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Planning Commission Chairperson Baker called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Dominguez led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: 20 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Motion to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 5, 2007. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by .
Vote to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 5, 2007. (Approved) (Recorded at 02:33:16)
Chairperson Baker directed everyone's attention to the slide on the screen to review the procedures the Commission would be following during that evening's Public Hearing.
Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing and asked Planning Director Don Neu to introduce the first item.
- Request for a recommendation for certification of a Program Environmental Impact Report, and recommendation of adoption of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a request for a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to incorporate the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan into the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Land Use Plans of the Mello II and West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties Lagoon segments of the Local Coastal Program; and a discussion and recommendation to the City Council regarding the content of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. Resolutions No. 6338, 6339, 6340, 6341
Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan Staff Report
Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director, gave a detailed presentation regarding the alternatives listed in the Vision Plan.
Christer Westman, Senior Planner, gave a detailed presentation regarding Alternative 4 in the Vision Plan.
Mr. Westman discussed some of the letters Staff had received from many citizens regarding the project, specifically one from a property owner in the Hanover Beach Colony. The citizen was concerned about mitigation measures, and Mr. Westman gave an alternative for the Commission to consider. ????
Mr. Westman stated there were also concerns regarding stationary noise levels. The San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians also submitted a request for a pre-excavation agreement. Mr. Westman stated the Commission could make the decision as to whether such an agreement should be part of the mitigation measures. Other written comments and concerns were in regards to the environmental impacts.
Assistant City Attorney, Jane Mobaldi, referred to an email from Chairperson Baker regarding impacts of moving Carlsbad Boulevard to the east along the northern end of the project and where the setback will be measured from, as well as how much of the southern most property can be required to be reserved for a public park or placed in an easement for public park purposes. Ms. Mobaldi responded ????
Ms. Fountain made a few comments regarding the financial impacts in regards with using Alternative 4. Ms. Fountain iterated that this is a Vision Plan and the specific developments of the projects will have to come to the Planning Commission for approval at a later date. This Vision Plan is for the big picture.
Chairperson Baker asked if there any questions of staff.
Commissioner Douglas asked staff to go over the various alternatives in greater detail. Ms. Fountain directed the Commission’s attention to a slide which detailed each alternative.
Commissioner Douglas asked about the increase in the number of parking spaces. Ms. Fountain stated there would be about 100 additional spaces.
Commissioner Dominguez asked which alternative gave the largest increase in public parking as well as the largest increase in open space. Ms. Fountain stated the Commission could pick between Alternative 2 and 4.
Commissioner Boddy asked for clarification on Alternative 4 and what would be involved in realignment on existing utilities, etc. John O’Donnell, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that traffic signals would need to be realigned.
Chairperson Baker asked about Alternative 4 ....???? Ms. Fountain responded.....Mr. O’Donnell stated the
Commissioner Boddy asked if the Alternative 4 would impact the parcel on northern end of the project. Ms. Fountain responded....
Commissioner Douglas asked if Staff had looked into the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard along the campgrounds with Alternative 4. Ms. Fountain stated that the Vision Plan is just looking from Ponto Drive to the south.
Chairperson Baker asked if there any further questions regarding the roadways and alternatives.
Commissioner Boddy asked ??? about the west side ??? Ms. Fountain responded ?? Mr. Hauser stated the road is moved as far to the east as possible freeing up the land to the west along the campgrounds.
Commissioner Douglas stated that the importance of that area is possibly for a future park area.
Chairperson Baker asked how the road would align with the current roadways, setbacks and rights-of-way. Mr. O’Donnell stated that the road would be aligned straight from Ponto Drive.
Commissioner Douglas inquired about mitigation factors regarding Alternative 4 and the hotel. Mr. Westman gave a detailed answer. ???
Commissioner Cardosa asked for further clarification regarding Alternative 4. Ms. Fountain gave an explanation.
