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All Present
Kulchin moved Approved 5/0
Approved 5/0
Closed Session announcement by Mayor. Council instructed
Item 16 - Carlsbad Raceway moved out to Sept. 16
Packard made the presentations to Eagle Scouts that have provided service to our Community. Liz Ketabian read recognition Alex Stepka and his contributions, and Jayce Smullen.
Heather Pizzuto explained the presention. Sara Larson, Library Arts Foundation, accepted the recognition
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 13, 2010.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 20, 2010.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 27, 2010.
Certificates of Recognition to Eagle Scouts Alex Stepka and Jace Mullen.
Recognition of Library and Arts Foundation donation.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
1. AB #20,332 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation; and authorizing the donation to be appropriated into the Library budget. Resolution No. 2010-207. ACTION:
AB #20,332
2. AB #20,333 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting in-kind donations from Eagle Scout, Alex Stepka and Jace Mullen in support of the Citywide Trails Adopt-A-Trail Program. Resolution No. 2010-208. ACTION:
AB #20,333
3. AB #20,334 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION. Authorizing the filing of an application for sustainable Communities Planning Grant and Incentives Program funds through the State of California Strategic Growth Council for the Barrio Area Land Use Study. Resolution No. 2010-209. ACTION:
AB #20,334
4. AB #20,335 - AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE REPLACEMENT TYPE I STRUCTURE FIRE ENGINE. Authorizing the purchase to replace a Type I Structure Fire Engine from Seagrave, LLC. Resolution No. 2010-210. ACTION:
AB #20,335
5. AB #20,346 - APPROVAL OF UTILITY MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT. Approving the utility maintenance access easement located within the aquatic center driveway. Resolution No. 2010-216. ACTION:
AB #20,346
6. AB #20,336 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding a contract to Mark Sauer Construction Inc. for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Barn Restoration, Project No. 45051. Resolution No. 2010-211. ACTION:
AB #20,336
7. AB #20,337 - APPROVAL OF INTERIM COMPENSATION FOR DEPUTY CITY TREASURER. Approving the establishment of interim compensation for the Deputy City Treasurer while performing duties of the City Treasurer. Resolution No. 2010-212. ACTION:
AB #20,337
8. AB #20,338 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Accepting the City Treasurer's report on City Investments as of June 30, 2010. ACTION:
AB #20,338
9. AB #20,339 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS Accepting the City Treasurer's report on City Investments as of July 31, 2010. ACTION:
AB #20,339
16. AB #20,347 - PRESENTATION REGARDING CARLSBAD RACEWAY. To receive a presentation from Jackie Moates, a resident of Carlsbad, relating to the possibility of memorializing the former Carlsbad Raceway. ACTION:
City Manager, Lisa Hildebrand announced the presentation. Jackie Moates and other family members delivered the presentation which is on file at the City Clerk's office
May suggested they get together with REcreation Dept.
AB #20,347
City Attorney Ron Ball titled the Ordinance.
10. AB #20,340 - ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT UPON FARADAY AVENUE. To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 10.44.320 to establish a 50 mile per hour prima facie speed limit upon Faraday Avenue from Orion Street to the east city limits. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-103. ACTION:
AB #20,340
11. AB #20,341 - AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO RESTRICT PARKING AT THE MONROE STREET POOL. To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 10.40.076 to restrict parking to current users of the Monroe Street Pool between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. in the Monroe Street Pool parking lot; and To consider amending Title 1, Chapter 1 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 1.08.020 authorizing the City Manager to deputize employees to issue parking citations for violations of the Monroe Street Pool parking lot. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-104. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-105. ACTION:
CA Ron Ball titled the Ordinance Accepted 5/0 Ord. 103
Carl Pope presented his Powerpoint presentation which is on file at the office of the City Clerk.
Approved 5/0 - both ordinances.
CA Ron Ball titled Ordinance CS-105
CA Ron Ball titled the Ordinance.
Council member Packard questioned Carl regarding the high school and event parking, Mayor asked about signage regarding possible citations which Mr. Pope indicated that Customer Only Parking signs would be erected.
AB #20,341
12. AB #20,342 - AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING SPECIAL EVENTS AND THIRD PARTY VENDOR FEES. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-101, amending Chapter 8.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code based on recent department and organizational alignment, to establish special event application procedures and establish a third party vendor fee, and establishing no parking/tow away areas at special events. ACTION:
CA Ron Ball explained the Ordinance and titled the Ordinance.
