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Roll call (0 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:00:35)
Roll call (4 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:04:20)
given by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin
Motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:06:50)
Minutes of the Special Meeting held March 23, 2010
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held March 23, 2010
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 23, 2010
Council Member Blackburn presented a proclamation recognizing CalState San Marcos' celebreation of 20 years to Neal Hoss, Vice President of the University.
Mr. Hoss thanked Council for its recognition and highlighted the accomplishments of the University.
Council Member Packard presented a proclamation recognizing National Library Week to Library Director Heather Pizzuto.
Library Director Heather Pizzuto thanked Council for recognizing National Library Week.
Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin presented a proclamation to Peggy Dornish, Co-President of the League of Women Voters, North Coast San Diego County, recognizing the League's 90th Anniversary.
Ms. Dornish thanked Council for recognizing its 90th Anniversary, thanked Ann as a member of the League for presenting the proclamation and acknowledged League member who were present at the meeting.
Mayor Lewis announced that Items No. 13 and 16 were pulled from the meeting. He also announced that items 3 was pulled.
Proclamation presentation in recognition of California State University San Marcos 20th Anniversary
Proclamation presentation in recognition of National Library Week
Proclamation presentation in recognition of League of Women Voters 90th Anniversary
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #20,169 - ACCEPTANCE OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT. Accepting various Police equipment through the Justice Assistance Grant Program; and appropriating funds. Resolution No. 2010-058. ACTION:
AB 20,169
2. AB #20,170 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS. Accepting donations of products and in-kind services in support of the 2010 Teen Scene event. Resolution No. 2010-059. ACTION:
AB 20,170
3. AB #20,171 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS. Accepting in-kind donation for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Eagle Scout Project. Resolution No. 2010-060. ACTION:
AB 20,171
Item No. 3 pulled for discussion.
Recreation manager Kevin Granse introduced Eagle Scout Blake Campbell from Scout Troop 776, who gave a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Council Member Packard asked who sponsored the troop.
Mr. Cameron responded that St. JOhns Church in Encinitas.
Council Member Packard asked how long it took to prepare for this project.
Mr. Cameron responded that it took approximately one year to plan the project.
Motion to approve 3. AB #20,171 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS. Accepting in-kind donation for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Eagle Scout Project. Resolution No. 2010-060. ACTION: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to approve 3. AB #20,171 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS. Accepting in-kind donation for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Eagle Scout Project. Resolution No. 2010-060. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:34:52)
4. AB #20,172 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS. Accepting a donation of Holiday decorations for Leo Carrillo Ranch. Resolution No. 2010-061. ACTION:
Ab 20,172
5. AB #20,173 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIN DONATION. Accepting in-kind donations from the La Costa Youth Organization in support of Stagecoach Park athletic fields. Resolution No. 2010-062. ACTION:
AB 20,173
6. AB #20,174 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding the contract to PAL General Engineering, Inc. for the Palomar Airport Road Right Turn Lane to Melrose Drive, Project No. 6012. Resolution No. 2010-063. ACTION:
AB 20,174
7. AB #20,175 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding the contract to Mike Prlich and Sons, Inc. for Beech Avenue Sewer and Home Plant Lift Station Influent Sewer Replacement, Project Nos. 3873 and 5512. Resolution No. 2010-064. ACTION:
AB 20,175
8. AB #20,176 - APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP. Approving the Final Map for CT 07-03, Robertson Ranch PA 14. Resolution No. 2010-065. ACTION:
AB 20,176
9. AB #20,177 - REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. Authorizing a refund of business license tax to KSL La Costa Resort CO., LLC. Resolution No. 2010-066. ACTION:
AB 20,177
10. AB #20,178 - CONTINUATION OF THE DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY. Continuing the Declaration of Local Emergency for repair and stabilization of a roadfill failure along the number two lane of Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound, southerly of the Encinas Creek Bridge; and, appropriating additional funds, Project No. 6032. Resolution No. 2010-067. ACTION:
