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Planning Commission Chairperson Baker called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Whitton led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: 11 members present, 2 members absent, 0 members excused.
Commissioner Whitton stated he has some apprehension about the Planning Commission meeting minutes and the abbreviated manner in which they are currently being written. He added he understands the nature of the transition to an updated recording system, but believes the written record should reflect more detail.
Motion to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 2007. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Montgomery.
Vote to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 2007. (Approved)
- Request for adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approval of a Floodplain Special Use Permit for the repair of erosion damage along San Marcos Creek located east of El Camino Real and north of La Costa Avenue within Local Facilities Management Zone 6. Resolutions No. 6308, 6309
San Marcos Creek Erosion Repair Staff Report
Mr. Neu stated Item 1 would normally be heard in a public hearing context; however, the project appears to be minor and routine in nature with no outstanding issues and Staff recommends approval. He recommended that the public hearing be opened and closed, and that the Commission proceed with a vote as a consent item, including the errata sheet, if any. Staff would be available to respond to questions if the Commission or someone form the public wished to pull the item.
Chairperson Baker asked if any member of the Planning Commission wished to pull Agenda Item 1.
Chairperson Baker asked if any member of the audience wished to address Agenda Item 1; seeing none, she opened and closed public testimony.
Motion to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6308 adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6309 approving a Floodplain Special Use Permit (SUP 06-07) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Whitton.
Vote to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6308 adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6309 approving a Floodplain Special Use Permit (SUP 06-07) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved)
Chairperson Baker closed the Public Hearing on Item 1 and asked Mr. Neu to introduce the next item.
2. SDP 05-18(A)/SUP 05-17(A)/CUP 07-02 - ECR CORPORATE CENTER
- A request for approval of an amendment to a Site Development Plan and Special Use Permit to increase the size of two previously approved medical office buildings from 85,000 square feet to 87,000 square feet and approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a wellness center on a 7.68 acre parcel located on the east side of El Camino Real between Town Garden Lane and Camino Vida Roble in Local Facilities Management Zone 10. Resolutions No. 6304, 6305, 6306
ECR Corporate Center Staff Report
Planning Director Don Neu introduced Agenda Item 2 and stated Senior Planner Van Lynch would make the Staff presentation.
Chairperson Baker asked the applicant if he wished to continue with only five Commissions present.
The applicant confirmed that he wished to continue.
Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing on Agenda Item 2.
Mr. Lynch gave a brief presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions the Commission may have.
Chairperson Baker asked if the Commission had any questions of Staff.
Commissioner Cardosa questioned the conflicting square footage numbers as expressed on the current plans versus the submitted set of plans. Mr. Lynch stated there was an inadvertent error made on an earlier rendering. He added the correct square footage is 87,000; the current plans are correct and the rendering has been amended.
Commissioner Whitton stated his observation of the recently approved childcare center located near this project. He added he has continued safety concerns about the lack of any deceleration lane on northbound El Camino Real near the proposed project site. Commissioner Whitton stated he believes a deceleration lane should be added.
Senior Engineer John O’Donnell stated Staff has investigated the need for a deceleration lane at this location and has determined that it would not be necessary to require one at this time. Commissioner Whitton requested that this item be revisited considering the addition of this current project. He stated he feels that a deceleration lane is necessary for safety reasons. Mr. O’Donnell stated his understanding of Commissioner Whitton’s position. He added the matter has been reviewed by the City’s Traffic Engineer who gave his recommendations and adding a deceleration lane was not one of them.
Chairperson Baker asked Staff is there is room on that stretch of El Camino Real to add an additional lane of this nature. Mr. O’Donnell stated he had not personally analyzed that aspect of the project.
Chairperson Baker asked if there were any further questions of Staff; seeing none, she asked the applicant if he wished to give a presentation.
John White, Carltas Investments, 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100, Carlsbad, gave a brief presentation assisted by Alan Coleman, Strategic Services-Tri City Medical Center, 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside, and stated they would be available to answer any questions the Commission or members of the audience may have.
Commissioner Montgomery asked about a bridge that seemed to be a key architectural feature in a prior version of the site plan and appears to be removed in the plans presented at tonight’s hearing. Mr. Coleman stated that Tri City hospital has determined the bridge is not financially feasible and has decided not to include it in the present site plan. Commissioner Montgomery stated his disappointment with that decision.
Commissioner Boddy asked the applicant to elaborate on the proposed use of the site as a Wellness Center and asked who would use the center. Mr. White stated the facility would be open to the public and would be unique in the fact that it would be staffed with medical personal. He stated he would defer to Mr. Coleman to add to that response.
Mr. Coleman stated the Wellness Center would cater to an older individual that might feel more comfortable working out in an environment where medical staff is present. There will be registered nurses and physical therapists on site to address the needs of those who might be recovering from a major illness or injury.