Moved by Ak Approved 5/0
AB #20,342
13. AB #20,343 - MISCELLANEOUS ZONE CODE AMENDMENTS TO UPDATE AND CLARIFY THE TEXT OF VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE ZCA 07-02. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-102, approving a Zone Code Amendment for various and unrelated minor amendments to the text of the City of Carlsbad's Zoning Ordinance that apply citywide, to correct minor errors, and clarify and update various sections to reflect current conditions. ACTION:
CA Ron Ball explained the Ordinance. CA Ron Ball titled the Ordinance
AK moved Approved 5/0
AB #20,343
Neil Turner and
Mr. Turner congratulated the Mayor on 25 years of service to the City of Carlsbad, Citizens for the Constitution.and also voiced his opinion regarding possible electoral fraud during the 2008 Election. came forward to voice his opinion and was ejected.
14. AB #20,344 - GENERAL COMMERCIAL AMENDMENT - PALOMAR COMMONS. To consider adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approval of a General Plan Amendment land use change from Travel/Recreation Commercial (TR) and Planned Industrial (PI) to General Commercial (GC) and a Zone Change from Commercial Tourist - Qualified development overlay zone (C-T-Q) and Planned Industrial (P-M) to General Commercial - Qualified development overlay zone (C-2-Q) for the development of a 16.65 acre site with a 185,244 square foot commercial center located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, (GPA 09-07/ZC 09-08) Resolution No. 2010-213. Resolution No. 2010-214. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-106. ACTION:
Senior Planner Van Lynch made the Powerpoint presentation which is on file at the City Clerk's office
Questions - Blackburn asked about the entrance/exist on the south side of Palomar Airport Road. What will the traffie flow in relation to Costco, Van Lynch didn't know if it would be higher or lower than Costco. Bill See, Traffic Signals Engineer, Costco has over 20% more than the proposed Lowes facility, and the traffic patterns would be similar. Blackburn also asked about noticing about zoning change and Van Lynch confirmed tht it was notice to a 600 ft radius. Mayor asked about Coastal commission - Outside the Coastal commission, nearest resident at least 1/4 mile.
Following a question by Council Member Packard, Van Lynch explained how the general commercial designation differs from the community commercial designation.
Colton Studberry of Studberry Properties, made his presentation which is on file at the City Clerk's office.
Perry Holiday, Site Manager, Lowe's addressed council regarding the site and Lowe's wanting to provide a positive impact in Carlsbad.
Packard asked about the water run-off - will it be improved or status quo. Colton explained the quality will improve but the flow will not change.
Blackburn asked about bioswells - Colton explained that they drain and treat the stormwater, which then goes into retention swells.
Everett Delano, Escondido, representing Friends of Aviara, addressed Council regarding the General Plan Amendment which covers the whole of Carlsbad, and not just the proposed Lowe's project area.
Fred Sandquist, Carlsbad resident, representing Carlsbad Watershed Network and the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation spoke in that the information regarding this project is insufficient regarding the viability of the project.
Blackburn asked about the traffic signal at the animal shelter - and increasing left turning pocket. Traffic engineer described the turn pockets and their lengths.
Mayer asked about the El Camino Real turn that would be eliminated. Andy Slavely, Vice President of .... transportation engineer
Mike Ballard, of Carlsbad, spoke in favor of the proposed Lowe's.project.
Ralph Williams, of Docena Road, addressed Council voicing his concern about the wording of public notice regarding this agenda item.
Azar family spoke in opposition. Addison Azar spoke in opposition to the Lowe's proposed project siting concerns about wildlife and agriculture.
Jerry Trojan, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the Proposed Lowe's project.
Deanne Wymer, Carlsbad, President of Friends of Aviara read a statement opposing the Lowe's proposed project, siting improper noticing to the citizens of Carlsbad, and traffic concerns.
Everett Delano, Escondido, representing Friends of Aviara, discussed the General Plan Amendment and that it covers the entire area of Carlsbad, and not just the proposed Lowe's project land.
Pat Leha, La Costa, representing North County Advocates, addressed Council stating her opposition to the proposed Lowe's project, siting traffic impact and air quality.
Howard Krause, La Costa, addressed Council requesting that they consider this item as 2 separate issues, the Lowe's proposed project and separately, to amend the General Plan Amendment
Lauren Genor, Deputy Director for Animal Services, addressed Council in support of the proposed Lowe's project.