AB 20,178
11. AB #20,180 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR HCMS TIMEKEEPING SYSTEM. Approving an agreement with Cybershift, Inc. for design, implementation and maintenance of a timkeeping system for the Human Capital Management System (HCMS). Resolution No. 2010-068. ACTION:
AB 20,180
12. AB #20,181 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF HCMS. Approving an agreement with Kinsey & Kinsey, Inc. for integration services for the Human Capital Management System (HCMS). Resolution No. 2010-069. ACTION:
AB 20,181
13. AB #20,179 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING QUALIFICATIONS FOR CITY TREASURER. To consider adding Section2.08.022 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, establishing certain minimum criteria for eligibility for the elected office of City Treasurer. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-080. ACTION:
AB 20,179
Motion to approve 13. AB #20,179 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING QUALIFICATIONS FOR CITY TREASURER. To consider adding Section2.08.022 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, establishing certain minimum criteria for eligibility for the elected office of City Treasurer. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-080. ACTION: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to approve 13. AB #20,179 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING QUALIFICATIONS FOR CITY TREASURER. To consider adding Section2.08.022 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, establishing certain minimum criteria for eligibility for the elected office of City Treasurer. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-080. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:35:50)
City Attorney Ron Ball explained that the City Treasurer would like to be present and MPTk motioned to continue.
Angela O'Hara representing the Beach Preservation Committee, came forward to address Council. Ms. O'Hara invited the public to attend 3rd Annual Carlsbad Beach Fest on Saturday May 1, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Tamarack/Frazee State Beach. The event will also include a beach clean-up portion.
Brian representing the California State Parks Department came forward to address Council. Mr. ??? stated the clean-up takes place from 10:00 a.m. to Noon.
Dean Russo came forward to address Council. Mr. Russo spoke about the lack of parking on Eureka Place. He said that he spoke to Mr. Will Cox who indicated that the signs could be removed, Mr. Russo stated that he received a letter advising his attorney that the landlord would serve Mr. Russo with an eviction notice. Mr. Russo stated that he asked that the signs be removed. Parking in this area is a serious problem for homeowners in this area near the park.
Parks and Recreation Director John Coates stated the City initated the enforcement because of conerns of vandalism at Pine Avenue Park. He stated that staff is working with the POlice Deparatment to mitigate issues and concerns.
In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
APRIL 6, 2010 - 6:00 P.M.
Motion to (none) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to (none) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:47:37)
Minutes of the Special Meeting held March 23, 2010
Minutes of the Joint Special Meetings held March 23, 2010 (Board Only)
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
14. AB #714 - LICENSE AGREEMENT. Authorizing the License Agreement with STC One, LLC for continued use of Ellery Reservoir for its wireless communications facility. Resolution No. 1392. ACTION:
AB 714
Motion to approve 14. AB #714 - LICENSE AGREEMENT. Authorizing the License Agreement with STC One, LLC for continued use of Ellery Reservoir for its wireless communications facility. Resolution No. 1392. ACTION: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to approve 14. AB #714 - LICENSE AGREEMENT. Authorizing the License Agreement with STC One, LLC for continued use of Ellery Reservoir for its wireless communications facility. Resolution No. 1392. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:47:50)
15. AB #20,182 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY. To consider initiating proceedings for the formation of an underground utility district on El Camino Real between Tamarack Avenue and Chestnut Avenue; and setting a public hearing for April 27, 2010, Project No. 3957. Resolution No. 2010-070. ACTION:
AB 20,182
City Planner Eva Plazjer gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Mayor Lewis clarified that in either option, the property owners are not required to pay any fees for the undergrounding project.
Motion to table 15. AB #20,182 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY. To consider initiating proceedings for the formation of an underground utility district on El Camino Real between Tamarack Avenue and Chestnut Avenue; and setting a public hearing for April 27, 2010, Project No. 3957. Resolution No. 2010-070. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Packard.