Chairperson Baker stated that the Commission did not receive any briefing for this item, several letters had been received and put into record, and that public testimony had been closed at the previous hearing so there would not be any testimony heard tonight.
Commissioner Montgomery asked about the alignment of Ponto Drive. Ms. Fountain stated that area was studied at one point with a potential round-about placed in the road. Commissioner Montgomery asked if that traffic element is a possibility. Ms. Fountain stated it was seen as potential benefit. The direct impacts would require a dedication of property or realignment of property. Commissioner Montgomery asked ??? Ms. Fountain stated the element follows the property lines as it currently is shown in the Vision Plan.
Commissioner Boddy inquired about the pre-excavation agreement. She stated the mitigation measures seem pretty thorough and detailed. She asked when such an agreement could overlap an already specified measures. Mr. Westman stated that in reviewing a pre-excavation agreement the only section he found inconsistencies with was the ownership of the aritifacts. Commissioner Boddy asked if the City, as an alternative, could amend the mitigation measures to include that. Mr. Westman suggested there may be other nuances. Commissioner Boddy stated her concern about creating two sets of standards.
Commissioner Whitton asked if Staff has determined exactly what tribe could have been in that area. Mr. Westman stated that there is a procedure to determine the descendants of the tribe for ownership. The agreement is between two private entities. Chairperson Baker asked if the top level of the parking structure in the mixed-use area would be screened. Ms. Fountain stated that is part of the development standards. Commissioner Dominguez inquired if the guidelines could be changed so that parking structures be underground where possible. Ms. Fountain stated that could be included as a policy statement. Commissioner Dominguez stated that a section regarding green structures should be added as a goal in Vision Plan. Commissioner Douglas asked Staff to explain how many levels each parking structure is in the Vision Plan. Ms. Fountain stated this is a conceptual plan and that Staff cannot determine the exact size and location of the structures until the individual projects come forward to the Planning Commission. All the developments will be required to meet their parking requirements.
Commissioner Boddy inquired about the noise attenuation around the garden hotel and how the suggested draft language came to be. Mr. Westman stated that the language was created by addressing design issues through planning.???? attempting to balance the interests.
Chairperson Baker asked about undergrounding the parking structures. Ms. Fountain stated that by placing the wording that it was stongly encouraged. Chairperson Baker asked if the wording could be "...required unless it is found to not be feasible." Ms. Fountain stated that there is also a financial burden on placing the structures underground. Commissioner Montgomery commented that he would take that financial part out of it because of the Poinsettia Station project one mile north that has a parking structure completely underground.
Commissioner Whitton asked about the median area on Ponto Drive. Ms. Fountain responded that medians and landscaping would be included. ??? Commissioner Douglas asked if there are any property owners that have come forward with project submittals. Ms. Fountain stated currently there is only one project in the review process but there are several that have had preliminary reviews done.
Chairperson Baker called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Commissioner Whitton stated his concerns are to lower the parking structures, recommends Alternative 2.
Commissioner Boddy stated her concern is to have a public green space on the southern end of the project and recommended the greater recreational space alternative.
Commissioner Douglas stated her concerns.
Commissioner Dominguez stated his concerns largest linear park available on the west side, Alternative 2 with 4.
Commissioner Cardosa stated the best linkage possible to the beach, encourage and require parking design to be as pleasing and invisible as possible, and Alternative 2 for the road alignment.
Chairperson Baker thanked staff for the work done with the Vision Plan; 45 easement or more on the southern end of the property and a passive park without playground equipment, underground parking unless unfeasible, beach access through the campground, trails and linkages, and in favor of Alternative 2 for the road alignment.
The Commission all prefers Alternative 2 for the road alignment.
Commissioner Montgomery suggested Alternative 4 could increase the parking on the west side by the campgrounds. Mr. O’Donnell stated that was correct, and Ms. Fountain stated that it hasn’t been designed that way but there is potential for more parking.