Victoria Scully, Carlsbad, spoke against the change to the General Plan Amendment. She sited the Envision Carlsbad and the 7,000 residents who spoke against
Helen Trojan, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Dianne Maddox, Carlsbad, spoke in support of Lowe's, siting jobs and sales tax revenue.
Rob Doane, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Barbara Lamone, Carlsbad, a Lowe's employee, spoke in support of Lowe's, siting revenue and employment opportunities.
Arlene Beard, Escondido, representing Good Planning Now spoke against the Lowe's project and the General Plan Amendment.
Chuck Currey, Carlsbad, explained that he was in support of the Lowe's project but voiced his concerns about rainfall water flow and lack of retention pipes at this site.
Jeannie Chapman, Carlsbad, addressed Council voicing her opposition to the Lowe's project regarding her concerns about the impact on traffic and Carlsbad's existing small business.
Paul Lewis, Carlsbad, Lowe's employee addressed Council and expressed his support of the Lowe's project.
Kip Kaiser, Carlsbad, Lowe's employee, spoke in support of the Lowe's project siting job opportunity.
Wes Titano, Carlsbad and Lowe's employee spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Council member Kulchin asked about employees. Mr. .... said that Lowe's try tohire within the community where they are established.
Gina McBride, La Costa, representing the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Jerome Roberts, Carlsbad, addressed Council regarding his concern about noticing of the item and asked that it be placed on hold. He sited current empty commercial buildings and the recession, future traffic flow when the buildings are occupied.
John Hopefleck, Carlsbad, addressed Council expressing his opposition to Lowe's siting traffic concerns.
Dianne Nygaard, Oceanside, representing Preserve Calaverra addressed Council regarding their concern about the Lowe's project in relation to the watershed, the natural environment.and the cumulative impact ojn the area.
David Lloyd, Oceanside resident, Carlsbad property and business owner, addressed Council representing the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (?), spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Bill Hoffman, Planning Consultant for the project - 26 comments. Address key topics - Andy Shapley, traffic consultant, addressed the traffic concern, intersection cameras will observe and improve timing of the lights, adaptive traffic control systems can reduce stops and increase traffic flow. Follow SANDAG traffic studies in their analyses of the project.
Blackburn asked about intersection cameras, that are not red light cameras - answer that when traffic is blocked or backed up, the timing can be fine tuned.
Walt Meier, Carlsbad, addressed Council in general opposition to 'big box' stores and the loss of the small town feel, but was in support of the proposed the Lowe's project.
Lowes representative - peak hours 1-3pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
Mayor asked about ingress and egress - how would this project be superior to Costco? Answer - Because of the location in that it has 2 arterials for traffic.
Hall, when is most of your traffic being generated. Average daily traffic is mid week. Hall - What times during the day does it create most traffic - answer - early e.g. contractor or gardener, before 8am. Daytime use has a peak at noon and again later afternoon.
Hall asked about peak hour traffic - answer - percentage of project traffic - usually 4.30pm to 5pm, 7.30pm to 9, they use the SANDAG standards.
Packard asked about modifications to the intersection, e.g. pocket lanes and timing of signals, will the level of service improve. Answer - it will maintain existing for now, once build out is attained, it will remain the same.
Blackburn - what is a D level intersection - answer analysis that uses software - it is actually a C - level of service which is acceptable - F is stop and go, A, B C is free flowing
Civil Engineer, Greg Lang, came forward to address concerns regarding off site drainage, on site drainage and downstream watershed erosion impact potential and water quality concerns. Hall asked about the D40 Diffuser, Greg Mayor asked about the stormwater repairs and maintenace - Operation and maintenance plan in place that the City has to approve.
Shirley Russell, Carlsbad, expressed her opposition to the Lowe's project siting traffic concerns.
Blackburn asked staff about EIR'S, CEQA, mitigated negative declaration, etc.. Van Lynch's support person ? explained the process and timeline
Packard asked staff about city policy regarding the obligations of a redevelopment Van Lynch's support person - it can vary depending on the topic - from State, regional or City standard
Kulchin asked staff about General Commercial Zoning Don Neu explained the process of analysis, review, public hearing, recommendations and noticing.