Vote to table 15. AB #20,182 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY. To consider initiating proceedings for the formation of an underground utility district on El Camino Real between Tamarack Avenue and Chestnut Avenue; and setting a public hearing for April 27, 2010, Project No. 3957. Resolution No. 2010-070. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:56:04)
Council selected Option 2 - public hearing April 27, 2010
16. AB #20,183 - APPROVAL OF FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE MULTI-AGENCY BATIQUITOS LAGOON AGREEMENT. To consider approving the first amendment to a multi-agency agreement for the Marine Habitat Enhancement of Batiquitos Lagoon. Resolution No. 2010-071. ACTION:
AB 20,183
17. AB #20,184 - CTBID APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution Nos. 2010-072. ACTION:
AB 20,184
Mayor Lewis recommended the appointment of Paul McCormick
Motion to approve 17. AB #20,184 - CTBID APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution Nos. 2010-072. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Lewis, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin.
Vote to approve 17. AB #20,184 - CTBID APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution Nos. 2010-072. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:57:08)
Deputy Clerk Sherry Freisinger gave three announcements. Wednesday April 7, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Lisa Irvine's Going Away Event The Crossings 5800 The Crossings Drive Carlsbad, California Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Tip-A-Cop Fundraising Event Claim Jumper 5958 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA Friday, April 9, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. VIP Event for Carlsb
Adjournment 6:58
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
Apr 06, 2010 City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Roll call (0 Present, 0 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:00:35)
Roll call (4 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:04:20)
given by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin
Motion to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to approve APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:06:50)
Minutes of the Special Meeting held March 23, 2010
Minutes of the Joint Special Meeting held March 23, 2010
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 23, 2010
Council Member Blackburn presented a proclamation recognizing CalState San Marcos' celebreation of 20 years to Neal Hoss, Vice President of the University.
Mr. Hoss thanked Council for its recognition and highlighted the accomplishments of the University.
Council Member Packard presented a proclamation recognizing National Library Week to Library Director Heather Pizzuto.
Library Director Heather Pizzuto thanked Council for recognizing National Library Week.
Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin presented a proclamation to Peggy Dornish, Co-President of the League of Women Voters, North Coast San Diego County, recognizing the League's 90th Anniversary.
Ms. Dornish thanked Council for recognizing its 90th Anniversary, thanked Ann as a member of the League for presenting the proclamation and acknowledged League member who were present at the meeting.
Mayor Lewis announced that Items No. 13 and 16 were pulled from the meeting. He also announced that items 3 was pulled.
Proclamation presentation in recognition of California State University San Marcos 20th Anniversary
Proclamation presentation in recognition of National Library Week
Proclamation presentation in recognition of League of Women Voters 90th Anniversary
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
1. AB #20,169 - ACCEPTANCE OF JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT. Accepting various Police equipment through the Justice Assistance Grant Program; and appropriating funds. Resolution No. 2010-058. ACTION:
AB 20,169
2. AB #20,170 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS. Accepting donations of products and in-kind services in support of the 2010 Teen Scene event. Resolution No. 2010-059. ACTION:
AB 20,170
3. AB #20,171 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS. Accepting in-kind donation for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Eagle Scout Project. Resolution No. 2010-060. ACTION:
AB 20,171
Item No. 3 pulled for discussion.
Recreation manager Kevin Granse introduced Eagle Scout Blake Campbell from Scout Troop 776, who gave a PowerPoint Presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Council Member Packard asked who sponsored the troop.
Mr. Cameron responded that St. JOhns Church in Encinitas.
Council Member Packard asked how long it took to prepare for this project.
Mr. Cameron responded that it took approximately one year to plan the project.