Commissioner Whitton stated he feels sure the new Center will assist on future bond issues for Tri City and savings will be seen by foregoing the bridge. In light of that, maybe a deceleration lane would be possible. He added with the cumulative effect of the childcare center and the wellness center that he is adamant about his desire to see a deceleration lane added to this stretch of El Camino Real.
Mr. White stated when the project was initially brought before the Commission, it was approved unanimously without the addition of the deceleration lane. He added the childcare facility was also contemplated as part of the La Costa Greens Master Plan and no deceleration lane was recommended at that time.
Chairperson Baker asked if there were any further questions for the applicant or for Staff.
Chairperson Baker asked if there were any members of the audience who wished to address the Commission on Agenda Item 2; seeing none, she opened and closed public testimony.
Commissioner Whitton stated he would still like to see a deceleration lane added.
Commissioner Montgomery strongly encouraged the use of the bridge element in the architecture, in spite of the additional costs.
Commissioner Whitton asked if any energy saving devices would be used in this project. Mr. White stated they are trying to make the project as environmentally friendly as possible.
Commissioner Cardosa stated he concurs with Commissioner Montgomery regarding the inclusion of the bridge in the architectural design.
Chairperson Baker stated she is very much in favor of the whole idea of the Wellness Center, adding that she feels it will be very beneficial, especially to cardiac patients and those recovering from surgery.
Motion to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6304, 6305 and 6306 approving Site Development Plan Amendment SDP 05-18(A), Special Use Permit SUP 05-17(A) and Conditional Use Permit CUP 07-02 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Montgomery.
Vote to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6304, 6305 and 6306 approving Site Development Plan Amendment SDP 05-18(A), Special Use Permit SUP 05-17(A) and Conditional Use Permit CUP 07-02 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved)
Chairperson Baker closed the Public Hearing on Item 2.
Commissioner Whitton reiterated his previous concern regarding the minutes and his desire to see a more detailed account of the meetings reflected in the written minutes.
Assistant City Attorney Jane Mobaldi asked Commissioner Whitton if he there was anything in particular about the previous meetings minutes that he wanted to comment on. Commissioner Whitton stated that Commissioner Dominguez had an item of significance to comment on. He added that his comment is that he is not sure if it is economically prudent to put in a trail that ends up in the middle of two blocks, between stop lights. He stated the other comment is that it is only about 100 feet away from the sidewalk on Palomar Airport Road, so he added he is not sure it is a prudent thing to do.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of June 6, 2007, was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
Jun 06, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting
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Full agenda
Planning Commission Chairperson Baker called the Regular Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Whitton led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: 11 members present, 2 members absent, 0 members excused.
Commissioner Whitton stated he has some apprehension about the Planning Commission meeting minutes and the abbreviated manner in which they are currently being written. He added he understands the nature of the transition to an updated recording system, but believes the written record should reflect more detail.
Motion to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 2007. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Montgomery.
Vote to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 16, 2007. (Approved)
- Request for adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approval of a Floodplain Special Use Permit for the repair of erosion damage along San Marcos Creek located east of El Camino Real and north of La Costa Avenue within Local Facilities Management Zone 6. Resolutions No. 6308, 6309
San Marcos Creek Erosion Repair Staff Report
Mr. Neu stated Item 1 would normally be heard in a public hearing context; however, the project appears to be minor and routine in nature with no outstanding issues and Staff recommends approval. He recommended that the public hearing be opened and closed, and that the Commission proceed with a vote as a consent item, including the errata sheet, if any. Staff would be available to respond to questions if the Commission or someone form the public wished to pull the item.
Chairperson Baker asked if any member of the Planning Commission wished to pull Agenda Item 1.
Chairperson Baker asked if any member of the audience wished to address Agenda Item 1; seeing none, she opened and closed public testimony.
Motion to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6308 adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6309 approving a Floodplain Special Use Permit (SUP 06-07) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Whitton.
Vote to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6308 adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and adopt Planning Commission Resolution No. 6309 approving a Floodplain Special Use Permit (SUP 06-07) based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved)
Chairperson Baker closed the Public Hearing on Item 1 and asked Mr. Neu to introduce the next item.
2. SDP 05-18(A)/SUP 05-17(A)/CUP 07-02 - ECR CORPORATE CENTER
- A request for approval of an amendment to a Site Development Plan and Special Use Permit to increase the size of two previously approved medical office buildings from 85,000 square feet to 87,000 square feet and approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a wellness center on a 7.68 acre parcel located on the east side of El Camino Real between Town Garden Lane and Camino Vida Roble in Local Facilities Management Zone 10. Resolutions No. 6304, 6305, 6306
ECR Corporate Center Staff Report
Planning Director Don Neu introduced Agenda Item 2 and stated Senior Planner Van Lynch would make the Staff presentation.
Chairperson Baker asked the applicant if he wished to continue with only five Commissions present.
The applicant confirmed that he wished to continue.
Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing on Agenda Item 2.
Mr. Lynch gave a brief presentation and stated he would be available to answer any questions the Commission may have.