Blackburn asked about the wetlands and wetland mitigation research. Don Neu explained the wetland/habitat mitigation bank which would satisfy wildlife agency.. The run off site would be in a better state than it is currently, and no cumulative effect.
Adjourned 9.22pm
Mayor continued the meeting at 9.27pm and called the meeting to order.
City Attorney explained the General Plan Amendment and had the City given adequate notice. The City Clerk received the notice from the planning department, published on August 14 and mailed noticed. City Attorney - Our standards are higher than required by the State. City Attorney addressed the mitigated negative declaration and the Haney Law Group letter and one from Hoffman Planning addressing the water answer. These letters should be included as part of the record. City Attorney explained that the Amendment concerns 2 things - the text and 2) the land use map. The agenda bill on pages 65 and 66, is the text of the amendment and that describes a general commercial category. The 2nd part of the Plan amendment - page 79 is the amendment of the map, where there is only one parcel being affected. Changes the property from TR to newly created General Commercial and it is the only parcel in the city. A new map would be needed to be amended for any future proposals.
Don Neu explained that if Lowe's was approved, the athletic club would not go ahead.
CA titled the Ordinance CS 106 for introduction. Kulchin moved. Approved 5/0
AB #20,344
Approved 5/0
Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 13, 2010.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 20, 2010.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 27, 2010.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
15. AB #723 - APPROVAL OF QUITCLAIM OF WATERLINE EASEMENT. Approving the quitclaim of a waterline easement to the Carlsbad Unified School District to serve the existing Carlsbad High School at 3557 Lancer Way, Project No. PR 10-25. Resolution No. 1402. ACTION:
Approved 5/0
AB #723
17. AB #20,345 - CTBID APPOINTMENT To consider appointing Mark Stiebeling, representing the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort, to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution No. 2010-215. ACTION:
Kulchin moved Approved 5/0
On a motion by Mayor, meeting adjourned at 9.53pm
AB #20,345
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
Aug 24, 2010 City Council and Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
All Present
Kulchin moved Approved 5/0
Approved 5/0
Closed Session announcement by Mayor. Council instructed
Item 16 - Carlsbad Raceway moved out to Sept. 16
Packard made the presentations to Eagle Scouts that have provided service to our Community. Liz Ketabian read recognition Alex Stepka and his contributions, and Jayce Smullen.
Heather Pizzuto explained the presention. Sara Larson, Library Arts Foundation, accepted the recognition
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 13, 2010.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 20, 2010.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 27, 2010.
Certificates of Recognition to Eagle Scouts Alex Stepka and Jace Mullen.
Recognition of Library and Arts Foundation donation.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
1. AB #20,332 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting a donation from the Carlsbad Library and Arts Foundation; and authorizing the donation to be appropriated into the Library budget. Resolution No. 2010-207. ACTION:
AB #20,332
2. AB #20,333 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Accepting in-kind donations from Eagle Scout, Alex Stepka and Jace Mullen in support of the Citywide Trails Adopt-A-Trail Program. Resolution No. 2010-208. ACTION:
AB #20,333
3. AB #20,334 - AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION. Authorizing the filing of an application for sustainable Communities Planning Grant and Incentives Program funds through the State of California Strategic Growth Council for the Barrio Area Land Use Study. Resolution No. 2010-209. ACTION:
AB #20,334
4. AB #20,335 - AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE REPLACEMENT TYPE I STRUCTURE FIRE ENGINE. Authorizing the purchase to replace a Type I Structure Fire Engine from Seagrave, LLC. Resolution No. 2010-210. ACTION:
AB #20,335
5. AB #20,346 - APPROVAL OF UTILITY MAINTENANCE ACCESS EASEMENT. Approving the utility maintenance access easement located within the aquatic center driveway. Resolution No. 2010-216. ACTION:
AB #20,346
6. AB #20,336 - AWARD OF CONTRACT. Accepting bids and awarding a contract to Mark Sauer Construction Inc. for the Leo Carrillo Ranch Barn Restoration, Project No. 45051. Resolution No. 2010-211. ACTION:
AB #20,336
7. AB #20,337 - APPROVAL OF INTERIM COMPENSATION FOR DEPUTY CITY TREASURER. Approving the establishment of interim compensation for the Deputy City Treasurer while performing duties of the City Treasurer. Resolution No. 2010-212. ACTION:
AB #20,337
8. AB #20,338 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Accepting the City Treasurer's report on City Investments as of June 30, 2010. ACTION:
AB #20,338
9. AB #20,339 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS Accepting the City Treasurer's report on City Investments as of July 31, 2010. ACTION:
AB #20,339
16. AB #20,347 - PRESENTATION REGARDING CARLSBAD RACEWAY. To receive a presentation from Jackie Moates, a resident of Carlsbad, relating to the possibility of memorializing the former Carlsbad Raceway. ACTION:
City Manager, Lisa Hildebrand announced the presentation. Jackie Moates and other family members delivered the presentation which is on file at the City Clerk's office
May suggested they get together with REcreation Dept.