Motion to approve 3. AB #20,171 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS. Accepting in-kind donation for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Eagle Scout Project. Resolution No. 2010-060. ACTION: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to approve 3. AB #20,171 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIND DONATIONS. Accepting in-kind donation for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Eagle Scout Project. Resolution No. 2010-060. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:34:52)
4. AB #20,172 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS. Accepting a donation of Holiday decorations for Leo Carrillo Ranch. Resolution No. 2010-061. ACTION:
Ab 20,172
5. AB #20,173 - ACCEPTANCE OF IN-KIN DONATION. Accepting in-kind donations from the La Costa Youth Organization in support of Stagecoach Park athletic fields. Resolution No. 2010-062. ACTION:
AB 20,173
6. AB #20,174 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding the contract to PAL General Engineering, Inc. for the Palomar Airport Road Right Turn Lane to Melrose Drive, Project No. 6012. Resolution No. 2010-063. ACTION:
AB 20,174
7. AB #20,175 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding the contract to Mike Prlich and Sons, Inc. for Beech Avenue Sewer and Home Plant Lift Station Influent Sewer Replacement, Project Nos. 3873 and 5512. Resolution No. 2010-064. ACTION:
AB 20,175
8. AB #20,176 - APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP. Approving the Final Map for CT 07-03, Robertson Ranch PA 14. Resolution No. 2010-065. ACTION:
AB 20,176
9. AB #20,177 - REFUND OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAX. Authorizing a refund of business license tax to KSL La Costa Resort CO., LLC. Resolution No. 2010-066. ACTION:
AB 20,177
10. AB #20,178 - CONTINUATION OF THE DECLARATION OF LOCAL EMERGENCY. Continuing the Declaration of Local Emergency for repair and stabilization of a roadfill failure along the number two lane of Carlsbad Boulevard Southbound, southerly of the Encinas Creek Bridge; and, appropriating additional funds, Project No. 6032. Resolution No. 2010-067. ACTION:
AB 20,178
11. AB #20,180 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR HCMS TIMEKEEPING SYSTEM. Approving an agreement with Cybershift, Inc. for design, implementation and maintenance of a timkeeping system for the Human Capital Management System (HCMS). Resolution No. 2010-068. ACTION:
AB 20,180
12. AB #20,181 - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF HCMS. Approving an agreement with Kinsey & Kinsey, Inc. for integration services for the Human Capital Management System (HCMS). Resolution No. 2010-069. ACTION:
AB 20,181
13. AB #20,179 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING QUALIFICATIONS FOR CITY TREASURER. To consider adding Section2.08.022 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, establishing certain minimum criteria for eligibility for the elected office of City Treasurer. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-080. ACTION:
AB 20,179
Motion to approve 13. AB #20,179 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING QUALIFICATIONS FOR CITY TREASURER. To consider adding Section2.08.022 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, establishing certain minimum criteria for eligibility for the elected office of City Treasurer. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-080. ACTION: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to approve 13. AB #20,179 - AMEND CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING QUALIFICATIONS FOR CITY TREASURER. To consider adding Section2.08.022 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code, establishing certain minimum criteria for eligibility for the elected office of City Treasurer. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-080. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:35:50)
City Attorney Ron Ball explained that the City Treasurer would like to be present and MPTk motioned to continue.
Angela O'Hara representing the Beach Preservation Committee, came forward to address Council. Ms. O'Hara invited the public to attend 3rd Annual Carlsbad Beach Fest on Saturday May 1, 2010 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Tamarack/Frazee State Beach. The event will also include a beach clean-up portion.
Brian representing the California State Parks Department came forward to address Council. Mr. ??? stated the clean-up takes place from 10:00 a.m. to Noon.
Dean Russo came forward to address Council. Mr. Russo spoke about the lack of parking on Eureka Place. He said that he spoke to Mr. Will Cox who indicated that the signs could be removed, Mr. Russo stated that he received a letter advising his attorney that the landlord would serve Mr. Russo with an eviction notice. Mr. Russo stated that he asked that the signs be removed. Parking in this area is a serious problem for homeowners in this area near the park.