Commissioner Cardosa asked about the landscaping requirement on the western edge of the property for the garden hotel. Mr. Westman stated there would be typical right-of-way landscaping ???
Commissioner Montgomery inquired what the Commission could do to require landscaping along Carlsbad Boulevard....Ms. Mobaldi stated a set-back could be required. Commissioner Montgomery asked what could be used to require that. Mr. Westman stated that are different scenarios that might apply. It may be appropriate to apply guidelines.
Chairperson Baker stated that if a 20 to 25 foot setback from the property line could make a huge impact on developing the property.
Ms. Mobaldi stated that perhaps the Commission could place a recommendation on the project so that Council could make a decision.
Chairperson Baker stated that she could not support Alternative 2 but not Alternative 4.
Commissioner Boddy commented that the idea of setbacks should not be changed and she is comfortable with the current City Standards.
Chairperson Baker asked if there were any further comments. Commissioners Whitton, Boddy, Douglas and Chairperson Baker are in favor of Alternative 2. Commissioners Cardosa, Montgomery and Dominguez are in favor of Alternative 4.
In regards to the park/open space on the southern portion of the property, Chairperson Baker stated that the Commission is in favor of at least a 45 foot setback. Commissioner Boddy stated the Commission could recommend the alternative for the greater public and recreational space.
Commissioner Whitton stated he feels that the 45 foot setback is adequate for the green space. Commissioner Montgomery commented that he feels that it is not adequate enough.
Ms. Mobaldi clarified her earlier statement regarding the City paying compensation for any additional property needed for a public easement.
Commissioner Boddy asked if language could be added so that the City look further into the option of further acquiring more land.
Commissioner Douglas stated that she feels the 45 foot setback is not sufficient and that City should look into the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan.
Commissioner Montgomery proposed a 75 foot setback based on findings in the Environmental Impact Report.
Don Neu
Jane Mobaldi
Commissioner Whitton thanked staff for their work with the Vision Plan, and further commented the Vision Plan is great effort put forth.
Commissioner Boddy also thanked staff for their work and feels the Vision Plan will be a terrific plan.
Commissioner Douglas commented the Ponto Area is a very special area to the citizens of Carlsbad and also thanked staff for their work on the Vision Plan.
Commissioner Dominguez gave kudos to staff as well as to the Commission for the work that was put into the Vision Plan.
Commissioner Montgomery thanked staff for their hard work.
Commissioner Cardosa commended staff and the public for all the effort put into the Vision Plan.
Chairperson Baker thanked everyone including the public.
Ms. Mobaldi gave clarification on the mitigation measures
Motion to that the Planning Commission 1) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6338 RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION of EIR 05-05 and RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 2) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6339, 6340 and 6341 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of General Plan Amendment (GPA 05-04), Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 05-01) and the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (DI 05-01) based on the findings contained therein and to continue to Council to create and craft, and to include that the Planning Commission is recommeding Road Alignment 2, Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by .
Planning Director Comments Mr. Neu updated the Commission on previous projects that were heard by the City Council this past week. City Attorney Comments None.
