 to 2014, based on current assumption. Thiese are calcultated into our forecasts. Mayor asked about job creation. small businesses are really important. public vs private sector.Marney-one thing we've seen so far, public hasn't had as much job loss. public also doesn't see increases from growth or decreases during recession. overall lots of fluctuation in private sector, less in public sector, they don't respond to economy changes in the same way.
its likely the public sector some destress in recvnue over the next couple of years. this isn't over because of the nature of the declines.
8:11 take 5 m;inute recess.
Came back at 8:18
AB 20,109
13. AB #20,110 -REPORT ON PROPOSED POWER PLANT AND CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS. To receive a staff report on the California Energy Commission's proceedings regarding NRG's proposal to construct a new power plant. ACTION:
Municipal Projects Manager Joe Garuba, reviewed a PowerPoint Presentation, on file in the office of the city clerk. Reviewed the whole project. Used all the same old slides, blah blah blah. Doesn't not call for the demolition of the old power plant. 2 generation units put back to back. This plant is air cooled so it does not require being located close to the ocean.
This next week is very important for the City, CEC hearing are coming and it's the culmination of the fact finding phase. Evidentiary Hearings in February, preliminary decision, revised pmpd, cec decision, other agency approvals, legal challenges, plant constructions, potential online date,
Garuba outlined the upcoming hearings. Land use, redevelopment, coastal, local, socioeconomics, public comment 6-10 pm. We have issued a coastal report. local land use lors. doesn't meet our land use regulations.
This project falls under redevelopment area. Wednesday, greenhouse gases is top discussion. lots of witnesses. AB32, restriction on greenhouse gases. we are not providing any witnesses but we are cross examining witnesses. we have testimony on the project alternatives. Hearings go from Monday until Thursday. We have lots of questions regarding soil and water, there will be no public comment that last day. Project issues, land use, coastal act, fire safety, visual impacts. This is in the wrong place, doesn't comply with coastal act, concerns that there is not adequate fire access, our fire department has voiced those concerns also. Request for series of briefs. EC has laid out tentative schedule over next several weeks. Hearing officer goes and writes the preliminary decision. It'll be circulated, take comments on that, then we'll know where the commission is on this project. Then it'll go to the board for full vote. Wouldn't come online until probably 2014.
Kulchin, asked on TV? Joe said it won't be televised, it's the EC's hearing, there will be a transcript but not televised. Kulchin, same commissioners as before? He said no, one is different one is the same.
Kulchin-how are the commissioners are chosen? Joe, appointed by governor but approved by senate, legal, electrical, etc background.
no other questions.
AB 20,110
14. AB #20,108 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. To consider awarding the contract to US Lighting Tech, Inc., for the purchase of energy efficient inductive streetlights. Resolution No. 2010-018. ACTION:
Julie Baker Power of Vision, thanked Council for leadership and vision.
Kerry Siekman, Carlsbad, Power of Vision, came forward to address Council. Asked for public to attend the hearing and make it known that they don't want this power plant.
Now on with item 14.
Dale Schuck, and Thomas Moore reviewed a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). 7000 streetlights, developed lighting specifications, set minimum vendor qualifications, developed 2 part best value eval, solicited and evaluated bids.
7 years producing municipal lighting, delivery of 1500 units in USA, manufacturer or authorized distributor of the lights, specs. specs, high effiecency inductive lamp, cast aluminum, fixture, full cut off style lens speare access to lamp and ballast, no tools ruired to access compartments.
US lighting Tech, met with purchasing officer for approval
total costs are lower than anticipated costs originally approved by council. these lights will also reduce energy usage and increase cost savings.
Blackburn, what happens to the old lights we take down, dale, part of bid specs, the contractor takes possession of them and if there is any value they recycle. kulchin, asked for maintenance demo. dale and thomas demonstrated the tool-less entry features. anticipate less maintenance than current types of lights. lewis-each unit costs? about $250-400 depending on size and wattage.
No further questions. 5/0
Council members reported on some groups of which they are members of.
AB 20,108
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
The remainder of the categories is for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
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