Parks and Recreation Director John Coates stated the City initated the enforcement because of conerns of vandalism at Pine Avenue Park. He stated that staff is working with the POlice Deparatment to mitigate issues and concerns.
In conformance with the Brown Act, no Council action can occur on items presented during Public Comment. A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Council on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak during Public Comment, fill out a SPEAKER CARD and place it in the clear tray on the wall adjacent to the Deputy City Clerk. If there are more than five (5) speakers, the remaining speakers will be heard at the end of the agenda just prior to Council Reports. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address.
APRIL 6, 2010 - 6:00 P.M.
Motion to (none) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to (none) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:47:37)
Minutes of the Special Meeting held March 23, 2010
Minutes of the Joint Special Meetings held March 23, 2010 (Board Only)
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
This is a motion to waive the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.
14. AB #714 - LICENSE AGREEMENT. Authorizing the License Agreement with STC One, LLC for continued use of Ellery Reservoir for its wireless communications facility. Resolution No. 1392. ACTION:
AB 714
Motion to approve 14. AB #714 - LICENSE AGREEMENT. Authorizing the License Agreement with STC One, LLC for continued use of Ellery Reservoir for its wireless communications facility. Resolution No. 1392. ACTION: Moved by , seconded by .
Vote to approve 14. AB #714 - LICENSE AGREEMENT. Authorizing the License Agreement with STC One, LLC for continued use of Ellery Reservoir for its wireless communications facility. Resolution No. 1392. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:47:50)
15. AB #20,182 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY. To consider initiating proceedings for the formation of an underground utility district on El Camino Real between Tamarack Avenue and Chestnut Avenue; and setting a public hearing for April 27, 2010, Project No. 3957. Resolution No. 2010-070. ACTION:
AB 20,182
City Planner Eva Plazjer gave the staff report and PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk).
Mayor Lewis clarified that in either option, the property owners are not required to pay any fees for the undergrounding project.
Motion to table 15. AB #20,182 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY. To consider initiating proceedings for the formation of an underground utility district on El Camino Real between Tamarack Avenue and Chestnut Avenue; and setting a public hearing for April 27, 2010, Project No. 3957. Resolution No. 2010-070. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin, seconded by Council Member Packard.
Vote to table 15. AB #20,182 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY. To consider initiating proceedings for the formation of an underground utility district on El Camino Real between Tamarack Avenue and Chestnut Avenue; and setting a public hearing for April 27, 2010, Project No. 3957. Resolution No. 2010-070. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:56:04)
Council selected Option 2 - public hearing April 27, 2010
16. AB #20,183 - APPROVAL OF FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE MULTI-AGENCY BATIQUITOS LAGOON AGREEMENT. To consider approving the first amendment to a multi-agency agreement for the Marine Habitat Enhancement of Batiquitos Lagoon. Resolution No. 2010-071. ACTION:
AB 20,183
17. AB #20,184 - CTBID APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution Nos. 2010-072. ACTION:
AB 20,184
Mayor Lewis recommended the appointment of Paul McCormick
Motion to approve 17. AB #20,184 - CTBID APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution Nos. 2010-072. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Lewis, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Kulchin.
Vote to approve 17. AB #20,184 - CTBID APPOINTMENT. To consider appointing one member to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution Nos. 2010-072. ACTION: (Approved) (Recorded at 00:57:08)
Deputy Clerk Sherry Freisinger gave three announcements. Wednesday April 7, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Lisa Irvine's Going Away Event The Crossings 5800 The Crossings Drive Carlsbad, California Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Tip-A-Cop Fundraising Event Claim Jumper 5958 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA Friday, April 9, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. VIP Event for Carlsb
Adjournment 6:58
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
The remainder of the categories are for reporting purposes. In conformance with the Brown Act, no public testimony and no Council action can occur on these items.
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