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Planning Commission Chairperson Baker called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Dominguez stated when the City finds it necessary to override a decision from another agency, more fact based information should be presented at the hearing.
Commissioner Montgomery led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: 17 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Motion to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 2, 2007. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Montgomery.
Vote to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 2, 2007. (Approved)
CT 04-05x1/CP 04-01x1 - VISTA LA COSTA
- Request for approval of a retroactive two year extension of Tentative Tract Map (CT 04-05) and Condominium Permit (CP 04-01) to develop a 15-unit airspace residential condominium project on a 0.88 acre site generally located on the north side of Gibraltar Street, south of the La Costa Golf Course, between Jerez Court and Romeria Street, within Local Facilities Management Zone 6. Resolutions No. 6294, 6295
Vista La Costa Staff Report
Planning Director Don Neu introduced Agenda Item 1 and stated Assistant Planner Greg Fisher would make the Staff presentation assisted by Associate Engineer Tecla Levy.
Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing on Agenda Item 1.
Staff gave a brief presentation and stated they would be available to answer any questions.
Chairperson Baker asked if the Commission had any questions of Staff.
Commissioner Dominguez asked about the map delays and any changes in ownership. Ms. Levy explained there was a previous escrow opened between the owner and Mayfair Homes, but no change in ownership at that time.
Commissioner Montgomery asked about offsite drainage easements and slopes associated with the project. Mr. Fisher stated the applicant could best address the proposed easements for the project.
Chairperson Baker asked if the storm drain easements were part of the initial application or are they new to this extension application. Ms. Levy explained that the storm drain easement requirements were part of the approved tentative map.
Applicant Shahla Abedi, 22892 Ocean Breeze, Laguna Niguel, gave a brief presentation.
Commissioner Montgomery asked the applicant if KSL is comfortable with the proposed easements on the site. Ms. Abedi stated they have not offered an unconditional approval, but they have been cooperative in negotiations.
Commissioner Boddy asked the applicant to offer an estimate of the costs associated with the project. Ms. Abedi estimated her costs to be in excess of $300,000 to date.
Commissioner Douglas asked if the applicant has been in touch with the new owners of La Costa Resort. Ms. Abedi stated she has recently been in touch with the attorney for KSL.
Commissioner Montgomery stated he is in favor of the project and granting an extension.
Chairperson Baker asked if any member of the audience wished to address Agenda Item 1; seeing none, she opened and closed public testimony.
Motion to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6294 and 6295 approving a retroactive two year extension of Tentative Tract Map (CT 04 05), and Condominium Permit (CP 04-01) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Dominguez.
Vote to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6294 and 6295 approving a retroactive two year extension of Tentative Tract Map (CT 04 05), and Condominium Permit (CP 04-01) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved)
Chairperson Baker closed the Public Hearing on Item 1 and asked Mr. Neu to introduce the next item.
GPA 04-20/ZC 04-15/LCPA 06-05/CDP 03-03/SDP 03-01 - KELLY/JRM OFFICE BUILDING
- Request for a recommendation of approval to adopt a Consistency Determination for the McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan and to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and a recommendation of approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan Land Use and Open Space and Conservation Element designations from Planned Industrial and Unplanned Area to Open Space on a portion of the site, a Zone Change to change the Zoning designation from Planned Industrial-Qualified Development Overly Zone to Open Space on a portion of the site, a Local Coastal Program Amendment, and a Coastal Development Permit; and a request for approval of a Site Development Permit to develop a 5.9-acre parcel with a 84,894 square foot office buildings located on the southeast corner of Palomar Airport Road and Aviara Parkway in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and in Local Facilities Management Zone 5. Resolutions No. 6296, 6297, 6298, 6299, 6300, 6301
Kelly/JRM Office Building
Mr. Neu introduced Agenda Item 2 and stated Senior Planner Van Lynch would make the Staff presentation.
Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing on Agenda Item 2.
Mr. Lynch gave a brief presentation bringing to the attention of the Commission the addition of an errata sheet. He stated Staff would be available to answer any questions.
Chairperson Baker asked if the Commission had any questions of Staff.
Commissioner Whitton asked if there would be any signage provided at locations where the trails intersect with the roadway advising pedestrians to use crosswalks. Mr. Lynch stated none had been proposed that he is aware of. Commissioner Whitton stated he believes that signs should be provided at these locations.
Commissioner Dominguez asked for an outline of any variances that had been issued on this project. Mr. Lynch pointed out these areas on the displayed site map.