Vote to that the Planning Commission 1) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6338 RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION of EIR 05-05 and RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 2) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6339, 6340 and 6341 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of General Plan Amendment (GPA 05-04), Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 05-01) and the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (DI 05-01) based on the findings contained therein and to continue to Council to create and craft, and to include that the Planning Commission is recommeding Road Alignment 2, (Approved) (Recorded at 02:56:32)
CT 00-18x1/SDP 01-10x1/HDP 00-09x1/SUP 00-09x1 - CANTARINI RANCH and CT 00-21x1/HDP 00-12x1 - HOLLY SPRINGS
- Request for approval of a retroactive two-year extension for: 1) a Tentative Tract Map (CT 00-18), Site Development Plan (SDP 01-10), Hillside Development Permit (HDP 00-09), and Special Use Permit (SUP 00-09) for Cantarini Ranch; and, 2) a Tentative Tract Map (CT 00-21) and Hillside Development Permit (HDP 00-12) for Holly Springs. The projects consist of a 105-lot single-family residential subdivision, associated open space lots, and an 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project for Cantarini Ranch and a 42-lot single-family residential subdivision and associated open space lots for Holly Springs. The projects are generally located north of El Camino Real and east of the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road within Local Facilities Management Zone 15. Resolutions No. 6330, 6331, 6332, 6333, 6334, 6335
Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs Staff Report
Vote to free form (Approved)
CT 04-14(A) - TRAILS END
- Request for an amendment to the conditions of approval for Tentative Map CT 04-14 to allow the purchase of affordable housing credits to satisfy the Inclusionary Housing Requirement for property generally located on the west side of Donna Drive and north of Carlsbad Village Drive within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Resolution No. 6329
Trails End Staff Report
Motion to that the Planning Commission approve Items 2 and 3. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by .
Vote to that the Planning Commission approve Items 2 and 3. (Approved) (Recorded at 01:30:28)
- Request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Nonresidential Planned Development Permit to allow the conversion of an existing three-story office building into 24 airspace nonresidential condominiums located at 2710 Loker Avenue West within Local Facilities Management Zone 5. Resolutions No. 6336, 6337
Atrium II Office Condos Staff Report
Motion to continue CT 06-09 and PUD 06-07 until the regular meeting of October 17, 2007. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, no second required.
Vote to continue CT 06-09 and PUD 06-07 until the regular meeting of October 17, 2007. (Approved)
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
Sep 19, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
Planning Commission Chairperson Baker called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Dominguez led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: 20 members present, 0 members absent, 0 members excused.
Motion to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 5, 2007. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by .
Vote to to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 5, 2007. (Approved) (Recorded at 02:33:16)
Chairperson Baker directed everyone's attention to the slide on the screen to review the procedures the Commission would be following during that evening's Public Hearing.
Chairperson Baker opened the Public Hearing and asked Planning Director Don Neu to introduce the first item.
- Request for a recommendation for certification of a Program Environmental Impact Report, and recommendation of adoption of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; a request for a recommendation of approval for a General Plan Amendment and Local Coastal Program Amendment to incorporate the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan into the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Land Use Plans of the Mello II and West Batiquitos Lagoon/Sammis Properties Lagoon segments of the Local Coastal Program; and a discussion and recommendation to the City Council regarding the content of the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan. Resolutions No. 6338, 6339, 6340, 6341
Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan Staff Report
Debbie Fountain, Housing and Redevelopment Director, gave a detailed presentation regarding the alternatives listed in the Vision Plan.
Christer Westman, Senior Planner, gave a detailed presentation regarding Alternative 4 in the Vision Plan.
Mr. Westman discussed some of the letters Staff had received from many citizens regarding the project, specifically one from a property owner in the Hanover Beach Colony. The citizen was concerned about mitigation measures, and Mr. Westman gave an alternative for the Commission to consider. ????
Mr. Westman stated there were also concerns regarding stationary noise levels. The San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians also submitted a request for a pre-excavation agreement. Mr. Westman stated the Commission could make the decision as to whether such an agreement should be part of the mitigation measures. Other written comments and concerns were in regards to the environmental impacts.
Assistant City Attorney, Jane Mobaldi, referred to an email from Chairperson Baker regarding impacts of moving Carlsbad Boulevard to the east along the northern end of the project and where the setback will be measured from, as well as how much of the southern most property can be required to be reserved for a public park or placed in an easement for public park purposes. Ms. Mobaldi responded ????
Ms. Fountain made a few comments regarding the financial impacts in regards with using Alternative 4. Ms. Fountain iterated that this is a Vision Plan and the specific developments of the projects will have to come to the Planning Commission for approval at a later date. This Vision Plan is for the big picture.