AB #20,347
City Attorney Ron Ball titled the Ordinance.
10. AB #20,340 - ESTABLISH PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT UPON FARADAY AVENUE. To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.44 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 10.44.320 to establish a 50 mile per hour prima facie speed limit upon Faraday Avenue from Orion Street to the east city limits. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-103. ACTION:
AB #20,340
11. AB #20,341 - AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO RESTRICT PARKING AT THE MONROE STREET POOL. To consider amending Title 10, Chapter 10.40 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 10.40.076 to restrict parking to current users of the Monroe Street Pool between the hours of 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. in the Monroe Street Pool parking lot; and To consider amending Title 1, Chapter 1 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code by the revision of Section 1.08.020 authorizing the City Manager to deputize employees to issue parking citations for violations of the Monroe Street Pool parking lot. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-104. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-105. ACTION:
CA Ron Ball titled the Ordinance Accepted 5/0 Ord. 103
Carl Pope presented his Powerpoint presentation which is on file at the office of the City Clerk.
Approved 5/0 - both ordinances.
CA Ron Ball titled Ordinance CS-105
CA Ron Ball titled the Ordinance.
Council member Packard questioned Carl regarding the high school and event parking, Mayor asked about signage regarding possible citations which Mr. Pope indicated that Customer Only Parking signs would be erected.
AB #20,341
12. AB #20,342 - AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING SPECIAL EVENTS AND THIRD PARTY VENDOR FEES. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-101, amending Chapter 8.17 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code based on recent department and organizational alignment, to establish special event application procedures and establish a third party vendor fee, and establishing no parking/tow away areas at special events. ACTION:
CA Ron Ball explained the Ordinance and titled the Ordinance.
Moved by Ak Approved 5/0
AB #20,342
13. AB #20,343 - MISCELLANEOUS ZONE CODE AMENDMENTS TO UPDATE AND CLARIFY THE TEXT OF VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE ZCA 07-02. Adopting Ordinance No. CS-102, approving a Zone Code Amendment for various and unrelated minor amendments to the text of the City of Carlsbad's Zoning Ordinance that apply citywide, to correct minor errors, and clarify and update various sections to reflect current conditions. ACTION:
CA Ron Ball explained the Ordinance. CA Ron Ball titled the Ordinance
AK moved Approved 5/0
AB #20,343
Neil Turner and
Mr. Turner congratulated the Mayor on 25 years of service to the City of Carlsbad, Citizens for the Constitution.and also voiced his opinion regarding possible electoral fraud during the 2008 Election. came forward to voice his opinion and was ejected.
14. AB #20,344 - GENERAL COMMERCIAL AMENDMENT - PALOMAR COMMONS. To consider adopting Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approval of a General Plan Amendment land use change from Travel/Recreation Commercial (TR) and Planned Industrial (PI) to General Commercial (GC) and a Zone Change from Commercial Tourist - Qualified development overlay zone (C-T-Q) and Planned Industrial (P-M) to General Commercial - Qualified development overlay zone (C-2-Q) for the development of a 16.65 acre site with a 185,244 square foot commercial center located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, (GPA 09-07/ZC 09-08) Resolution No. 2010-213. Resolution No. 2010-214. Introduction of Ordinance No. CS-106. ACTION:
Senior Planner Van Lynch made the Powerpoint presentation which is on file at the City Clerk's office
Questions - Blackburn asked about the entrance/exist on the south side of Palomar Airport Road. What will the traffie flow in relation to Costco, Van Lynch didn't know if it would be higher or lower than Costco. Bill See, Traffic Signals Engineer, Costco has over 20% more than the proposed Lowes facility, and the traffic patterns would be similar. Blackburn also asked about noticing about zoning change and Van Lynch confirmed tht it was notice to a 600 ft radius. Mayor asked about Coastal commission - Outside the Coastal commission, nearest resident at least 1/4 mile.