Commissioner Cardosa asked if there is any other possible configuration for the structure on the site. Mr. Lynch stated the site is restricted and the configuration offered is the most efficient site design.
Commissioner Boddy asked about landscaping requirements in light of the site’s proximity to the habitat area. Mr. Lynch gave a brief overview of the proposed landscape design.
Commissioner Douglas asked for an explanation of truck turning movement within the site. Mr. Lynch explained the truck turning movement.
Chairperson Baker asked who will be responsible to revegetate the area from Laurel Tree Road to the cul-de-sac after Laurel Tree Road is vacated. Mr. Lynch explained how the responsiblity would be distributed and explained the landscaping plans for the project, stating the proposed project and adjacent sites landscaping would abutt one another.
Commissioner Montgomery asked about trail linkage on the site. Mr. Lynch pointed out the existing and proposed trail system on the map displayed.
Commissioner Boddy asked if there is an existing traffic signal at Aviara Parkway where it intersects with the site. Mr. Lynch stated there is a traffic signal located at Palomar Road and Aviara Parkway and another at Laurel Tree Road and Aviara Parkway.
Commissioner Dominguez asked about the size of the habitat area on the southerly side of the site. Mr. Lynch stated after the development of the site there will not be very much left on that side of the site.
Assistant City Attorney, Jane Mobaldi elaborated on determinations made by the Airport Land Use Commission and noncompliance issues that could arise. Discussion followed between Ms. Mobaldi and Commissioner Montgomery.
The applicant, John Couvillion, JRM Real Estate, 1040 South Andreasen, Escondido, gave a brief presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions that the Commission might have.
Commissioner Boddy asked if the applicant had obtained a letter of permission from the adjacent property owner. Mr. Couvillion stated that they are diligently working on obtaining one.
Commissioner Douglas asked what the expected timeline is for development of the site. Mr. Couvillion stated he anticipates the start of development to be the first or second quarter of next year.
Commissioner Montgomery asked if the applicant is confident with the expected noise mitigation measures associated with the project. Mr. Couvillion stated that he is fairly confident and discussion ensued between the Commission and Mr. Couvillion.
Chairperson Baker asked the specific street address of the project. Mr. Couvillion stated the address is located at 1265 Laurel Tree Lane.
Chairperson Baker asked if the applicant feels this project is the best use of the site. Mr. Couvillion stated that he feels this is the best and highest use of the property.
Chairperson Baker asked if any member of the audience wished to address Agenda Item 2; seeing none, she opened and closed public testimony.
Commissioner Whitton asked about the trail length after all proposed connections are made. Mr. Lynch stated approximately three quarters of a mile.
Further discussion ensued regarding the trail system usage and maintenance of the trials.
Chairperson Baker stated the project is nice looking and she is pleased with the design. She added that the people who will work in those buildings might enjoy walking on the trails and suspect they might get more use than it at first appears.
Motion to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6296, including errata sheet, recommending adoption of a Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6297, 6298, 6299 and 6300 recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 04-20, Zone Change 04-15, Local Coastal Program Amendment 06-05 and Coastal Development Permit 03-03 and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6301 approving Site Development Permit 03-01 and based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Whitton.
Vote to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6296, including errata sheet, recommending adoption of a Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6297, 6298, 6299 and 6300 recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 04-20, Zone Change 04-15, Local Coastal Program Amendment 06-05 and Coastal Development Permit 03-03 and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6301 approving Site Development Permit 03-01 and based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved)
Chairperson Baker closed the Public Hearing on Item 2.
Chairperson Baker stated there had been previous discussion regarding a tour of the City’s new golf course and Mr. Neu has an update.
Mr. Neu stated Friday afternoons would be the best time frame for a tour of the golf course and added available times would be forwarded to the Commissioners for their review.
Commissioner Dominguez stated when the City finds it necessary to override a decision from another agency, more fact based information should be presented at the hearing.
Commissioner Whitton stated he feels that signage should be provided at the locations of the trail that cross roadways. Mr. Neu stated that through the plancheck process the City’s Trail Manager will review the plans for improvement of trails and if the need for a sign is found, it will be indentified and required by the developer.
Commissioner Douglas asked when the inclusionary housing item would appear on an agenda. Mr. Neu explained the process involved and stated that it would appear as an agenda item after the Housing and Redevelopment Department has completed their survey.
Mr. Neu stated the issue of garage door width will be brought before the City Council as a resolution of intention.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of May 16, 2007, was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
May 16, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Planning Commission Chairperson Baker called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Dominguez stated when the City finds it necessary to override a decision from another agency, more fact based information should be presented at the hearing.