Chairperson Baker asked if there any questions of staff.
Commissioner Douglas asked staff to go over the various alternatives in greater detail. Ms. Fountain directed the Commission’s attention to a slide which detailed each alternative.
Commissioner Douglas asked about the increase in the number of parking spaces. Ms. Fountain stated there would be about 100 additional spaces.
Commissioner Dominguez asked which alternative gave the largest increase in public parking as well as the largest increase in open space. Ms. Fountain stated the Commission could pick between Alternative 2 and 4.
Commissioner Boddy asked for clarification on Alternative 4 and what would be involved in realignment on existing utilities, etc. John O’Donnell, Senior Civil Engineer, stated that traffic signals would need to be realigned.
Chairperson Baker asked about Alternative 4 ....???? Ms. Fountain responded.....Mr. O’Donnell stated the
Commissioner Boddy asked if the Alternative 4 would impact the parcel on northern end of the project. Ms. Fountain responded....
Commissioner Douglas asked if Staff had looked into the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard along the campgrounds with Alternative 4. Ms. Fountain stated that the Vision Plan is just looking from Ponto Drive to the south.
Chairperson Baker asked if there any further questions regarding the roadways and alternatives.
Commissioner Boddy asked ??? about the west side ??? Ms. Fountain responded ?? Mr. Hauser stated the road is moved as far to the east as possible freeing up the land to the west along the campgrounds.
Commissioner Douglas stated that the importance of that area is possibly for a future park area.
Chairperson Baker asked how the road would align with the current roadways, setbacks and rights-of-way. Mr. O’Donnell stated that the road would be aligned straight from Ponto Drive.
Commissioner Douglas inquired about mitigation factors regarding Alternative 4 and the hotel. Mr. Westman gave a detailed answer. ???
Commissioner Cardosa asked for further clarification regarding Alternative 4. Ms. Fountain gave an explanation.
Chairperson Baker stated that the Commission did not receive any briefing for this item, several letters had been received and put into record, and that public testimony had been closed at the previous hearing so there would not be any testimony heard tonight.
Commissioner Montgomery asked about the alignment of Ponto Drive. Ms. Fountain stated that area was studied at one point with a potential round-about placed in the road. Commissioner Montgomery asked if that traffic element is a possibility. Ms. Fountain stated it was seen as potential benefit. The direct impacts would require a dedication of property or realignment of property. Commissioner Montgomery asked ??? Ms. Fountain stated the element follows the property lines as it currently is shown in the Vision Plan.
Commissioner Boddy inquired about the pre-excavation agreement. She stated the mitigation measures seem pretty thorough and detailed. She asked when such an agreement could overlap an already specified measures. Mr. Westman stated that in reviewing a pre-excavation agreement the only section he found inconsistencies with was the ownership of the aritifacts. Commissioner Boddy asked if the City, as an alternative, could amend the mitigation measures to include that. Mr. Westman suggested there may be other nuances. Commissioner Boddy stated her concern about creating two sets of standards.
Commissioner Whitton asked if Staff has determined exactly what tribe could have been in that area. Mr. Westman stated that there is a procedure to determine the descendants of the tribe for ownership. The agreement is between two private entities. Chairperson Baker asked if the top level of the parking structure in the mixed-use area would be screened. Ms. Fountain stated that is part of the development standards. Commissioner Dominguez inquired if the guidelines could be changed so that parking structures be underground where possible. Ms. Fountain stated that could be included as a policy statement. Commissioner Dominguez stated that a section regarding green structures should be added as a goal in Vision Plan. Commissioner Douglas asked Staff to explain how many levels each parking structure is in the Vision Plan. Ms. Fountain stated this is a conceptual plan and that Staff cannot determine the exact size and location of the structures until the individual projects come forward to the Planning Commission. All the developments will be required to meet their parking requirements.