Following a question by Council Member Packard, Van Lynch explained how the general commercial designation differs from the community commercial designation.
Colton Studberry of Studberry Properties, made his presentation which is on file at the City Clerk's office.
Perry Holiday, Site Manager, Lowe's addressed council regarding the site and Lowe's wanting to provide a positive impact in Carlsbad.
Packard asked about the water run-off - will it be improved or status quo. Colton explained the quality will improve but the flow will not change.
Blackburn asked about bioswells - Colton explained that they drain and treat the stormwater, which then goes into retention swells.
Everett Delano, Escondido, representing Friends of Aviara, addressed Council regarding the General Plan Amendment which covers the whole of Carlsbad, and not just the proposed Lowe's project area.
Fred Sandquist, Carlsbad resident, representing Carlsbad Watershed Network and the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation spoke in that the information regarding this project is insufficient regarding the viability of the project.
Blackburn asked about the traffic signal at the animal shelter - and increasing left turning pocket. Traffic engineer described the turn pockets and their lengths.
Mayer asked about the El Camino Real turn that would be eliminated. Andy Slavely, Vice President of .... transportation engineer
Mike Ballard, of Carlsbad, spoke in favor of the proposed Lowe's.project.
Ralph Williams, of Docena Road, addressed Council voicing his concern about the wording of public notice regarding this agenda item.
Azar family spoke in opposition. Addison Azar spoke in opposition to the Lowe's proposed project siting concerns about wildlife and agriculture.
Jerry Trojan, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the Proposed Lowe's project.
Deanne Wymer, Carlsbad, President of Friends of Aviara read a statement opposing the Lowe's proposed project, siting improper noticing to the citizens of Carlsbad, and traffic concerns.
Everett Delano, Escondido, representing Friends of Aviara, discussed the General Plan Amendment and that it covers the entire area of Carlsbad, and not just the proposed Lowe's project land.
Pat Leha, La Costa, representing North County Advocates, addressed Council stating her opposition to the proposed Lowe's project, siting traffic impact and air quality.
Howard Krause, La Costa, addressed Council requesting that they consider this item as 2 separate issues, the Lowe's proposed project and separately, to amend the General Plan Amendment
Lauren Genor, Deputy Director for Animal Services, addressed Council in support of the proposed Lowe's project.
Victoria Scully, Carlsbad, spoke against the change to the General Plan Amendment. She sited the Envision Carlsbad and the 7,000 residents who spoke against
Helen Trojan, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Dianne Maddox, Carlsbad, spoke in support of Lowe's, siting jobs and sales tax revenue.
Rob Doane, Carlsbad, spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Barbara Lamone, Carlsbad, a Lowe's employee, spoke in support of Lowe's, siting revenue and employment opportunities.
Arlene Beard, Escondido, representing Good Planning Now spoke against the Lowe's project and the General Plan Amendment.
Chuck Currey, Carlsbad, explained that he was in support of the Lowe's project but voiced his concerns about rainfall water flow and lack of retention pipes at this site.
Jeannie Chapman, Carlsbad, addressed Council voicing her opposition to the Lowe's project regarding her concerns about the impact on traffic and Carlsbad's existing small business.
Paul Lewis, Carlsbad, Lowe's employee addressed Council and expressed his support of the Lowe's project.
Kip Kaiser, Carlsbad, Lowe's employee, spoke in support of the Lowe's project siting job opportunity.
Wes Titano, Carlsbad and Lowe's employee spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Council member Kulchin asked about employees. Mr. .... said that Lowe's try tohire within the community where they are established.
Gina McBride, La Costa, representing the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Jerome Roberts, Carlsbad, addressed Council regarding his concern about noticing of the item and asked that it be placed on hold. He sited current empty commercial buildings and the recession, future traffic flow when the buildings are occupied.
John Hopefleck, Carlsbad, addressed Council expressing his opposition to Lowe's siting traffic concerns.
Dianne Nygaard, Oceanside, representing Preserve Calaverra addressed Council regarding their concern about the Lowe's project in relation to the watershed, the natural environment.and the cumulative impact ojn the area.
David Lloyd, Oceanside resident, Carlsbad property and business owner, addressed Council representing the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (?), spoke in support of the Lowe's project.