Commissioner Montgomery led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: 17 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Motion to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 2, 2007. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Montgomery.
Vote to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 2, 2007. (Approved)
CT 04-05x1/CP 04-01x1 - VISTA LA COSTA
- Request for approval of a retroactive two year extension of Tentative Tract Map (CT 04-05) and Condominium Permit (CP 04-01) to develop a 15-unit airspace residential condominium project on a 0.88 acre site generally located on the north side of Gibraltar Street, south of the La Costa Golf Course, between Jerez Court and Romeria Street, within Local Facilities Management Zone 6. Resolutions No. 6294, 6295
Vista La Costa Staff Report
Planning Director Don Neu introduced Agenda Item 1 and stated Assistant Planner Greg Fisher would make the Staff presentation assisted by Associate Engineer Tecla Levy.
Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing on Agenda Item 1.
Staff gave a brief presentation and stated they would be available to answer any questions.
Chairperson Baker asked if the Commission had any questions of Staff.
Commissioner Dominguez asked about the map delays and any changes in ownership. Ms. Levy explained there was a previous escrow opened between the owner and Mayfair Homes, but no change in ownership at that time.
Commissioner Montgomery asked about offsite drainage easements and slopes associated with the project. Mr. Fisher stated the applicant could best address the proposed easements for the project.
Chairperson Baker asked if the storm drain easements were part of the initial application or are they new to this extension application. Ms. Levy explained that the storm drain easement requirements were part of the approved tentative map.
Applicant Shahla Abedi, 22892 Ocean Breeze, Laguna Niguel, gave a brief presentation.
Commissioner Montgomery asked the applicant if KSL is comfortable with the proposed easements on the site. Ms. Abedi stated they have not offered an unconditional approval, but they have been cooperative in negotiations.
Commissioner Boddy asked the applicant to offer an estimate of the costs associated with the project. Ms. Abedi estimated her costs to be in excess of $300,000 to date.
Commissioner Douglas asked if the applicant has been in touch with the new owners of La Costa Resort. Ms. Abedi stated she has recently been in touch with the attorney for KSL.
Commissioner Montgomery stated he is in favor of the project and granting an extension.
Chairperson Baker asked if any member of the audience wished to address Agenda Item 1; seeing none, she opened and closed public testimony.
Motion to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6294 and 6295 approving a retroactive two year extension of Tentative Tract Map (CT 04 05), and Condominium Permit (CP 04-01) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Dominguez.
Vote to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6294 and 6295 approving a retroactive two year extension of Tentative Tract Map (CT 04 05), and Condominium Permit (CP 04-01) based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved)
Chairperson Baker closed the Public Hearing on Item 1 and asked Mr. Neu to introduce the next item.
GPA 04-20/ZC 04-15/LCPA 06-05/CDP 03-03/SDP 03-01 - KELLY/JRM OFFICE BUILDING
- Request for a recommendation of approval to adopt a Consistency Determination for the McClellan-Palomar Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan and to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, and a recommendation of approval of a General Plan Amendment to change the General Plan Land Use and Open Space and Conservation Element designations from Planned Industrial and Unplanned Area to Open Space on a portion of the site, a Zone Change to change the Zoning designation from Planned Industrial-Qualified Development Overly Zone to Open Space on a portion of the site, a Local Coastal Program Amendment, and a Coastal Development Permit; and a request for approval of a Site Development Permit to develop a 5.9-acre parcel with a 84,894 square foot office buildings located on the southeast corner of Palomar Airport Road and Aviara Parkway in the Mello II Segment of the Local Coastal Program and in Local Facilities Management Zone 5. Resolutions No. 6296, 6297, 6298, 6299, 6300, 6301
Kelly/JRM Office Building
Mr. Neu introduced Agenda Item 2 and stated Senior Planner Van Lynch would make the Staff presentation.
Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing on Agenda Item 2.
Mr. Lynch gave a brief presentation bringing to the attention of the Commission the addition of an errata sheet. He stated Staff would be available to answer any questions.
Chairperson Baker asked if the Commission had any questions of Staff.
Commissioner Whitton asked if there would be any signage provided at locations where the trails intersect with the roadway advising pedestrians to use crosswalks. Mr. Lynch stated none had been proposed that he is aware of. Commissioner Whitton stated he believes that signs should be provided at these locations.
Commissioner Dominguez asked for an outline of any variances that had been issued on this project. Mr. Lynch pointed out these areas on the displayed site map.