Commissioner Boddy inquired about the noise attenuation around the garden hotel and how the suggested draft language came to be. Mr. Westman stated that the language was created by addressing design issues through planning.???? attempting to balance the interests.
Chairperson Baker asked about undergrounding the parking structures. Ms. Fountain stated that by placing the wording that it was stongly encouraged. Chairperson Baker asked if the wording could be "...required unless it is found to not be feasible." Ms. Fountain stated that there is also a financial burden on placing the structures underground. Commissioner Montgomery commented that he would take that financial part out of it because of the Poinsettia Station project one mile north that has a parking structure completely underground.
Commissioner Whitton asked about the median area on Ponto Drive. Ms. Fountain responded that medians and landscaping would be included. ??? Commissioner Douglas asked if there are any property owners that have come forward with project submittals. Ms. Fountain stated currently there is only one project in the review process but there are several that have had preliminary reviews done.
Chairperson Baker called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Commissioner Whitton stated his concerns are to lower the parking structures, recommends Alternative 2.
Commissioner Boddy stated her concern is to have a public green space on the southern end of the project and recommended the greater recreational space alternative.
Commissioner Douglas stated her concerns.
Commissioner Dominguez stated his concerns largest linear park available on the west side, Alternative 2 with 4.
Commissioner Cardosa stated the best linkage possible to the beach, encourage and require parking design to be as pleasing and invisible as possible, and Alternative 2 for the road alignment.
Chairperson Baker thanked staff for the work done with the Vision Plan; 45 easement or more on the southern end of the property and a passive park without playground equipment, underground parking unless unfeasible, beach access through the campground, trails and linkages, and in favor of Alternative 2 for the road alignment.
The Commission all prefers Alternative 2 for the road alignment.
Commissioner Montgomery suggested Alternative 4 could increase the parking on the west side by the campgrounds. Mr. O’Donnell stated that was correct, and Ms. Fountain stated that it hasn’t been designed that way but there is potential for more parking.
Commissioner Cardosa asked about the landscaping requirement on the western edge of the property for the garden hotel. Mr. Westman stated there would be typical right-of-way landscaping ???
Commissioner Montgomery inquired what the Commission could do to require landscaping along Carlsbad Boulevard....Ms. Mobaldi stated a set-back could be required. Commissioner Montgomery asked what could be used to require that. Mr. Westman stated that are different scenarios that might apply. It may be appropriate to apply guidelines.
Chairperson Baker stated that if a 20 to 25 foot setback from the property line could make a huge impact on developing the property.
Ms. Mobaldi stated that perhaps the Commission could place a recommendation on the project so that Council could make a decision.
Chairperson Baker stated that she could not support Alternative 2 but not Alternative 4.
Commissioner Boddy commented that the idea of setbacks should not be changed and she is comfortable with the current City Standards.
Chairperson Baker asked if there were any further comments. Commissioners Whitton, Boddy, Douglas and Chairperson Baker are in favor of Alternative 2. Commissioners Cardosa, Montgomery and Dominguez are in favor of Alternative 4.
In regards to the park/open space on the southern portion of the property, Chairperson Baker stated that the Commission is in favor of at least a 45 foot setback. Commissioner Boddy stated the Commission could recommend the alternative for the greater public and recreational space.
Commissioner Whitton stated he feels that the 45 foot setback is adequate for the green space. Commissioner Montgomery commented that he feels that it is not adequate enough.
Ms. Mobaldi clarified her earlier statement regarding the City paying compensation for any additional property needed for a public easement.
Commissioner Boddy asked if language could be added so that the City look further into the option of further acquiring more land.
Commissioner Douglas stated that she feels the 45 foot setback is not sufficient and that City should look into the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan.
Commissioner Montgomery proposed a 75 foot setback based on findings in the Environmental Impact Report.
Don Neu
Jane Mobaldi
Commissioner Whitton thanked staff for their work with the Vision Plan, and further commented the Vision Plan is great effort put forth.
