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ROLL CALL - Commissioner Dominguez absent
Roll call (8 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:02:45)
Motion to approve July 7, 2010 Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, no second required.
Vote to approve July 7, 2010 (Approved) (Recorded at 00:03:59)
Motion to approve July 21, 2010 Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, seconded by .
Vote to approve July 21, 2010 (Approved) (Recorded at 00:05:13)
– Request for a sign variance to exceed the letter height and sign area allowance for a building located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real in Local Facilities Management Zone 5.
Staff Report
Motion to continue the item to the October 6, 2010, Planning Commission hearing. Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, seconded by Commissioner Nygaard.
Vote to continue the item to the October 6, 2010, Planning Commission hearing. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:07:06)
SDP 05-04x1 – DKN HOTEL
– A request for a two year extension of a Site Development Plan approved for the demolition of an existing hotel, restaurant, and single family residence and for the construction of a 3-story, 104-room hotel project on property located at 3136 Carlsbad Boulevard on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Pine Avenue and Oak Avenue in Land Use District 9 of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Area, in the Village Redevelopment and Mello II Segments of the Local Coastal Program and in Local Facilities Management Zone 1.
Staff Report
Motion to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 6721 APPROVING a two-year extension of Site Development Plan 05-04 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, no second required.
Vote to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 6721 APPROVING a two-year extension of Site Development Plan 05-04 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:08:25)
– Request for approval of a Site Development Plan for the remodel and 900 square foot addition to the existing car dealership building located on a 2.75 acre site at 5550 Paseo Del Norte between Cannon Road and Car Country Drive in Local Facilities Management Zone 3.
Staff Report
Motion to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 6720 APPROVING Site Development Plan 10-01 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, no second required.
Vote to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 6720 APPROVING Site Development Plan 10-01 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:19:04)
Commissioner Schumacher asked about traffic safety on Paseo Del Norte and if its an area of heavy accidents. 11 accidents in the past 5 years, somewhat normal to roads of similar capacity. Applicant no presentation. Janet Baker, SDA, 4 Venture Suite 260, Irvine, CA. Commissioner Baker asked if tile were not a requirement for the area, would that be chosen. Ms. Baker responded. Windows are to enhance ceiling height.
Commissioner Baker stated she is happy to see the dealership in Carlsbad. Would be nice to start looking at improving the facility as well as landscaping. Commissioner L'Heureux stated that with the expansion of I-5, it could change the visual appeal of Car Country Carlsbad. Chairperson Douglas stated she is very happy with the design
GTB stated that in response to Commissioner Baker's comment, back in 2009, Council gave Staff direction to work with the dealers in Car Country Carlsbad to engage in a dialogue in an effort to improve the conditions of the area. Preparing a report to bring forward to Council: signage, landscaping, traffic safety, and changes to the specific plan. Chairperson Douglas asked about changes to the specific plan and architectural guidelines. Any help financially. GTB stated that architectural standards within the Car Country specific plan.... Commissioner Montgomery asked about the parking situation. GTB stated parking standards are now consistent between old and new...
Mr. Neu discussed the Caltrans I-5 Widening and distributed a flyer regarding an upcoming workshop to be held by SANDAG. Commissioner Montgomery asked about the widening. Mr. Neu responded. GTB stated the 78 interchange will be a separate project Commissioner Nygaard commented that the City set aside money regarding the lagoon??? Mr. Neu stated there is a need for a Coastal Permit. Mitigation could be outside the city. Commissioner L'Heureux arts elements for I-5. Talk about a direct access ramp from Cannon. Mr. Neu responded. Commissioner Nygaard asked about the timing. Mr. Neu stated the construction would start from the south and move to the north. Review of CEQA is 90 days.
Aug 04, 2010 Planning Commission Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
ROLL CALL - Commissioner Dominguez absent
Roll call (8 Present, 1 Absent, 0 Excused) (Recorded at 00:02:45)
Motion to approve July 7, 2010 Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, no second required.
Vote to approve July 7, 2010 (Approved) (Recorded at 00:03:59)
Motion to approve July 21, 2010 Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, seconded by .
Vote to approve July 21, 2010 (Approved) (Recorded at 00:05:13)
– Request for a sign variance to exceed the letter height and sign area allowance for a building located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real in Local Facilities Management Zone 5.
Staff Report
Motion to continue the item to the October 6, 2010, Planning Commission hearing. Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, seconded by Commissioner Nygaard.
Vote to continue the item to the October 6, 2010, Planning Commission hearing. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:07:06)
SDP 05-04x1 – DKN HOTEL
– A request for a two year extension of a Site Development Plan approved for the demolition of an existing hotel, restaurant, and single family residence and for the construction of a 3-story, 104-room hotel project on property located at 3136 Carlsbad Boulevard on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Pine Avenue and Oak Avenue in Land Use District 9 of the Carlsbad Village Redevelopment Area, in the Village Redevelopment and Mello II Segments of the Local Coastal Program and in Local Facilities Management Zone 1.
Staff Report
Motion to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 6721 APPROVING a two-year extension of Site Development Plan 05-04 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, no second required.
Vote to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 6721 APPROVING a two-year extension of Site Development Plan 05-04 based upon the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:08:25)
– Request for approval of a Site Development Plan for the remodel and 900 square foot addition to the existing car dealership building located on a 2.75 acre site at 5550 Paseo Del Norte between Cannon Road and Car Country Drive in Local Facilities Management Zone 3.
Staff Report
Motion to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 6720 APPROVING Site Development Plan 10-01 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. Moved by Commissioner L'Heureux, no second required.
Vote to approve Planning Commission Resolution No. 6720 APPROVING Site Development Plan 10-01 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. (Approved) (Recorded at 00:19:04)
Commissioner Schumacher asked about traffic safety on Paseo Del Norte and if its an area of heavy accidents. 11 accidents in the past 5 years, somewhat normal to roads of similar capacity. Applicant no presentation. Janet Baker, SDA, 4 Venture Suite 260, Irvine, CA. Commissioner Baker asked if tile were not a requirement for the area, would that be chosen. Ms. Baker responded. Windows are to enhance ceiling height.
Commissioner Baker stated she is happy to see the dealership in Carlsbad. Would be nice to start looking at improving the facility as well as landscaping. Commissioner L'Heureux stated that with the expansion of I-5, it could change the visual appeal of Car Country Carlsbad. Chairperson Douglas stated she is very happy with the design
GTB stated that in response to Commissioner Baker's comment, back in 2009, Council gave Staff direction to work with the dealers in Car Country Carlsbad to engage in a dialogue in an effort to improve the conditions of the area. Preparing a report to bring forward to Council: signage, landscaping, traffic safety, and changes to the specific plan. Chairperson Douglas asked about changes to the specific plan and architectural guidelines. Any help financially. GTB stated that architectural standards within the Car Country specific plan.... Commissioner Montgomery asked about the parking situation. GTB stated parking standards are now consistent between old and new...
Mr. Neu discussed the Caltrans I-5 Widening and distributed a flyer regarding an upcoming workshop to be held by SANDAG. Commissioner Montgomery asked about the widening. Mr. Neu responded. GTB stated the 78 interchange will be a separate project Commissioner Nygaard commented that the City set aside money regarding the lagoon??? Mr. Neu stated there is a need for a Coastal Permit. Mitigation could be outside the city. Commissioner L'Heureux arts elements for I-5. Talk about a direct access ramp from Cannon. Mr. Neu responded. Commissioner Nygaard asked about the timing. Mr. Neu stated the construction would start from the south and move to the north. Review of CEQA is 90 days.
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