Commissioner Cardosa asked if there is any other possible configuration for the structure on the site. Mr. Lynch stated the site is restricted and the configuration offered is the most efficient site design.
Commissioner Boddy asked about landscaping requirements in light of the site’s proximity to the habitat area. Mr. Lynch gave a brief overview of the proposed landscape design.
Commissioner Douglas asked for an explanation of truck turning movement within the site. Mr. Lynch explained the truck turning movement.
Chairperson Baker asked who will be responsible to revegetate the area from Laurel Tree Road to the cul-de-sac after Laurel Tree Road is vacated. Mr. Lynch explained how the responsiblity would be distributed and explained the landscaping plans for the project, stating the proposed project and adjacent sites landscaping would abutt one another.
Commissioner Montgomery asked about trail linkage on the site. Mr. Lynch pointed out the existing and proposed trail system on the map displayed.
Commissioner Boddy asked if there is an existing traffic signal at Aviara Parkway where it intersects with the site. Mr. Lynch stated there is a traffic signal located at Palomar Road and Aviara Parkway and another at Laurel Tree Road and Aviara Parkway.
Commissioner Dominguez asked about the size of the habitat area on the southerly side of the site. Mr. Lynch stated after the development of the site there will not be very much left on that side of the site.
Assistant City Attorney, Jane Mobaldi elaborated on determinations made by the Airport Land Use Commission and noncompliance issues that could arise. Discussion followed between Ms. Mobaldi and Commissioner Montgomery.
The applicant, John Couvillion, JRM Real Estate, 1040 South Andreasen, Escondido, gave a brief presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions that the Commission might have.
Commissioner Boddy asked if the applicant had obtained a letter of permission from the adjacent property owner. Mr. Couvillion stated that they are diligently working on obtaining one.
Commissioner Douglas asked what the expected timeline is for development of the site. Mr. Couvillion stated he anticipates the start of development to be the first or second quarter of next year.
Commissioner Montgomery asked if the applicant is confident with the expected noise mitigation measures associated with the project. Mr. Couvillion stated that he is fairly confident and discussion ensued between the Commission and Mr. Couvillion.
Chairperson Baker asked the specific street address of the project. Mr. Couvillion stated the address is located at 1265 Laurel Tree Lane.
Chairperson Baker asked if the applicant feels this project is the best use of the site. Mr. Couvillion stated that he feels this is the best and highest use of the property.
Chairperson Baker asked if any member of the audience wished to address Agenda Item 2; seeing none, she opened and closed public testimony.
Commissioner Whitton asked about the trail length after all proposed connections are made. Mr. Lynch stated approximately three quarters of a mile.
Further discussion ensued regarding the trail system usage and maintenance of the trials.
Chairperson Baker stated the project is nice looking and she is pleased with the design. She added that the people who will work in those buildings might enjoy walking on the trails and suspect they might get more use than it at first appears.
Motion to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6296, including errata sheet, recommending adoption of a Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6297, 6298, 6299 and 6300 recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 04-20, Zone Change 04-15, Local Coastal Program Amendment 06-05 and Coastal Development Permit 03-03 and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6301 approving Site Development Permit 03-01 and based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Whitton.
Vote to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6296, including errata sheet, recommending adoption of a Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6297, 6298, 6299 and 6300 recommending approval of General Plan Amendment 04-20, Zone Change 04-15, Local Coastal Program Amendment 06-05 and Coastal Development Permit 03-03 and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6301 approving Site Development Permit 03-01 and based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved)
Chairperson Baker closed the Public Hearing on Item 2.
Chairperson Baker stated there had been previous discussion regarding a tour of the City’s new golf course and Mr. Neu has an update.
Mr. Neu stated Friday afternoons would be the best time frame for a tour of the golf course and added available times would be forwarded to the Commissioners for their review.
Commissioner Dominguez stated when the City finds it necessary to override a decision from another agency, more fact based information should be presented at the hearing.
Commissioner Whitton stated he feels that signage should be provided at the locations of the trail that cross roadways. Mr. Neu stated that through the plancheck process the City’s Trail Manager will review the plans for improvement of trails and if the need for a sign is found, it will be indentified and required by the developer.
Commissioner Douglas asked when the inclusionary housing item would appear on an agenda. Mr. Neu explained the process involved and stated that it would appear as an agenda item after the Housing and Redevelopment Department has completed their survey.
Mr. Neu stated the issue of garage door width will be brought before the City Council as a resolution of intention.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of May 16, 2007, was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
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