Commissioner Boddy also thanked staff for their work and feels the Vision Plan will be a terrific plan.
Commissioner Douglas commented the Ponto Area is a very special area to the citizens of Carlsbad and also thanked staff for their work on the Vision Plan.
Commissioner Dominguez gave kudos to staff as well as to the Commission for the work that was put into the Vision Plan.
Commissioner Montgomery thanked staff for their hard work.
Commissioner Cardosa commended staff and the public for all the effort put into the Vision Plan.
Chairperson Baker thanked everyone including the public.
Ms. Mobaldi gave clarification on the mitigation measures
Motion to that the Planning Commission 1) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6338 RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION of EIR 05-05 and RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 2) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6339, 6340 and 6341 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of General Plan Amendment (GPA 05-04), Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 05-01) and the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (DI 05-01) based on the findings contained therein and to continue to Council to create and craft, and to include that the Planning Commission is recommeding Road Alignment 2, Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by .
Planning Director Comments Mr. Neu updated the Commission on previous projects that were heard by the City Council this past week. City Attorney Comments None.
Vote to that the Planning Commission 1) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 6338 RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION of EIR 05-05 and RECOMMENDING ADOPTION of the Candidate Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; 2) ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 6339, 6340 and 6341 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of General Plan Amendment (GPA 05-04), Local Coastal Program Amendment (LCPA 05-01) and the Ponto Beachfront Village Vision Plan (DI 05-01) based on the findings contained therein and to continue to Council to create and craft, and to include that the Planning Commission is recommeding Road Alignment 2, (Approved) (Recorded at 02:56:32)
CT 00-18x1/SDP 01-10x1/HDP 00-09x1/SUP 00-09x1 - CANTARINI RANCH and CT 00-21x1/HDP 00-12x1 - HOLLY SPRINGS
- Request for approval of a retroactive two-year extension for: 1) a Tentative Tract Map (CT 00-18), Site Development Plan (SDP 01-10), Hillside Development Permit (HDP 00-09), and Special Use Permit (SUP 00-09) for Cantarini Ranch; and, 2) a Tentative Tract Map (CT 00-21) and Hillside Development Permit (HDP 00-12) for Holly Springs. The projects consist of a 105-lot single-family residential subdivision, associated open space lots, and an 80-unit mixed-rate apartment project for Cantarini Ranch and a 42-lot single-family residential subdivision and associated open space lots for Holly Springs. The projects are generally located north of El Camino Real and east of the intersection of College Boulevard and Cannon Road within Local Facilities Management Zone 15. Resolutions No. 6330, 6331, 6332, 6333, 6334, 6335
Cantarini Ranch and Holly Springs Staff Report
Vote to free form (Approved)
CT 04-14(A) - TRAILS END
- Request for an amendment to the conditions of approval for Tentative Map CT 04-14 to allow the purchase of affordable housing credits to satisfy the Inclusionary Housing Requirement for property generally located on the west side of Donna Drive and north of Carlsbad Village Drive within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Resolution No. 6329
Trails End Staff Report
Motion to that the Planning Commission approve Items 2 and 3. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, seconded by .
Vote to that the Planning Commission approve Items 2 and 3. (Approved) (Recorded at 01:30:28)
- Request for approval of a Tentative Tract Map and Nonresidential Planned Development Permit to allow the conversion of an existing three-story office building into 24 airspace nonresidential condominiums located at 2710 Loker Avenue West within Local Facilities Management Zone 5. Resolutions No. 6336, 6337
Atrium II Office Condos Staff Report
Motion to continue CT 06-09 and PUD 06-07 until the regular meeting of October 17, 2007. Moved by Commissioner Cardosa, no second required.
Vote to continue CT 06-09 and PUD 06-07 until the regular meeting of October 17, 2007. (Approved)
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
Meeting Paused
Meeting Resumed
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