Chairperson Baker asked if the Commission had any questions of Staff.
Commissioner Cardosa questioned the conflicting square footage numbers as expressed on the current plans versus the submitted set of plans. Mr. Lynch stated there was an inadvertent error made on an earlier rendering. He added the correct square footage is 87,000; the current plans are correct and the rendering has been amended.
Commissioner Whitton stated his observation of the recently approved childcare center located near this project. He added he has continued safety concerns about the lack of any deceleration lane on northbound El Camino Real near the proposed project site. Commissioner Whitton stated he believes a deceleration lane should be added.
Senior Engineer John O’Donnell stated Staff has investigated the need for a deceleration lane at this location and has determined that it would not be necessary to require one at this time. Commissioner Whitton requested that this item be revisited considering the addition of this current project. He stated he feels that a deceleration lane is necessary for safety reasons. Mr. O’Donnell stated his understanding of Commissioner Whitton’s position. He added the matter has been reviewed by the City’s Traffic Engineer who gave his recommendations and adding a deceleration lane was not one of them.
Chairperson Baker asked Staff is there is room on that stretch of El Camino Real to add an additional lane of this nature. Mr. O’Donnell stated he had not personally analyzed that aspect of the project.
Chairperson Baker asked if there were any further questions of Staff; seeing none, she asked the applicant if he wished to give a presentation.
John White, Carltas Investments, 5600 Avenida Encinas, Suite 100, Carlsbad, gave a brief presentation assisted by Alan Coleman, Strategic Services-Tri City Medical Center, 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside, and stated they would be available to answer any questions the Commission or members of the audience may have.
Commissioner Montgomery asked about a bridge that seemed to be a key architectural feature in a prior version of the site plan and appears to be removed in the plans presented at tonight’s hearing. Mr. Coleman stated that Tri City hospital has determined the bridge is not financially feasible and has decided not to include it in the present site plan. Commissioner Montgomery stated his disappointment with that decision.
Commissioner Boddy asked the applicant to elaborate on the proposed use of the site as a Wellness Center and asked who would use the center. Mr. White stated the facility would be open to the public and would be unique in the fact that it would be staffed with medical personal. He stated he would defer to Mr. Coleman to add to that response.
Mr. Coleman stated the Wellness Center would cater to an older individual that might feel more comfortable working out in an environment where medical staff is present. There will be registered nurses and physical therapists on site to address the needs of those who might be recovering from a major illness or injury.
Commissioner Whitton stated he feels sure the new Center will assist on future bond issues for Tri City and savings will be seen by foregoing the bridge. In light of that, maybe a deceleration lane would be possible. He added with the cumulative effect of the childcare center and the wellness center that he is adamant about his desire to see a deceleration lane added to this stretch of El Camino Real.
Mr. White stated when the project was initially brought before the Commission, it was approved unanimously without the addition of the deceleration lane. He added the childcare facility was also contemplated as part of the La Costa Greens Master Plan and no deceleration lane was recommended at that time.
Chairperson Baker asked if there were any further questions for the applicant or for Staff.
Chairperson Baker asked if there were any members of the audience who wished to address the Commission on Agenda Item 2; seeing none, she opened and closed public testimony.
Commissioner Whitton stated he would still like to see a deceleration lane added.
Commissioner Montgomery strongly encouraged the use of the bridge element in the architecture, in spite of the additional costs.
Commissioner Whitton asked if any energy saving devices would be used in this project. Mr. White stated they are trying to make the project as environmentally friendly as possible.
Commissioner Cardosa stated he concurs with Commissioner Montgomery regarding the inclusion of the bridge in the architectural design.
Chairperson Baker stated she is very much in favor of the whole idea of the Wellness Center, adding that she feels it will be very beneficial, especially to cardiac patients and those recovering from surgery.
Motion to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6304, 6305 and 6306 approving Site Development Plan Amendment SDP 05-18(A), Special Use Permit SUP 05-17(A) and Conditional Use Permit CUP 07-02 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by Commissioner Montgomery.
Vote to that the Planning Commission adopt Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6304, 6305 and 6306 approving Site Development Plan Amendment SDP 05-18(A), Special Use Permit SUP 05-17(A) and Conditional Use Permit CUP 07-02 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved)
Chairperson Baker closed the Public Hearing on Item 2.
Commissioner Whitton reiterated his previous concern regarding the minutes and his desire to see a more detailed account of the meetings reflected in the written minutes.
Assistant City Attorney Jane Mobaldi asked Commissioner Whitton if he there was anything in particular about the previous meetings minutes that he wanted to comment on. Commissioner Whitton stated that Commissioner Dominguez had an item of significance to comment on. He added that his comment is that he is not sure if it is economically prudent to put in a trail that ends up in the middle of two blocks, between stop lights. He stated the other comment is that it is only about 100 feet away from the sidewalk on Palomar Airport Road, so he added he is not sure it is a prudent thing to do.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of June 6, 2007, was adjourned at 6:28 p.m.
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