Bill Hoffman, Planning Consultant for the project - 26 comments. Address key topics - Andy Shapley, traffic consultant, addressed the traffic concern, intersection cameras will observe and improve timing of the lights, adaptive traffic control systems can reduce stops and increase traffic flow. Follow SANDAG traffic studies in their analyses of the project.
Blackburn asked about intersection cameras, that are not red light cameras - answer that when traffic is blocked or backed up, the timing can be fine tuned.
Walt Meier, Carlsbad, addressed Council in general opposition to 'big box' stores and the loss of the small town feel, but was in support of the proposed the Lowe's project.
Lowes representative - peak hours 1-3pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
Mayor asked about ingress and egress - how would this project be superior to Costco? Answer - Because of the location in that it has 2 arterials for traffic.
Hall, when is most of your traffic being generated. Average daily traffic is mid week. Hall - What times during the day does it create most traffic - answer - early e.g. contractor or gardener, before 8am. Daytime use has a peak at noon and again later afternoon.
Hall asked about peak hour traffic - answer - percentage of project traffic - usually 4.30pm to 5pm, 7.30pm to 9, they use the SANDAG standards.
Packard asked about modifications to the intersection, e.g. pocket lanes and timing of signals, will the level of service improve. Answer - it will maintain existing for now, once build out is attained, it will remain the same.
Blackburn - what is a D level intersection - answer analysis that uses software - it is actually a C - level of service which is acceptable - F is stop and go, A, B C is free flowing
Civil Engineer, Greg Lang, came forward to address concerns regarding off site drainage, on site drainage and downstream watershed erosion impact potential and water quality concerns. Hall asked about the D40 Diffuser, Greg Mayor asked about the stormwater repairs and maintenace - Operation and maintenance plan in place that the City has to approve.
Shirley Russell, Carlsbad, expressed her opposition to the Lowe's project siting traffic concerns.
Blackburn asked staff about EIR'S, CEQA, mitigated negative declaration, etc.. Van Lynch's support person ? explained the process and timeline
Packard asked staff about city policy regarding the obligations of a redevelopment Van Lynch's support person - it can vary depending on the topic - from State, regional or City standard
Kulchin asked staff about General Commercial Zoning Don Neu explained the process of analysis, review, public hearing, recommendations and noticing.
Blackburn asked about the wetlands and wetland mitigation research. Don Neu explained the wetland/habitat mitigation bank which would satisfy wildlife agency.. The run off site would be in a better state than it is currently, and no cumulative effect.
Adjourned 9.22pm
Mayor continued the meeting at 9.27pm and called the meeting to order.
City Attorney explained the General Plan Amendment and had the City given adequate notice. The City Clerk received the notice from the planning department, published on August 14 and mailed noticed. City Attorney - Our standards are higher than required by the State. City Attorney addressed the mitigated negative declaration and the Haney Law Group letter and one from Hoffman Planning addressing the water answer. These letters should be included as part of the record. City Attorney explained that the Amendment concerns 2 things - the text and 2) the land use map. The agenda bill on pages 65 and 66, is the text of the amendment and that describes a general commercial category. The 2nd part of the Plan amendment - page 79 is the amendment of the map, where there is only one parcel being affected. Changes the property from TR to newly created General Commercial and it is the only parcel in the city. A new map would be needed to be amended for any future proposals.
Don Neu explained that if Lowe's was approved, the athletic club would not go ahead.
CA titled the Ordinance CS 106 for introduction. Kulchin moved. Approved 5/0
AB #20,344
Approved 5/0
Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 13, 2010.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 20, 2010.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held July 27, 2010.
CONSENT CALENDAR: The items listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion as listed. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to the vote, unless an item is removed.
15. AB #723 - APPROVAL OF QUITCLAIM OF WATERLINE EASEMENT. Approving the quitclaim of a waterline easement to the Carlsbad Unified School District to serve the existing Carlsbad High School at 3557 Lancer Way, Project No. PR 10-25. Resolution No. 1402. ACTION:
Approved 5/0
AB #723
17. AB #20,345 - CTBID APPOINTMENT To consider appointing Mark Stiebeling, representing the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort, to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board. Resolution No. 2010-215. ACTION:
Kulchin moved Approved 5/0
On a motion by Mayor, meeting adjourned at 9.53pm
AB #20,345
PUBLIC COMMENT: Continuation of the Public Comments (if necessary)
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